Responsible Operation Indicators Disclosure (GRI, ΑΑ1000AP, CoP, Athex, Greek Sustainability Code, CDP, EcoVadis, S&P, Sustainalytics) and Double Materiality

Founded in 1998, HELLENiQ ENERGY ( is one of the leading energy groups in South East Europe, with presence in 6 countries and activities spanning across the energy value chain, namely: oil refining and fuel marketing, exploration and production, renewable energy sources, petrochemicals, power and gas.
Systematic disclosure of responsible operation indicators, based on international standards, in order to communicate economic, environmental and social issues to the Group's stakeholders, as well as to evaluate and improve the Group's sustainable development practices.
HELLENiQ ENERGY places emphasis on managing the impacts of climate change today and going on into the future. The Group is rapidly transforming, with "Vision 2025" as its compass, which is its new strategic business plan for its transformation and sustainable development. "Vision 2025" aims to strengthen the Group's position in the industry, making its activities compatible with the new international environment, enabling substantial development in new, cleaner forms of energy and, at the same time, multiplying the value created by the Group, for its stakeholders.
In addition, open dialogue enhances the implementation of effective actions, which meet the needs and expectations of stakeholders, and transparency in the operation of the company ensures sustainability and business continuity. Through the materiality study, conducted by the Group at regular intervals, the material issues of the industry are assessed on the basis of Double Materiality. That is, based on their degree of impact on the Group’s overall corporate performance and sustainable development, as well as their external impact on the economy, society and the environment.
The monitoring and publication of indicators of responsible operation contributes to the achievement of all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
It addresses and aims to inform all Group stakeholders. HELLENiQ ENERGY Group stakeholders are redefined on an annual basis and concern all those who influence and/or are significantly affected by the Group's business activities.
Start of adoption/participation and frequency:
One of the practices applied by the Group regarding sustainable development issues, for over 15 years and among the pioneers in Greece, is the implementation and disclosure of evaluation indicators and standards to continuously monitor sustainability. The indicators that the Group discloses concern the international 2021 GRI Standards, the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact and the CoP (Advanced Level) criteria, the AA1000 Accountability Principles (ΑΑ1000AP 2018) in regard to Inclusivity, Materiality, Responsiveness and Impact, the Athens Stock Exchange ESG indicator disclosure guide (Advanced metrics & Sector-specific metrics), the annual international assessment of the CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) on climate change as well as the annual assessment by the EcoVadis platform concerning the Group subsidiary EKO S.A. (Silver Recognition Level). These tools significantly assist in the effort to implement sustainable development practices and to assess them for this purpose. In addition, the use of indicators contributes, both in recording the existing situation, and predicting future performance.
HELLENiQ ENERGY’s is rated on its sustainability and social impact, through its environmental, social, and governance practices, by various ESG rating agencies that evaluate the company’s performance. ESG scores from rating agencies help identify investment risk by rating companies with strong ESG performance relative to their peers.
Namely, the Group responds to CDP (as mentioned above), FTSE Russell, MSCI, S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), Sustainalytics ESG Risk Ratings and Corporate Knight Global 100. ESG ratings and methodologies are valuable because they provide investors and other stakeholders insights into the Group’s performance in areas that may not be captured by traditional financial metrics, on indicators such as environmental stewardship and labour practices so that informed decisions may be made regarding investing. Most importantly, not only do these ratings provide a comparison to industry averages, they assist in identifying key areas that performance needs improvement and if the company is aligned with social expectations, which is something that enhances reputation, risk management and overall long term financial performance.
The above responsible operation indicators are disclosed publicly through the Sustainability Report (2022 Sustainability Report | HELLENiQ ENERGY), which is certified by an independent third party to ensure accuracy, completeness and reliability. Based on the 2021 GRI Standards and the Content Determination Principles (consultation with stakeholders), the Sustainability Framework, Materiality and Comprehensiveness, since 2013 the Group has implemented a materiality analysis, with a frequency of every two years, which highlights the Group’s material issues, so that the issues can be transformed into opportunities for the Group’s continuous and sustainable development.
In the context of the Group’s transformation (Vision 2025) and the integration of a new group identity and ESG strategy, the Group in 2022 carried out a new materiality study, identifying and evaluating the most important ESG issues for its responsible operation, with the participation of the Top Management, but also of key representatives of all stakeholders through a series of focus-groups, interviews and online surveys. More specifically, three (3) focus groups were organized in Athens and Thessaloniki, six (6) meetings with Mayors of neighboring municipalities and an online survey in which a total of 892 people from main stakeholder group representatives participated.
The issues were evaluated based on the degree of their impact on the Group’s overall corporate performance and sustainable development, as well as their external impact on the economy, society and the environment ("Double Materiality"). This study was conducted for the 5th time and its results were presented in the 2022 Sustainability Report.
As already mentioned, the Group's strategic priority is to address the phenomenon of Climate Change, which affects its business activity, creating significant risks and opportunities. To properly manage and address climate change related issues, the Group has developed a strategy for its energy transformation towards a low-carbon economy, responding to the continued increase in energy demand and ensuring energy sufficiency by taking measures and projects to reduce emissions. The Group's future investments are determined to a very large extent by its climate change strategy.
At the same time, the Group aims to ensure a working environment, in all activities, with zero accidents and absence of occupational diseases, prevention and protection of the health of employees and external partners, while at the same time promoting the employee himself. It applies the best practices to ensure the quality of its products and creates value in society and the country's economy, emphasizing the implementation of Corporate Responsibility actions.
In addition, it demonstrates zero tolerance to corruption incidents, as it is aligned with principles and values that apply to all aspects of its activities and define a lawful and ethical way of operating to achieve its business goals. At the same time, digital technology and its capabilities are tools for every area of the Group's activity.
Based on ESG criteria, i.e. environmental, social, and corporate governance criteria, the Group constantly maximizes its positive footprint in the country. Through the Sustainability Report, it is held accountable on the most material ESG issues but also on all material issues for the industry, seeking more effective communication with its stakeholders.
The next challenge for the Group is the implementation of the European Union’s (EU) Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which will radically improve the availability and reliability of sustainability information whilst creating a culture of transparency around impacts on people and the environment.
The HELLENiQ ENERGY Group has been adopting the GRI indicators for several years as well as the "Oil & Gas Sector Supplement" sector indicators and the CoP (Communication on Progress) report of the UN Global Compact. Indicative of the Group's degree of "maturity" is the integration of the new GRI 2021 and CoP (online platform) editions, as well as the voluntary adoption since 2022, among the first in the Greek market, of the new editions before they become mandatory. In addition, since 2013, it has been carrying out a materiality study to highlight the material sustainable development issues. An important factor, also for the reliability of the result, is the verification of the content of the indicators by an independent third body. This approach fully reflects the Group's standing and many years of experience in reporting on ESG issues.
The Group's approach and results so far are assessed positively, taking into account both the significant progress in achieving the quantitative goals (reduction of the CO2 emission intensity index and continuous reduction of the carbon footprint) and the external evaluation by the CDP Organization (former Carbon Disclosure Project) with an improved A- score (“Leadership - Implementing current best practices” level) from B, a rating it had received during the previous assessment, in 2021.
In addition, in 2022, the Group’s EKO subsidiary received, for the second year in a row, the "Silver Recognition Level" award from Ecovadis, in sustainable development and corporate responsibility, giving its customers access to relevant reports and performance, data that can be used as a criterion for cooperation. EKO has participated in the EcoVadis evaluation platform since 2015 and this recognition demonstrates the Group's long-term commitment to responsible operation, through the policies it has in place, the practices it applies and related results.
In addition, all of the above have a positive impact on the public, such as shareholders and investors, customers, partners and consumers. The EU has already developed a key tool, a classification system, which focuses on the Green Deal to achieve zero emissions by 2050. The classification provides companies, investors and policy makers with the appropriate definitions to determine which economic activities can be considered environmentally sustainable. In doing so, it will create security for private investors, protect consumers, help companies become more environmentally friendly and help shift investment to where it is most needed.
All HELLENiQ ENERGY Group facilities and subsidiaries in Greece and abroad.
Cooperation with the whole range of stakeholders is a prerequisite for the effective implementation and monitoring of responsible operation indicators, while for their successful implementation, the knowledge and experience of specialized partners/consultants is utilized. Through cooperation with experts we also seek to observe compliance with the basic principles of objectivity, impartiality and transparency. Collaboration is also carried out with Academic Institutions such as the University of Patras & the National Research Center for Natural Sciences "Demokritos", for the adaptation of energy infrastructures to the impacts of Climate Change, with the non-profit organization CDP for the evaluation of the Group's strategy on climate change related issues as well as with research centers for the development of products and solutions with a low carbon footprint.
The Group's strategy based on ESG criteria requires the involvement and active participation of most Group employees, from the Group's Management, which validates the results of the materiality study and defines the overall strategy and objectives, to the very employees. The participation of employed engineers, who examine & implement low-carbon technologies, increase energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption, is important, as well as the role of the Sustainability Report working group, which promotes the further integration of ESG issues in the Group, acting as content experts in their respective areas, in order to set targets and support the overall corporate sustainable development and corporate responsibility strategy.
The benefits of publicly disclosing indicators of responsible operation are multi-dimensional and include:
With regard to climate change, the benefits can be divided into short-term (e.g. economic benefits due to fuel and energy savings) and medium-long term (e.g. increased competitiveness in a low-carbon economy)
Overall, the benefits add up to the opportunities created and the prospects they promise.