
"Let's talk about Fire Safety at Home". Imerys Greece – ELINYAE – Myrtillo cooperation

"Lets talk about Fire Safety at Home". Imerys Greece – ELINYAE – Myrtillo cooperation

IMERYS Industrial Minerals Greece Single-Member Société Anonyme

IMERYS Group is the world leader in mineral-based industrial solutions, offering specialized solutions necessary for its customers. IMERYS INDUSTRIAL MINERALS GREECE SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME mines and processes industrial minerals, mainly bentonite and perlite.


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Objective Action

Take Fire Safety at Home: extend IMERYS know-how and best practices about Fire Safety to the families of the employees at Kifissia premises and to the local community by organizing a Fire Safety event to provide theoretical and hands-on training by field experts.


Target Audience

Target audience were Imerys employees, their families and friends, as well as Myrtillo café employees. Participants gained both theoretical and hands-on training on fire safety, emergency evacuation, preventive and repressive measures. They were also trained on the safe use of fire extinguishers and fire blankets. Queries were resolves and emergency evacuation for people with physical disabilities, elderly and young children was discussed.



Fire protection knowledge, especially when combined with hands-on training and bilingual (Greek and English) material that can be used as a reminder, is aimed to have a long lasting benefit.


Some of the worst news every year, even from the very first days of summer season, is the outbreak of a forest fire. Unfortunately, every year our country is one of those that suffer with tragic consequences. We must not forget a year before, on July 23, 2018, the devastating fire at Mati and the death of our 102 fellow humans, or earlier in August 2007, with the fire at Ilia with 63 victims.

In response to these tragedies, H&S Team of Imerys Kifissia, organized an event on fire safety at home in June 2019, in cooperation with ELINYAE (Hellenic Institute for Occupational Health and Safety) and was attended by 80 people.

What is more, the booklet "Let's talk about Fire Safety at Home" was prepared with tips about what to do either to avoid or to deal with a fire at the kitchen, at electrical installations, open flames, Christmas decorations and outdoor areas and countryside houses. It is published both in Greek and English in order to be used by employees of all Imerys plants and their families. We also printed “Smokey advises” an illustrated Fire Safety booklet for children. Currently, Imerys plant in Bulgaria is translating the material in Bulgarian so as to repeat the event for its employees.

Imerys also offered a fire blanket to all participants with the wish not to use it!


Impact on Society

  • Increased awareness regarding fire safety: 80 people were present to the event (employees and member of their families)
  • Preparation of a 12 pages booklet "Let's talk about Fire Safety at Home" with tips about what to do either to avoid or to deal with a fire at home (Greek and English Version)
  • Supporting Myrtillo, a café / cultural center that consists a Social Co-operative Enterprise aiming into integrating young people with moderate disability into the labor market.

Initiative Location

The event took place at Myrtillo café that consists a Social Co-operative Enterprise aiming at integrating young people with moderate disabilities into the labor market. 90% of its employees belong to vulnerable groups (people with disabilities) and it was Imerys' pleasure to support Myrtillo's goals once again, realizing how great work these groups can offer and how valuable their talents are.


Working with Organization

The event was organized by Imerys H&S Department in Kifissia in cooperation with ELINYAE (Hellenic Institute for Occupational Health and Safety). Trainers were M. Chalaris, Colonel, Chief of Fire Service Department and Dr. E. Georgiadou, R&D Dpt. of the Hellenic Institute for Occupational Health and Safety.

We wanted to select a venue that would benefit a social cause, so we organized the event in Myrtillo, a café/ cultural center that is a Social Co-operative Enterprise aiming at integrating young people with moderate disabilities into the labor market.


Workers Participation

Imerys employees of H&S Department in Kifissia participated in event organization. The audience was our employees, their families and local community. Around 80 people attended the event.


Benefits for Οrganization

Knowing how to respond to fire incidents that could cause serious injuries or even fatalities is very important for Imerys employees, their families and the local community. By providing relevant practical education, Imerys has taken a proactive step in correspondence to its CSR commitment.

Connection with Global Goals

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