Founded in 1998, HELLENiQ ENERGY (https://www.helleniqenergy.gr/en) is one of the leading energy groups in South East Europe, with presence in 6 countries and activities spanning across the energy value chain, namely: oil refining and fuel marketing, exploration and production, renewable energy sources, petrochemicals, power and gas.
HELPE Group aim is to establish a common and uniform framework at all the Group's companies to confront COVID-19, in order to protect the health of its staff, for the continuous operation of its refineries and trading facilities (as critical country energy infrastructure) and the smooth supply of fuel to the market. In addition, it describes the actions for the gradual recovery/return to normal (RECOVERY PLAN) or the escalation of preventive measures in the HELPE Group depending on the current epidemiological data and the decisions of the Greek State and the competent local authorities in the countries where the Group operates.
This important action contributes to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 for Good Health and Wellbeing.
The Policy applies to all employees employed at the premises and facilities of the HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group and its subsidiaries, as well as all third-party company employees providing work, services or supplies and collaborators who come to Group facilities to carry out their work.
From the beginning of the pandemic to the present and until the pandemic is over.
In order to better organize and monitor the management of the COVID-19 crisis, as well as to effectively manage confirmed cases that may arise, the Group has established a Group Coordinating Committee, which reports to the Group's Managing Director and is composed of executives covering all relevant areas of the Group's activities. Moreover, the Group's Organizational Model provides for the establishment of a Crisis Manager role for all Group companies concerning this Policy. All subsidiaries and industrial facilities have established a Crisis Management Committee at a local level, with which direct communication takes place with the Crisis Manager, and if required, with the Coordinating Committee.
An important positive role in the timely prevention and management of the crisis is properly informing employees on prevention and protection measures, as well as the implementation of Group's policies and decisions. In this context, there are regular updates on all developments through all available means of communication.
The Coordinating Committee ensures that it receives all relevant information and instructions from the competent public authorities, as well as any material that may support prevention and management improvement, but also monitors voluntary / advisory provisions, as well as those that are mandatory and have direct or indirect application in the Group.
Prevention measures taken by the Group concern the personal and group protection of employees and the disinfection of the premises, in order to reduce the likelihood of transmission of the virus through contacts and meetings in the workplace. As such, the Group has taken a series of general prevention and protection measures that concern all employees, as well as specialized prevention measures locally and per specialty. It has also conducted preparedness exercises from the beginning of the pandemic and has prescribed and provided the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to everyone. Finally, it carries out 'rapid' tests on a frequent basis on all personnel and daily temperature measurement checks on entering staff and third party to workplaces.
From the beginning of the pandemic and until January 29th, 2021 within the mentioned policy framework:
A medical telephone support line 24 hours, 7 days a week has been created.
In all Hellenic Petroleum Group facilities and its subsidiaries.
Collaboration with a specialized infectious disease specialist, who advises the Group’s Coordinating Committee on specialized issues. Certification for implementing a Coronavirus Pandemic Prevention Measures Management System (Covid Shield Certification) by an independent third party.
This policy is a Management initiative and is implemented by the Group Coordinating Committee and consists of executives who cover all relevant areas of Group’s activities. The staff is regularly informed about all developments through all available media (e.g. Intranet, Newsletter, special website NEA 19, etc.) and all employees participate in complying with the prevention and protection measures against the pandemic.
The policy to prevention and protect employees against coronavirus corresponds to the commitment set by the company as a basic principle for its employees’ safety and health. This policy has contributed in maintaining a low number of cases in the Hellenic Petroleum Group’s facilities and its Subsidiaries and to enhancing a sense of safety to its employees in the workplace. In addition, establishing a sense of safety has resulted in maintaining the employees' productivity unaffected and enhancing their sense of commitment. Despite the difficult prevailing conditions, the operation of its refineries and facilities continues uninterrupted.
The policy has contributed to the achievement of a unified Group culture of awareness regarding their health, the health of their families and colleagues and therefore the society at large. Finally, the Group's image to the society has been reinforced by continuing its uninterrupted supply of high quality fuel, maintaining safety and accountability in its transactions.