
Supplier Training Program "Business Responsibility for Sustainable Development"

Supplier Training Program "Business Responsibility for Sustainable Development"

METLEN Energy & Metals

METLEN  Energy & Metals is a global industrial and energy company covering two business Sectors: Energy and Metallurgy. The Company is strategically positioned at the forefront of the energy transition as an integrated utility, while already established as a reference point for competitive green metallurgy at the European and global level. It has a consolidated turnover and EBITDA of €6.35 billion and €823 million, respectively, and employs more than 5,442 direct and indirect employees in Greece and abroad.



Objective Action

MYTILINEOS, in an ever-changing business environment and with the corporate responsibility that distinguishes it, responds to the demands of its social partners. The goal of the company is to expand its partnerships at all levels, in order to have a shift from the traditional model of economic development to a model of sustainable development in a socially and environmentally responsible way. The administrative approach of the company is moving in this direction, aiming at the development of a holistic system of viability which, apart from the company itself, envisages the expansion of the approach to the supply chain, ie to the key partners and suppliers. MYTILINEOS expects, through the educational initiative, the production of a multiple positive imprint, which extends beyond the limits of the company's activity, by strengthening the level of maturity of the supply chain, at the highest possible hierarchical level of representation, regarding the distribution of issues related to CSR and Sustainable Development, adopting the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact.


Target Audience

MYTILINEOS, through the initiative addresses 40 key suppliers from all areas of its business activity.



The participating companies were evenly distributed between the two workshops, lasting 4 training hours and for the best coordination of the whole process were carried out as follows:

1st Educational Webinar: Responsibility for Sustainability on 16 & 18 June 2020

2nd Educational Webinar: Responsibility for Sustainability on 23 & 25 June 2020


For MYTILINEOS, the training is the first essential step for the creation of a responsible supply chain, able to integrate in the business strategy of the suppliers that are its basic Principles. The company takes the initiative to enhance the level of understanding and integration of Corporate Social Responsibility in its supply chain for all its business activities by inviting key suppliers to participate in four two-hour training workshops, related to the understanding of these key principles. in the UN Global Compact, a framework that is recognized as a starting point and at European level through the Non-Financial Information Disclosure Directive, which the company embraces and fully integrates into its operation. The Principles relate to key areas of corporate responsibility, such as human rights, working conditions, environmental protection and the fight against corruption, which are becoming more relevant than ever, due to the impact on business and economic activity in a pandemic .

For the implementation of the workshops, MYTILINEOS collaborated with CSR HELLAS in order for the participating companies to understand what each issue means for the companies, why they should be interested, but mainly what they can do with the aim of their self-improvement.


Impact on Society

The first cycle of the sustainability training initiative was successfully completed, focusing on the issue of sustainability, since the participating companies, at a high level of representation, had the opportunity to be informed about the initiatives developed by MYTILINEOS, in the context of sustainable development management, including the responsible management of the supply chain. The 40 trainee suppliers were able to understand the multifaceted challenges facing our world today in terms of sustainability and which as a whole affect businesses, with an impact on their sustainability. At the same time, they were informed about the initiatives of the European Commission, in order for Europe to become the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050, but also to contribute decisively to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

Initiative Location

The training workshops were implemented through the online platform WebEx, in two cycles.

Working with Organization

Collaboration with CSR HELLAS-Hellenic Network for Corporate Social Responsibility

Workers Participation

Representatives of the Sustainable Development Directorate of MYTILINEOS

Benefits for Οrganization

MYTILINEOS, which is particularly satisfied with the response of its key suppliers to this new initiative, manages to create economic, social and environmental added value, strengthening its activities. The company is committed to this new initiative to be on the side of its suppliers, by continuing to provide training, to support and inspire them to embark on their own journey of sustainability in an environment that will need more and more adaptability and reflexes in full vigilance. This initiative highlighted the rapid response of MYTILINEOS to the requests of the Social Partners, proving that its suppliers are at the core of the relevant planning and efforts and their support is part of its own responsibility, creating a relationship of mutual trust and respect.

Connection with Global Goals

More Initiatives from Organization

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