FemStem: Skills, Employability, and Entrepreneurship Accelerator for Women in STEM

METLEN Energy & Metals is a global industrial and energy company covering two business Sectors: Energy and Metallurgy. The Company is strategically positioned at the forefront of the energy transition as an integrated utility, while already established as a reference point for competitive green metallurgy at the European and global level. It has a consolidated turnover and EBITDA of €6.35 billion and €823 million, respectively, and employs more than 5,442 direct and indirect employees in Greece and abroad.
Globally, women hold less than one-third of roles in science and advanced technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and data analytics. In Greece, the representation rates of women in STEM fields are significantly lower. Women continue to be underrepresented, inadequately compensated, and often face discrimination. Meanwhile, women scientists are already leading groundbreaking research worldwide; however, despite their significant discoveries, they still represent only 33.3% of researchers globally, and their work rarely receives the recognition it deserves. Notably, less than 4% of Nobel Prizes in Science have been awarded to women, and in Europe, which values inclusion and diversity, only 11% of senior research roles are held by women.
By 2050, 75% of jobs will be in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Promoting full and equal access for women in science is essential, as attracting and retaining them in STEM offers the maximization of innovation, creativity, and healthy competition, leading to the creation of technological products, services, and solutions capable of representing all users. The adoption of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by all UN member states in 2015 marked a milestone for the international community.
Metlen Energy & Metals, since 2016, has been implementing the UN's "SDG Compass Tool," identifying its relevance to its business activities and determining ways to contribute to their achievement to the extent applicable. Specifically, as the Company grows, it promotes policies and practices in its work environment that enhance equal opportunities, respect for human rights, and the promotion of gender equality. In this way, it strengthens women's participation at all hierarchical levels, integrates new employees under 30 into its workforce, and strives to include people with disabilities more broadly in the labor market, directly contributing to Global Goals 5 and 10. This initiative is part of the Company’s Responsible Business and Sustainable Development actions that support the Global Goals for Sustainable Development with a horizon set for 2030.
The program targeted 30 women graduates in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), with no age restrictions.
April – December 2023
Metlen Energy & Metals, in collaboration with the social cooperative enterprise knowl for Education and Lifelong Learning, implemented the FemStem program, lasting 6 months, providing the opportunity for 30 women graduates in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), with no age restrictions, to leverage the award-winning methodology of the Skills and Employability Accelerator #mellon[1]. Participants received at least 30 hours of work/business consulting, including skills training, mentoring, scientific empowerment tools, and networking with industry executives, at no cost.
Each participant individually engaged in:
- 30 hours of consulting and skills training per person
- Strengths Assessment
- Empowerment sessions
- Modern CV preparation
- Interview simulation / Job market networking
- Business mentoring
[1] Skills + Employability Accelerator, implemented for the past 5 years with impressive results (1 in 2 beneficiaries finds employment BEFORE completing the program, generating multiplying benefits for society).
A total of 179 applications were submitted, with a 95% success rate in meeting the participation criteria, out of which 30 were selected, 79% of whom hold degrees from Higher Education Institutions, and 56% have postgraduate degrees.
6 beneficiaries were successfully employed through the utilization of the program's services.
1,132 hours of individualized and group meetings were conducted.
15 thematic training sessions were held.
9 employment consultants/trainers actively participated.
96 media publications enhanced the program's visibility at its launch and conclusion.
There were 323 likes and 53 shares on social media platforms.
Below are some testimonials from the participants:
“Thank you for everything! The most important thing for me was the familiarization with the new trends in the job market through the program.”
“I find my experience in the program so far to be beneficial and unique, as experienced and qualified consultants have given me very insightful and necessary advice and knowledge for my subsequent professional and personal development. I look forward to the continuation of the program.”
“The FemStem program is an unforgettable experience, and as a second-year student, I can say it was one of the best ways to gain insight into what my future will be like and how I can improve it.”
Metlen Energy & Metals has proceeded with the implementation of the SROI study with the ultimate goal of highlighting the "story of change" for each participant through their involvement in the FemStem program during the period of April – December 2023, as well as maximizing its social impact. From the data analysis, it was found that for every €1 invested in Knowl for the development of the FemStem program, €2.81 is generated in social value. This is nearly three times the initial investment. (SROI 2.81:1)
Collaboration with the social cooperative enterprise knowl for Education and Lifelong Learning.
Metlen Energy & Metals adopts a holistic ESG approach that enables it to effectively manage relevant risks, enhance its capacity to leverage opportunities arising from sustainable development, and ensure transparency of relevant data in its annual publications, contributing to the creation of long-term value for itself, its shareholders, its social partners, and the broader society.
One of the key elements of the Company’s ESG approach is alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which involves linking the outcomes of material ESG issues to specific sub-targets of the SDGs. Responsible business practices for Metlen Energy & Metals represent a continuous process of self-improvement and ongoing learning, while also serving as a key mechanism for renewing its “social” license to operate, thereby enhancing its competitiveness at both national and international levels.
As the Company grows, it promotes policies and practices in its work environment that foster equal opportunities, respect for human rights, and the promotion of gender equality. In this way, it strengthens the participation of women at all hierarchical levels, integrates new employees under the age of 30 into its workforce, and supports the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in the labor market, directly contributing to Global Goals 5 and 10.