
Boroume at school

Boroume at school

METLEN Energy & Metals

METLEN  Energy & Metals is a global industrial and energy company covering two business Sectors: Energy and Metallurgy. The Company is strategically positioned at the forefront of the energy transition as an integrated utility, while already established as a reference point for competitive green metallurgy at the European and global level. It has a consolidated turnover and EBITDA of €6.35 billion and €823 million, respectively, and employs more than 5,442 direct and indirect employees in Greece and abroad.





Objective Action


Metlen, with the support of the “Boroume at School” program, aims to inform and raise awareness among students about the issue of food waste, volunteerism, and social contribution. The driving force behind the creation of this program is the belief that educating children on these values is a prerequisite for developing a more functional society.

Educating children on these values is essential for cultivating a society that will embrace them in the future. Through the experiential activities of the program, children have the opportunity to learn about the problem of food waste, explore and understand its causes, and discover possible solutions and ways to address the issue.

To implement the program, a rich educational material has been created, providing useful information on the topic of food waste and various activities (verbal exercises, artistic activities, activities for expressing emotions and ideas, etc.) related to the relevant thematic units.


Target Audience

Students and teachers of all levels of education in Greece.



School year 2022-2023.



In the school year 2022-2023, Metlen inaugurated its collaboration with the organization Boroume, implementing the program "We Can at School." This is a social program aimed at raising awareness and educating children about food waste, volunteering, and social contribution. Specifically, students and teachers from schools across Greece participated in the interactive educational program (which included verbal exercises, artistic activities, emotional expression activities, etc.), exploring the causes of food waste and seeking solutions and ways to address it.

Through experiential activities, students are informed and sensitized about food waste, while also having the opportunity to investigate its causes and discover potential solutions and methods to tackle the problem. Additionally, students often become significant channels for changing behaviors related to reducing food waste at home.

The activities implemented vary and are tailored to the level and interests of the students, including:

- Verbal exercises
- Free association (brainstorming)
- Emotional and idea expression activities
- Experiential activities
- Empathy activities
- Artistic activities (e.g., painting, collage, posters)
- Research projects

The content of the program is dynamic and continuously evolves to meet the ever-changing needs of the school community.

The "We Can at School" program, supported by Metlen, significantly contributes to the implementation of the Global Goal 2 of Sustainable Development known as "Zero Hunger," prioritizing the elimination of hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture through the education and mobilization of students.


Impact on Society


**Students who participated in the program:** 4,045

**Educators who participated in the activities:** 215

**Educational activities implemented at each level:** 202  
- In-person: 162  
- Online: 40  

**Schools that participated in the activities:** 68  
- Primary Schools: 40  
- Secondary Schools: 28  

Initiative Location


Working with Organization

Workers Participation

Benefits for Οrganization


Through the implementation of the program, METLEN provides children with the necessary tools and knowledge to become active citizens contributing to a more sustainable and just society. Additionally, by educating new generations on the values of reducing waste, volunteering, and social contribution, it lays the foundation for the development of a more functional and conscious society in the future.

"Can We at School" is an example of how education can play a critical role in addressing social issues and shaping a better world. With the support of Metlen, the program not only spreads knowledge but also encourages students to actively participate in creating positive changes in their communities.

Connection with Global Goals

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The Sustainable Greece Ιnitiative launched by QualityNet Foundation