Immediate response to an emergency: Fires 2021

INTERAMERICAN was founded in 1969. Ιn 2001 the company was incorporated in one of the top European financial groups, ACHMEA. INTERAMERICAN is a leader in the insurance market in Health and Assistance Services, whilst is being included among the top companies in Life and Pension insurance sectors.
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The fires that were caused in the summer of 2021 and that mainly affected Attica and North Evia caused ecological disasters of enormous extent. In Northern Evia alone, according to the European Forest Fire Information mapping, the fires destroyed about 66,000 hectares - covering 32% of agricultural areas and 66% of forest areas. Τhe proper management of forest areas, is emerging as a top priority.
In this context, INTERAMERICAN planned a series of actions and collaborations, with participation in important programs, in addition to the commitments undertaken by the company at the international level of institutions.
The initiative aimed to create a holistic emergency response strategy in order to tackle the fires and their consequences in 2021.
To all Greeks and especially the inhabitants of the affected areas.
1 Year
In the summer of 2021 we found ourselves in front of an incalculable and unprecedented destruction of the Greek Forests, especially in the areas of Attica and North Evia. INTERAMERICAN proceeded to create a strategy to deal, holistically, with the situation that focused on the Pillars of the relief of the victims, the strengthening of the Firefighting forces as well as the next day with collaborations for the restoration of the damaged areas.
In the Pillar of Restoration, INTERAMERICAN joined forces at the initiative of the Greek Government to contribute to the Reconstruction Plan of Northern Evia. The multidimensional project for the reconstruction of Northern Evia will be based on a comprehensive strategic plan, whose government is overseen by the Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and is issued by the Special Committee headed by Stavros Benos. Under the Commission, it works in coordination for the implementation of the Executive Committee project with the partnership of Ministries, the Region of Central Greece and other bodies, utilizing tools and sources of funding.
A lever for the reconstruction, in order to launch the individual projects in ten thematic areas (infrastructure, social networks, environmental regeneration, special urban plans, human resources, culture and education, agri-food, tourism, entrepreneurship, governance), will be the elaboration of corresponding studies. In the context of the financing of the required studies through sponsorships and at no cost to the public sector, INTERAMERICAN participates as a sponsor of the study for the pillar "Culture and Education".
INTERAMERICAN undertakes the support of the study "Cultural Development Strategic Planning - Masterplan" after an agreement with the non-profit association DIAZOMA. The study is prepared by the consulting and design services company ETAM, which has extensive experience and specialization in this field and collaborates during the preparation with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, to which the study will be donated. The completion schedule is ten months and the study is scheduled to be delivered by the end of August 2022.
Referring to the "Culture and Education" pillar of the Reconstruction Plan, but also to the sponsorship of INTERAMERICAN, Stavros Benos points out: "INTERAMERICAN's contribution is a catalyst for the Reconstruction Program of Northern Evia, because the study prepared by ETAM SA. with its financing will be the guide for the implementation of our common visionary goal for the design and implementation of a model development cultural policy in Northern Evia ".
In the Pillar of Action for the Relief of the Affected, our actions began with the provision of the Group's privately owned infrastructure (First Aid vehicles, structures and Health services) to all our fellow citizens who had been affected by the fires.
Specifically, both the two MEDIFIRST polyclinics, in Paradisos, Maroussi and Argyroupoli, as well as the general clinic ATHINAIKI MEDICLINIC, opened their doors to offer first aid to citizens in need due to fires in the affected areas: for burns or other problems.
In addition, for the citizens who had problems with transportation, the INTERAMERICAN Emergency Help Services and the 24/7 Health Hotline 1010 were provided free of charge for immediate communication and counseling support, if needed.
Ιn the Pillar of Relief of the Affected was also included the main pillar of our work in the company, the immediate registration and compensation of our customers, which exceeded the amount of 4 million euros. In practice and regarding the social impact of the fires, INTERAMERICAN also expressed the feeling of social solidarity in the aftermath of the tragic events in cooperation with social welfare organizations, while offering free full health insurance coverage to a family that was severely affected by the fires.
In addition, the company proceeded with a substantial action in support of the Hellenic Fire Brigade and delivered new logistical, electronic equipment, thus completing the significant subscription participation of the three companies of the group (Life, non Life and Assistance) in proportion to the recent donation of Greece to the Union of the Insurance Companies. Specifically, INTERAMERICAN provided for the operational needs of the Communication Department of the Fire Brigade, 45 ”TVs, Laptops, Desktops, computer screens and speakers, smartphone, plasticizer, color printer-scanner.
In addition, the company supported the Association of Afidnes Forest Protection Volunteers with a significant financial donation to cover its operational needs. At the same time, INTERAMERICAN proceeded with a memorandum of cooperation with the Association, following donations of equipment to the Association and mechanical support of its vehicles at the facilities of the company's CarPoint workshop. The memorandum of cooperation ensures the substantial cooperation of the two organizations in matters of roadside assistance and coverage of the needs of the Association's vehicles for its operational functionality, especially during the period of high risk during the summer months.
It is noted that INTERAMERICAN has undertaken commitments in Greece and internationally, as a member of the UN Environment Program Finance Initiative since 2006 and the Principles for Sustainable Insurance since 2012, as well as the Global Compact since 2008 and from 2020 of Global Compact Network Hellas, as a founding member. The company has drafted international Declarations of institutional investors to tackle climate change and manage environmental challenges and Giannis Kantoros, CEO, has co-signed the "New Deal for Europe" (2019), as well as the Declaration of CEOs Businesses for the Green Economy (2020).
The company has been actively expressing its interest for 15 years in the protection of the environment, the halting of climate change and the new economy associated with environmental issues of carbon footprint reduction, as well as investments in renewable energy sources. In addition, it operates in insurance with two product lines: the "Green Line" for civil liability and the "Energy Line" to cover investments in Renewable Energy.
The company compensated its customers with more than 4 million euros for the losses they suffered in a very short period of time. In addition, the benefits that the citizens of North Evia will have, will be multiple from our participation in the Reconstruction Plan of Northern Evia in the field of Culture.
For the citizens who had problems with transportation, the INTERAMERICAN Emergency Help Services and the 24/7 Health Hotline 1010 were provided free of charge for immediate communication and counseling support, if needed.
The two MEDIFIRST polyclinics, in Paradisos, Maroussi and Argyroupoli, as well as the general clinic ATHINAIKI MEDICLINIC, opened their doors to offer first aid to citizens in need due to fires in the affected areas: for burns, respiratory problems.
Fire Brigade Support
Support for a voluntary forest firefighting team
Attica and Nothern Evia
There are multiple collaborations to implement this action. These collaborations are with the Greek Government, DIAZOMA, the Fire Brigade of Greece and the Association of Voluntary Forest Protection Volunteers.
The participation of the employees was intense in the immediate response to the consequences of the fire with the provision of the privately owned Health Units as well as the Emergency Aid units and our call center for immediate communication and counseling support, where necessary.
In fact, in the context of the broader, common understanding for the development of basic knowledge of citizens about fire protection, fire prevention and the evolution of the corporate culture of volunteering and activism to deal with catastrophic risks, INTERAMERICAN intends to train its employees through certified program of the Fire Academy. This action is now part of the company's core practices for the risks involved in the climate crisis, threatening with catastrophic consequences the natural environment, assets and quality of life.