IMERYS Group is the world leader in mineral-based industrial solutions, offering specialized solutions necessary for its customers. IMERYS INDUSTRIAL MINERALS GREECE SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME mines and processes industrial minerals, mainly bentonite and perlite.
The aim of this initiative was primarily to inform and raise students' awareness of the importance of health and safety, through a pleasant and creative activity that will motivate children and teenagers, specifically, an original visual and digital video/short film competition, due to the occasion of the 'World Day for Health and Safety at Work' which is celebrated annually on April 28,.
Τhe need for participation of the local community was of great importance, especially for participation of the youngsters. The purpose of this initiative was the cultivation of a healthy mentality of the future citizens regarding health and safety, and the formation of responsible characters, accompanied with a team spirit and respect for the partner/fellow human being.
For this reason, this original visual art competition (painting, collage, handicraft, etc.) was organized for the students of the Primary Schools of Milos and a digital video/short film competition for the students of the Secondary School, General and Vocational High School of Milos, due to the occasion of the 'World Day for Health and Safety at Work' which is celebrated annually on April 28.
Students: Elementary (classes: A, B, C, D, E, F), Secondary School (classes: A, B, C), General High School (classes: A, B, C), and Vocational High School (classes: A,B,C) of Milos.
April - June 2023
Imerys Greece SA, due to the occasion of the 'World Day of Health and Safety at Work' which is celebrated annually on April 28, organizes a student art competition (painting, collage, crafts, etc.) for the students of the Primary Schools of Milos and video/short film competition for the students of the Secondary School, General and Vocational High School of Milos. The theme of the competition is 'Health and Safety through the eyes of children' and 'Health and Safety through the eyes of young people' respectively.
The children who wish to participate are divided into groups and aim to use their creativity and make painting, handicraft and video-film works, giving their own perspective on the perception and value of health and safety. The original idea was about informing and raising awareness about the essential health and safety issue in every aspect of our daily life. At the same time, they are invited to cooperate with respect and team spirit to achieve the goal assigned to them. In addition, the initiative promotes critical thinking and creativity, just as required in similar educational and cultural activities. Children, through a pleasant and creative activity, take into consideration the issue of health and safety, and through their research in order to create their projects, they learn, are informed, have fun and hopefully develop a responsible mentality that will accompany them for the rest of their lives.
Clearly, all children at the end of the competition will be honored for their effort through an exhibition of their creations, while the three best artworks, in each category, will be awarded. The evaluation committee of their projects will consist of executives from the companies Imerys Greece and EHSQ Development, as well as visual artists.
This initiative demonstrates the company's commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility and the local community, contributing to the awareness of young and old through cultural actions that promote the information and the cultivation of a healthy mindset regarding health and safety.
The initiative is aiming at the young people in the school environment and has a positive effect on both youngsters and the wider society as it promotes:
• Engagement of students with an enjoyable, cultural activity that promotes teamwork, critical thinking and creative thinking.
• Informing and raising awareness among students about health and safety.
• Cultivating a healthy mentality and contributing to its sustainability for the formation of responsible characters, with a team spirit and respect for the partner/fellow human being.
• The positive impact on the local community with an original educational initiative.
• Rewarding the students with an exhibition of their projects and the awarding of monetary prizes in each category.
Milos 84800 Cyclades
Collaboration with EHSQ Development and Schools of Milos island.
Teachers of the primary and secondary schools of Milos and employees of IMERYS GREECE S.A. Milos and EHSQ Development.
This initiative creates a positive impact for Imerys as it demonstrates its commitment to social contribution with cultural actions that promote information, awareness and the cultivation of a healthy mindset regarding health and safety