European bauxite residue research projects.

METLEN Energy & Metals is a global industrial and energy company covering two business Sectors: Energy and Metallurgy. The Company is strategically positioned at the forefront of the energy transition as an integrated utility, while already established as a reference point for competitive green metallurgy at the European and global level. It has a consolidated turnover and EBITDA of €6.35 billion and €823 million, respectively, and employs more than 5,442 direct and indirect employees in Greece and abroad.
In the context of the circular economy, the Metallurgy Department of MYTILINEOS has set itself the goal of developing technologies that will allow the holistic utilization of bauxite residues (which is the main environmental impact of this activity) through its participation in European research projects.
It refers to the description of the programs for each program separately.
SCALE Program: In this program, with a total budget of € 7 million, the coordinator is the Metallurgy Department of MYTILINEOS, the NTUA participates. and a total of 19 partners from 9 European countries. The construction of a pilot extraction unit in the acidic environment of Bauxite Residues for the production of Sc concentrate for further utilization in a pilot unit of another partner has already started at the facilities of TED Metallurgy. Scandium is a rare earth mineral, its global production does not exceed 15 tons (mainly from industrial by-products) and it uses 'rising' technological applications such as: a) "Electrolytic" natural gas production (SOFC) with double efficiency from current thermal power plants, b) Aluminum - Scandium alloys of very high strength, such as the Al-Sc-Mg alloy used by AIRBUS in 3D printing technology of components.
ENSUREAL Program: The extraction of cast iron and alumina from Bauxite Residues through a combination of pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical treatment will be tested on a pilot scale at the MYTILINEOS Metallurgy Department. The first medium-scale smelting tests with Greek bauxite and bauxite residues were successfully performed in Norway.
SIDEREWIN Program: The TED Metallurgy of MYTILINEOS in collaboration with the NTUA. will study the use of bauxite residues as an alternative source of iron in this process.
RemovAL Program: Coordinated by TED Metallurgy of MYTILINEOS. The purpose of RemovAL is to pilot different technologies for the utilization of bauxite residues. The technologies and pilot units that will be used, in most cases, have already been developed in previous or ongoing research projects and through RemovAL will be gathered and used as a basis for a European industrial cohabitation network.
Al. Aluminum Factory Nikolaos of Viotia.
As mentioned in the program description (Institutes, University Institutions, Large Enterprises)
The programs are in progress. However, the main goal and benefit for the company is to use the Bauxite Residues as a future valuable Raw Material.