
Systematic dialogue with major Stakeholders

Systematic dialogue with major Stakeholders


Founded in 1998, HELLENiQ ENERGY ( is one of the leading energy groups in South East Europe, with presence in 6 countries and activities spanning across the energy value chain, namely: oil refining and fuel marketing, exploration and production, renewable energy sources, petrochemicals, power and gas.


Objective Action

Hellenic Petroleum Group implement a holistic communication approach that aims to a continuous and open bidirectional dialogue and transparency concerning company’s operation thereby enabling to incorporate needs and expectations of all stakeholders to business strategy, processes and programs so as to achieve common goals. At the same time, substantial contribution to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is sought, indicatively Goal 7 for reliable and sustainable energy for all, Goal 8 for decent work and economic growth, Goal 9 for open and sustainable industrialization and encouraging innovation, Goal 12 for responsible consumption and production and Goal 17 for strengthening the implementation tools and global partnership for sustainable development.


Target Audience

The aim of this action is to satisfy all of the company’s stakeholders, as specified and redefined annually. The company’s stakeholders include all parties who affect and/or are significantly affected and influenced by the Group's business activities, and includes:

  • Shareholders, Investors, Capital Markets and Other Capital Providers
  • Employees
  • Suppliers and partners
  • Local Society (Bodies, NGOs etc. of neighboring Municipalities)
  • Wider Society (Bodies, NGOs etc.)
  • Petrol station owners
  • Customers and Consumers
  • Business Community
  • State & Regulatory Authorities
  • Media and social media
  • Scientific / Academic Community


The programs have been implemented in a coordinated manner over the last five years and are enriched and modified, according to their results.

The Materiality Assessment - as an innovative approach – was conducted for the first time in 2013, was repeated in 2015 and in the end of 2017 on an expanded circle of stakeholders.


The methodology developed by the Hellenic Petroleum Group the objective of which is to successfully and effectively communicate with all stakeholders, is a multidimensional project that has been allocated to specific sub-programs with different characteristics and manners of implementation in order to respond to the peculiarities of each stakeholder group and ensure that the most appropriate channels and methods of communication are adopted. The criteria used for this selection are based on the desired level of information and the opportunity provided for feedback so that the company can receive and react quickly and effectively to that information.

As our employees are our most valuable ambassadors we try to communicate any important news as quickly as possible and through the most appropriate channels such as: Training, intranet, e-mails, departmental announcements, bulletin boards and informative meetings. Employee information feedback is critical to our success and tools are implemented to this effect such as employee suggestion scheme, targeted surveys etc. In addition, employees also interact through collective representation bodies.

Dialogue with suppliers/partners takes place via meetings/visits/inspections and evaluation questionnaire that includes social criteria and indicators, as well as the ten Principles of UN Global Compact.

In regards to communication with customers and consumers, there is a 24-hour hotline, technical support and a complaints resolution procedure. Hellenic Petroleum also conducts surveys in different fields the results of which are used to improve products and services and for complaint management. Specifically regarding petrol stations a specific control program (in collaboration with the NTUA) is established as well as mystery shopper programs. Thorough information is provided regarding products on a constant basis.

The model of communication is differentiated regarding our network of petrol station partners which includes information and education on key issues as well as research which focuses on improving cooperation with the ultimate recipient of the end customer/consumer. This also includes checks, inspections and personal contact with all partners.

We consistently invest in the bidirectional communication with local & wider society representatives, including citizens, associations, NGOs, Environmental Organizations, Social Services, education community etc. implementing an ongoing open door policy which takes place either physically, via meetings, conferences, events, etc. or through electronic media (website, social networks) or publications and announcements. Public opinion surveys, focus groups and personal interviews also take place. Moreover, Hellenic Petroleum has begun to evaluate key actions based on their social impact based on SROI (Social Return on Investment).

Media and social media: The use of traditional means of communication and new social media networks are also used as a helpful listening tool for collecting and managing our stakeholders’ views while also for the appropriate management / response on any questions or queries regarding issues, whenever asked.

Business Community: In regards to businesses and business associations, all dialogue is developed through executive staff participation in seminars, conferences, associations and networks, as members of sectoral institutions, within and outside Greece, with local and sectoral collaborations and synergies, while company relevant information is announced on the Internet and in the media.

State & Regulatory Authorities: Special meetings are held with supervisors, ministries and regulatory authorities.

Shareholders, Investors, Capital Markets and Other Capital Providers are informed through announcements, press releases, teleconferences, special publications, road shows, regular and extraordinary shareholders meetings, and other meetings.

Scientific and Academic Community with exchange of know-how and scientific research, Memoranda of Cooperation.

Since 2013, the methodology for identifying the material issues was adopted, in order to identify and evaluate the most significant aspects for key main stakeholders. Analysis followed a process including a survey and interviews in stakeholders inside and outside organization which formed a Materiality Matrix.


Impact on Society

The Materiality Study identified 10 essential issues for which actions, practices and indicators have been implemented for covering stakeholders needs.

The manner in which the company manages each issue is made available to all stakeholders through the company website and the specially designed microsite.

Moreover, the feedback we received from our stakeholders resulted in redesigning or creating new programs benefitting society mainly through:

  • Implementation of actions on topical social issues: Hot spot in Chios and refugee support, Roma program, programs for the protection of human rights, human trafficking, youth and the diffusion of the 17 sustainable development goals
  • Technical education program for partners
  • New Diesel Avio Product
  • Holistic safety programs for employees and partners
  • New voluntary programs
  • Development of sports activities
  • Initiatives to reduce CO2 emissions

Initiative Location

Coordination primarily takes place at the Group’s Headquarters and is then implemented, as deemed appropriate, throughout Greece and overseas through foreign subsidiaries.


Working with Organization

Cooperation with all stakeholders is a prerequisite if the program is going to be implemented successfully (this also entails capitalizing on the knowledge and experience of specialized associates/consultants). The objective behind our cooperation with additional specialists is that we comply with the principles of objectivity, impartiality and transparency. We also collaborate with academic institutions such as the NTUA, AUEB.


Workers Participation

Employees are actively involved in all relevant activities.


Benefits for Οrganization

  • Strengthening relationships built on trust with stakeholders.
  • Creating partnerships and developing common objectives. Indicatively, in the debate on substantive issues, our stakeholders participation was particularly high demonstrating the importance of action and they were actively interested in joining in.
  • Dissemination of good practices to all concerned.
  • Innovative products and services.

Connection with Global Goals

More Initiatives from Organization


Best practice of Sustainable Development: Improving environmental footprint, employment and competitiveness through Elefsis refinery upgrade project

CO2 emissions reduction and avoidance in refineries due to increase of energy efficiency and self-production of energy by Combined Heat & Power (CHP)

Code of Business Conduct of HELLENIC PETROLEUM GROUP

Competition Policy Action and Compliance Manual

Cooperation initiative between HELPE and the University of West Attica for the "Industrial Oil and Natural Gas Systems" Postgraduate Program (MSc)

DIESEL Avio Double Filtered - For a more efficient and cleaner engine!

Dynamic Model of Health & Safety Management in Fuel Stations

Educational Suitcase GAIA 2030: a HELPE Group initiative for the dissemination of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Employee Volunteer Actions: renovation of a shelter for vulnerable women, cooking at a soup kitchen, beach clean-ups and participation in running races.

Energy Management: HELLENiQ ENERGY Group Certification according to the ISO 50001:2018 Standard

Fuels total quality and quantity assurance program: Program EKO GUARANTEE

Hellenic Fuel and Lubricant’s “Green Spot” initiative for responsible vehicle battery collection and recycling in selected services stations in Greece

Hellenic Fuel and Lubricant’s “Green Spot” initiative for responsible vehicle battery collection and recycling in selected services stations in Greece



HELPE climate change strategy and CDP ranking

Immediate support to the flood victims of Thessaly with the offer of emergency items in cooperation with the Hellenic Red Cross

Integrate climate change mitigation into HELPE strategy and CDP ranking

Integrated treatment of oily wastes in Thessaloniki Refinery

Personnel's motivation in safety issues and supervision of employees health

Recover ,Recycle and Reuse of water and raw materials in refineries

Reducing air transport carbon footprint through sustainable aviation fuels

Responsible Consumers - Providing practical guidance on fuel quality, safety and environmental issues, for EKO and bp customers

Responsible Consumers - Providing practical guidance on fuel quality, safety and environmental issues, for EKO and BP customers

Responsible Operation Indicators Disclosure (GRI, ΑΑ1000AP, CoP, Athex, Greek Sustainability Code, CDP, EcoVadis, S&P, Sustainalytics) and Double Materiality

Sustainable Energy in Schools and Institution Rooftops by Hellenic Petroleum Group

Training Program for the Development of Group Executives (EDGE - Education and Development for Growth and Excellence)

Waste Management & Circular Economy: Model urban waste management program at HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group’s Aspropyrgos Industrial Complex (AIC)

Wave of Warmth Programme

Young Graduates Employment Program, HELPE

"Energy for Life Travels" Program


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The Sustainable Greece Ιnitiative launched by QualityNet Foundation