Right to Health for Vulnerable Persons

INTERAMERICAN was founded in 1969. Ιn 2001 the company was incorporated in one of the top European financial groups, ACHMEA. INTERAMERICAN is a leader in the insurance market in Health and Assistance Services, whilst is being included among the top companies in Life and Pension insurance sectors.
Read more: www.interamerican.gr
The goal of INTERAMERICAN's health program is to utilize, in a spirit of social responsibility and solidarity, the company's infrastructure to address the needs of populations affected by poverty or supported by important social work agencies. For the health care of vulnerable groups and with the central idea of the sponsoring program "Right to Health for All", the Company has been developing since 2014 activities of personalized primary health care provision for needy and socially vulnerable people, through the privately owned clinic ATHINAIKI MEDICLINIC and the other health infrastructure and means.
The program addresses and concerns people from vulnerable social groups (the needy, the homeless, drug users, victims of torture) with insufficient or zero access to the national health system.
The Company develops personalized primary health care services for needy and socially vulnerable people from 2014 until today.
At a time when the crisis increases the health care needs of the poor, homeless, marginalized and generally uninsured people, INTERAMERICAN has chosen to respond by contributing to some of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030). , which are dedicated to its business activities in the Health Sector. The Company expresses its social responsibility in Health by:
supporting the work of social institutions and organizations and
the utilization of its organization in health services (a fleet of First Aid vehicles, specialized staff of INTERAMERICAN Aid, privately owned primary care and nursing facilities, as well as nursing and medical staff of the infrastructure and the corporate Health Network) for the implementation of initiatives of social value.
In particular, the Company undertakes to cover the cost of clinical and laboratory examinations of persons referred by the Center for the Treatment of Dependent Persons (KETHEA) and Doctors Without Borders. In addition, the Company has consistently supported the vaccination of the elderly in the Municipality of Hellinikon-Argyroupoli, with the free provision of influenza vaccines and the voluntary participation of nursing staff from its clinic and polyclinic, in cooperation with the social services sector of the Municipality. Finally, in the Personal (Immediate Medical) Assistance Sector, INTERAMERICAN uses its own ambulances as well as the Health Line 1010, through which specialized doctors of various specialties and appropriately trained nursing and administrative staff offer valuable advice. The particular concern of INTERAMERICAN for the health care of its employees by providing regular clinical examinations, in collaboration with the scientific potential of its infrastructure, as well as with organizations
The Company undertakes to cover the cost of clinical and laboratory examinations of persons referred by the Center for the Treatment of Dependent Persons (KETHEA) and Doctors Without Borders. During the four-year period 2014-2017, in addition to the medical visits, many diagnostic tests were carried out (ultrasounds, endoscopies, hematology, etc.). In particular, 208 (33 people in 2017) cases of drug addiction from KETHEA therapeutic programs and 122 people referred by Doctors Without Borders (20 people in 2017) were treated in the outpatient clinics of the clinic, in the context of the support they provide to social structures of the Municipality of Athens and KYADA. In total, during the four years 2014-2017, the beneficiaries of the program reached 330. The program continues in 2018, with an even greater sponsorship contribution from the Company. In the field of Personal (Immediate Medical) Assistance, INTERAMERICAN uses its own ambulances as well as the Health Line 1010, through which specialized doctors of various specialties and properly trained nursing and administrative staff offer valuable advice. During 2017, the Company carried out 31 free transports of the needy-uninsured and provided free counseling services to 208 people with these characteristics, from its Coordination Center. Ambulances of the Company are also available at several social and sporting events of organizations and Municipalities, for preventive support, for a number of years.
A large percentage of the program is implemented in the prefecture of Attica, as the largest volume of the company's privately owned health facilities and infrastructure is concentrated there.
The organizations that have joined the program are: Center for the Treatment of Dependent Persons (KETHEA) and Doctors Without Borders, Municipality of Hellinikon, "Petalouda" Skeletal Health Association, Prolepsis Institute, Reception and Solidarity Center for the Needy of the Municipality of Athens.
The health sector, in which INTERAMERICAN operates insurance, provides the company with the opportunity to incorporate in actions of value to society, undertaking social responsibility initiatives, the know-how of its people, its privately owned clinic and polyclinic, as well as the services immediate medical assistance. For the implementation of the program, the administrative, medical and nursing staff of the Athenian MEDICLINIC, the polyclinics and the Immediate Medical Assistance of INTERAMERICAN participate. The health sector, in which INTERAMERICAN operates insurance
The essential benefit of the company is the social value resulting from the program in question and the moral satisfaction offered to the whole.