
"It's4U", for the health and well-being of INTERAMERICAN employees

"Its4U", for the health and well-being of INTERAMERICAN employees


INTERAMERICAN was founded in 1969. Ιn 2001 the company was incorporated in one of the top European financial groups, ACHMEA. INTERAMERICAN is a leader in the insurance market in Health and Assistance Services, whilst is being included among the top companies in Life and Pension insurance sectors.


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Objective Action

The "It's4u" program, perfectly harmonized with the mission of our Company, to live safer, more and better, is based on the voluntary organized actions of a group of employees that aim to support health and well-being by developing beneficial habits, improving working conditions and the work environment and comes in response to the findings of HR department annual opinion poll, which documented the company's desire for well-being actions with the ultimate goal of improving energy levels.

The employees that make up its4u team (this is an interdepartmental and self-governing team, according to the standards of INTERAMERICAN new way of working) regularly organize actions, with the aim of informing and raising the awareness of its employees for health care and prevention in the following areas: :

Physical Exercise & Health (Fitness)
Healthy Work Environment


Target Audience

Every employee of INTERAMERICAN can join the action plan of Its4u program.



Its4U team, the planning and implementation of the actions started in 2018 and continue to this day


Our broader goal is to integrate into our work environment, and in the lives of our people in general, actions related to the 4 pillars of it's4U:

Physical Exercise & Health (Fitness)
Healthy Work Environment

It started in the spring of 2018 with small, simple dating activities


Impact on Society

Already, during the first quarter of the program implementation:

more than 80 employees have taken part and / or continue to exercise regularly in weekly pilates classes, after the end of the working day,
A running team was created with weekly trainings at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation and by participating in several various sporting events (eg Athens Half Marathon, on Sunday, March 17, 20818
the basketball team was staffed and trains every week,
more than 20 employees had participated in the series of twelve experiential seminars on physical expression and strengthening teamwork (toy body),
More than 150 employees attended the holistic nutrition program with nutrition seminars and one-on-one sessions with a nutritionist.
At the end of 2018, 265 employees participated in the actions of the Well Being project it4U program with a total of 581 participants in pilates classes, anti-smoking sessions, running, play therapy sessions, basketball team and holistic nutrition program.

Initiative Location

The actions take place inside INTERAMERICAN workplaces, apart from road races and basketball.

Working with Organization

The implementation of the actions presupposes the cooperation with specialized professionals per action (nutritionists, coaches, special trainers in play therapy, teachers of traditional dances, etc.)


Workers Participation

Its4u actions are designed by employees and addressed to employees.

Benefits for Οrganization

The benefits of the program can be summarized as follows:

Balance of professional - personal life
Reduction of diseases for health reasons
Further improve employee satisfaction indicators
Further improve engagement indicators
Team bonding
Further enhance the company's image and reputation as an employer

Connection with Global Goals

More Initiatives from Organization

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Integrity and Fraud Policy

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Right to Health for Vulnerable Persons

Short "Green" Drive the first "green" car insurance program from Anytime of Interamerican

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Social Responsibility Report

The "Emergency Dressmakers" sew and INTERAMERICAN distributes the masks

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"IMAGINE": Innovation from idea to practice

“Participation in the project for the environmental enhancement of the Asclepeion of Epidaurus area in conjunction with the DIAZOMA civic association”

“Plan for Life Actions: responsibility actions, quality of Life project”

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