Training Program for the Development of Group Executives (EDGE - Education and Development for Growth and Excellence)

Founded in 1998, HELLENiQ ENERGY ( is one of the leading energy groups in South East Europe, with presence in 6 countries and activities spanning across the energy value chain, namely: oil refining and fuel marketing, exploration and production, renewable energy sources, petrochemicals, power and gas.
To forge a common perception of and to offer an holistic understanding of HELPE Group's range of activities, to strengthen our employees' skills and competencies in sectors that are critical for the Group, to reinforce a unified Group culture and to develop the professional "Attributes" that are important for the Group.
The participants are more than 400 employees from all of the Group's companies, who hold degrees from Higher Educational Institutions, regardless of their age or their position in the organizational chart.
The Program started in March 2013, while the duration of all the program's cycles is approximately 4 years.
The design of the EDGE program began in the summer of 2012 with the selection by tender of external partners (external speakers), selection and voluntary cooperation of company executives (internal speakers), preparation of training material and technical infrastructure (training rooms of HELPE Academy).
The EDGE program, which began to be implemented in March 2013, is designed to meet the training needs of the Group's employees through three educational pillars:
1. Introduction to the HELPE Group.
2. Development of Technical Skills.
3. Development of Managerial Competencies.
The total duration of the Program is 100 training hours per employee. The innovative component of the program and the difference with other similar programs is that most of the program implemented by executives of the company and not by external partners.
From 2013 until 2017, the total number of participants in the EDGE Group Executive Training Program is 486.
Classes are held at the specifically designed training rooms of the HELPE Academy.
We collaborate with accomplished educational institutions where needed for the development of the program's educational content and structure as well as the program's implementation.
Selected Group Executives actively participate in the Program as internal trainers, in order to convey to their colleagues their professional expertise and know-how.
Through this program, the employees acquire qualifications and skills which contribute to the improvement of the services provided, to their adaptability to changes in the business environment and on a general note to the modernization and upgrading of the Organization.