Skills4engineers | Mellon Skills Accelerator

METLEN Energy & Metals is a global industrial and energy company covering two business Sectors: Energy and Metallurgy. The Company is strategically positioned at the forefront of the energy transition as an integrated utility, while already established as a reference point for competitive green metallurgy at the European and global level. It has a consolidated turnover and EBITDA of €6.35 billion and €823 million, respectively, and employs more than 5,442 direct and indirect employees in Greece and abroad.
With systematic actions, MYTILINEOS seeks to offer substantial opportunities to young scientists and at the same time to contribute to the creation of the best possible conditions for the sustainable development of the industrial sector in Greece. The main objectives of the program were the rapid filling of gaps in skills (soft & hard skills) and training in the field of Project Management and the integration in the labor market of the participating unemployed engineers at a rate of 50%.
In particular, Project Management is now a key skill for the employability of young people and at least the next generation. With technological developments that create and facilitate new forms of collaboration, as well as regulatory changes, competitive movements and changing customer requirements, the complexity of projects is increasing and more and more industries are applying Project Management methodologies because the required implementation if it does not provide proper project management it can cost hundreds of billions worldwide.
In order to achieve the above, the program utilized specialized learning tools while utilizing the innovative, award-winning methodology of the "Mellon Skills Accelerator".
The program was addressed to unemployed engineers, graduates of the Polytechnic School (Civil Engineering, Chemistry, Mining, Informatics, Electrical, Chemical) as well as graduates of Technological Institutions (Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers).
November 1, 2018 - February 28, 2019
MYTILINEOS in the context of its revised social policy and responding to the urgent needs of society, continues to invest in the design and implementation of actions to increase employability, focusing in particular on practices that reduce the gap between provided (by candidates) and employees skills required (by the labor market). In this direction, the company, in collaboration with the Social Enterprise knowl, which has significant experience in designing innovative social training and Lifelong learning programs, designed and offered the # skills4engineers program for free. A program of Professional Skills & Employability of high standards, where within 65 hours of individualized counseling, 25 young engineers, Graduates of Polytechnic Schools (Civil Engineers, Chemical Engineers, Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Computer Engineers) Institutions (Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers), had the opportunity to strengthen their professional profile and achieve their integration into the labor market.
The main goal of the program is to quickly fill gaps in skills (soft & hard skills). To achieve this, the program utilizes specialized learning tools and applies the innovative, award-winning "Mellon Skills Accelerator" methodology, with 1 in 2 participants finding the job they want based on their professional goal.
The "Skills4engineers" program is part of the Corporate Social Responsibility actions of MYTILINEOS, which implements both in the context of the support of the Global Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, as well as its commitment to the G.E.F.Y.R.A. (Greek Enterprises For Youth Reinforcement Acceleration), by CSR Hellas, to bridge the skills gap and prepare quality and sustainable jobs.
Aiming to inform the public in a comprehensible, friendly and direct way about the multiplier benefits of the program, a Communication Plan was drawn up from the beginning, recording the primary and secondary targeted audiences, compiling a list of central messaging and communication tools, and , for program communication.
Also, the main Bodies / Collective Bodies / Educational Institutions were mapped that represent the target groups with whom we contacted to inform them about the program and to examine their interest in the actions of the program. It is noted that the vast majority agreed to inform their members, especially about the Invitation to Participate and the Open Seminars.
In order to differentiate the circle # skills4engineers we created a new visual identity with clear symbolism and simple strong messages. A special invitation was designed to inform the interested parties about the beginning of the registration of the cycle, which was sent to 2,145 unique recipients and to 1,150 journalists.
The structure of the program was as follows:
(i) Intensive Skills Strengthening Cycles ((25 people / per cycle / per quarter / min 65 hours per participant)
(ii) Professional Skills Seminars with thematic targeted and necessary for Engineers (organization of 2 high quality seminars for 200 participants per seminar)
Program Evaluation
The Intensive Cycle # skills4engineers was completed with absolute success, with the results of the evaluation of the program by the 27 beneficiaries being entirely positive. Already 18 young engineers have found a job corresponding to their professional goal, out of the 27 participants / beneficiaries (67%) who successfully completed the program and the remaining 9 continue empowered and mobilized to actively seek a place in the labor market.
It is noted that many are the ones who accepted job offers and even credit it to the program. However, they feel more confident, more confident in claiming a position closer to their immediate interests. It is therefore estimated that the number of those who, thanks to the program, could have a job is higher.
Within the cycle, 1,415 hours were offered in 36 topics with the invaluable contribution of 41 Consultants / Rapporteurs, all distinguished professionals who with their experience, the special position they hold in their field of action and their valuable experience, were multipliers of knowledge and source of inspiration for them. participants.
Indicatively, we mention some topics that were offered: Soft Skills, Presentation Skills, Interview Simulation, European legislation: Instructions, Regulations, Trends. The goals of 2020, 2030 and 2050, Basic Knowledge of Management Accounting for Engineers, Quality assurance / Quality control / HACCP / LEED, Logistics / Supply Chain Management
- All participants acquired new CVs created by our specialized consultants, after the individualized meetings they had with the beneficiaries.
- All without exception (100%) the beneficiaries express clear satisfaction with:
• the extent to which the circle responded to their own, personal vocational training needs,
• the quality of the technical knowledge and practical advice provided to them,
• the availability of support received from the entire organizing team and the network of volunteers - consultants with whom they worked,
• their empowerment in the job search effort,
• the awareness they have developed of their strengths,
• the new CV created for them and its usefulness.
- The participants completed the Strengths Test, learned what their strengths are and what methodology they should follow consistently for their best use, in order to facilitate the achievement of their goals.
- We have provided free registration and participation for the participants in the Online English Wordigs Learning Platform.
- 89% of the respondents stated that they have acquired useful knowledge and skills that will help them to claim a place in the labor market with a better chance of success and would recommend / suggest the program to others to follow it.
Social cooperative business knowl for Education & Lifelong Learning
Executives of the General Directorate of Human Resources and in general the CSR Service. of MYTILINEOS participated in the most complete implementation of that program.
Through this initiative, MYTILINEOS has carried out a substantial (sustainable) social work with a strong impact that "responds" to the prospect of a career and, above all, to the urgent and urgent needs of people affected by unemployment, marginalization and poverty. It promoted to the labor market 18 unemployed engineers with the prospect of becoming more in the coming months. At the same time, it strengthened the pool of its prospective employees with remarkable CVs as well as the internal culture of CSR.