"Public Benefit Work" Program Cooperation of MYTILINEOS with the Municipality of Livadeon

METLEN Energy & Metals is a global industrial and energy company covering two business Sectors: Energy and Metallurgy. The Company is strategically positioned at the forefront of the energy transition as an integrated utility, while already established as a reference point for competitive green metallurgy at the European and global level. It has a consolidated turnover and EBITDA of €6.35 billion and €823 million, respectively, and employs more than 5,442 direct and indirect employees in Greece and abroad.
In the context of the long-term cooperation of the Metallurgy Department of MYTILINEOS with the Municipality of Livadeon, the specific program "Public Benefit Work" was included in the last 2 years, which lasted eight months and with main objectives: 1) tackling unemployment, 2) reconnecting long-term in the labor market and 3) the promotion of the common good at the local level, by coupling the productive capacities of the unemployed with the coverage of social needs.
Mainly for the long-term unemployed. The unemployed who participated in them were engaged in the implementation of projects that after their completion improved the daily life of the inhabitants of the local communities.
February - October 2018
MYTILINEOS with the aim of ensuring the viability of the communities in which it operates and the improvement of the living of the citizens, invests in collaborations in order to cover the needs related to local infrastructures and services with direct public benefit. One such initiative is the long-term partnership of the Metallurgy Sector with the Municipality of Livadea for the implementation of the Public Benefit Work program of the municipality, where the company in 2018 offered specific materials and financial resources worth € 100,000 for the implementation of selected projects (road construction projects, music renovation school, etc.) that aim to improve the services provided that have a daily and direct relationship with the service of citizens, the maintenance and upgrading of social infrastructure, the upgrading of the operation of municipal services, the improvement of the natural environment, but also the support of local market, while at the same time tackling the issue of unemployment by promoting the employment of our long-term unemployed fellow citizens.
The unemployed who participated in the program were engaged in the implementation of the aforementioned projects which were selected by the Municipality according to its needs and aimed at improving the services provided that had a daily and direct relationship with the service of citizens. In order to achieve the goal of facilitating the reintegration of the unemployed into the labor market, the program also included activation actions for the beneficiaries, such as counseling and training.
The innovation of the program is located in the promotion of the public benefit at local level, through the coupling of the productive capacities of the unemployed with the simultaneous coverage of strengthening of the local infrastructures.
During the implementation of the program, a total of 92 long-term unemployed of different specialties were employed, who completed more than 45 jobs in infrastructure of the Municipality.
Municipality of Livadea
Municipality of Livadea