HELLENiQ ENERGY, through its subsidiary EKO ABEE, has undertaken to provide Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) in Greece and specifically at Macedonia Airport for AEGEAN Airlines flights departing from its base in Thessaloniki.
Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is produced by various chemical treatments, depending on the raw materials used. What makes SAFs sustainable is that they are produced either by using as raw materials , ones that have already produced carbon (waste of biological origin or recycled carbon fuels), or by capturing carbon for their production (synthetic SAF produced by capturing carbon dioxide (C02) and hydrogen from renewable electricity).
The contribution of SAF to the reduction of CO2 emissions is determined over the entire life cycle of the fuel, from the production of the feedstock to the emissions from its combustion.
Today, the most widespread SAF production pathway is the processing of fatty acids (HEFA) derived from 100% sustainable feedstocks of biological origin, applying the principles of the circular economy, i.e. from waste cooking oils and animal fats from which biofuel is produced with very low life-cycle emissions compared to conventional fossil hydrocarbon aviation fuel.
The physico-chemical characteristics of SAF, based on the relevant international standards that have been established, are similar to fossil fuels and allow it to be blended with conventional aviation fuels and used by aircraft engines without requiring changes or modifications to the engines, as certified by major aircraft engine manufacturers.
The sustainable aviation fuels with which EKO supplies AEGEAN's flights from Macedonia airport are produced in modern SAF production units from which the HELPE DEPPP refinery in Thessaloniki imports.
EKO's cooperation with AEGEAN for the supply of SAF to its flights from Macedonia Airport started on 1 March 2022 and provided for a 2% SAF rate on all its flights from Macedonia Airport until 31 December 2022.
In 2023 the cooperation between EKO ABEE and AEGEAN for the supply of SAF to its flights from Thessaloniki airport was renewed, anticipating an increased SAF rate, which will reach an annual average of 4%.
For the 9 months January-September 2023, the addition of SAF to AEGEAN's flights from Thessaloniki airport has contributed to the reduction of the carbon footprint of aviation by 557.84 tn CO2 in the period January-September 2023.
On a full year basis, it is estimated that in 2023 the CO2 emissions reduction from this action will be between 750 to 770 tn CO2.
Regarding the production mode of SAF and the certification of its sustainability characteristics:
- EKO ABEE through ELPE DEPPP ensures the supply of SAF from large producers implementing a certified sustainable renewable fuel system (mainly biofuels, as non-biological renewable fuel technologies are not yet generally mature).
- The renewable part of aviation fuel is produced in a sustainable way using best practices and production routes by applying a corresponding certified sustainability system.
The feedstock used for the production of the renewable fuel is produced in accordance with the sustainability criteria set out in the Renewable Energy Directive (2018/2001/EU) ("RED II") and the methodology for calculating the GHG emission reduction. As required by the RED II Directive, the renewable fuel should have a CO2 emission intensity reduced by at least 50% compared to fossil fuel. Depending on the date of commissioning of the renewable fuel production installation, the minimum emission reduction requirement is set at 60% for installations commissioned after 5 October 2015 and until 31 December 2020 , and up to 65% for installations commissioned from 1 January 2021.
- For all deliveries of aviation fuel containing renewable aviation fuel (SAF), EKO ABEE shall issue a Proof of Sustainability (PoS) of the renewable part (SAF) indicating the type of raw material, the country of origin , the quantity delivered in a blend with the fossil fuel, the emission intensity of the renewable fuel and the percentage of emission reduction achieved.
To date, EKO delivers to AEGEAN SAF with an emission reduction of more than 80%, choosing SAF produced from raw materials that do not come from food crops and which do not compete with the food chain, nor from forest degradation (first generation biofuels). The choice is exclusively between advanced biofuels (second generation), and this is what the forthcoming ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation, which has been consulted since July 2021 as part of the Fit for 55 package of measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% in 2030, is expected to establish.
- EKO ABEE implements all of the above within the framework of its certified sustainable biofuels system. The certification of EKO ABEE has been obtained from a specialized body approved by the European Commission, while the implementation of the certified sustainable biofuels system is audited annually by an independent accredited body.
In the above context, EKO, as well as HELPE DEPPP, with this initiative in cooperation with AEGEAN, is preparing to face the challenges of the implementation of the upcoming ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation for mandatory addition of SAF on all flights from every airport in Europe from 2025.