1st Evaluation of key suppliers of MYTILINEOS in SOCIAL and ENVIRONMENTAL issues

METLEN Energy & Metals is a global industrial and energy company covering two business Sectors: Energy and Metallurgy. The Company is strategically positioned at the forefront of the energy transition as an integrated utility, while already established as a reference point for competitive green metallurgy at the European and global level. It has a consolidated turnover and EBITDA of €6.35 billion and €823 million, respectively, and employs more than 5,442 direct and indirect employees in Greece and abroad.
MYTILINEOS, in 2018, proceeded to the self-evaluation of its main suppliers, as defined by each TED, through field research with a structured questionnaire. This initiative was implemented in the context of the goal set by the Company until 2025 for the development of an overall responsible supply chain.
The reasons why this goal has been set are:
272 main suppliers of MYTILINEOS from all Sectors of its Business activity.
October 2018 - January 2019
MYTILINEOS's rationale for evaluating its key suppliers was twofold: 1) to investigate whether the company's key suppliers have a process for identifying and managing significant existing and potential adverse effects (environmental and social) related to their activity; and 2 ) the basic recording of these effects to enable the company to evaluate them and plan any corrective actions in the context of the goal it has set for the development of an overall responsible supply chain.
The following are the most important findings of the evaluation:
MYTILINEOS Headquarters
Procurement / Purchasing Departments of the Activity Sectors and Central CSR Service. of MYTILINEOS
MYTILINEOS, after studying the results and the practices stated by the suppliers, proceeded to the planning of specific improvement actions such as the implementation of the second evaluation cycle with suppliers that did not respond to the first cycle, the organization of training days and the sending of incentive letters. compliance with selected issues.