
Sustainable Energy in Schools and Institution Rooftops by Hellenic Petroleum Group

Sustainable Energy in Schools and Institution Rooftops by Hellenic Petroleum Group


Founded in 1998, HELLENiQ ENERGY ( is one of the leading energy groups in South East Europe, with presence in 6 countries and activities spanning across the energy value chain, namely: oil refining and fuel marketing, exploration and production, renewable energy sources, petrochemicals, power and gas.


Objective Action

The main goal of the action is to promote sustainable development, while enhancing the environmental awareness of students and citizens. The program is about installing  photovoltaic systems on school and institution roofs. Its purpose is to avoid and reduce the carbon footprint as well as to cover operational needs with the use of Renewable Energy Systems (RES).

With a vision towards an Energy Transition, the HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group, implements, since 2012, a far-reaching program of installing photovoltaic systems on the roofs of schools public operators and institutions, with the aim of disseminating  sustainability, development of RES projects and promoting sustainable installations and cities. To date, 12 photovoltaic systems, with 200kW installed capacity and an average annual production of 284,000kWh, have been completed, avoiding the release of 266 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. At the same time, a significant amount of money is saved annually from their operation, which is directed to cover operational needs, while through an educational framework, student and citizens’ environmental awareness is reinforced.

This important action contributes to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 for Affordable and Clean Energy.


Target Audience

The action is aimed at schools and institutions throughout Greece, to students, teachers and the local community where each organization is based.



The first PV installations on school roofs took place in 2012 and to date 12 photovoltaic systems have been installed with a total installed capacity of ~ 200kW and an average annual output of 284,000 kWh by which the release of approximately 266 tons of carbon dioxide has been avoided.

Finally, having a longterm rate of return of over 25 years, buildings and areas with different features have been selected, each time serving specific environmental and social needs. 


HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group has been investing in alternative energy sources in recent years, both in small and large production units, with the aim of limiting the climate change impacts, in the context of its energy transformation.

Five years ago, a far-reaching project was launched to install photovoltaic systems on the roofs of schools in the local communities of Thriasio and West Thessaloniki, as well as in remote island areas, with the aim of promoting Renewable Energy Sources and creating sustainable facilities and cities.

The installation of photovoltaics on the roofs started its flagship projects in Thriasio and Western Thessaloniki. The photovoltaic systems were installed in 4 school units in Elefsina, including the Special School of Elefsina as well as in 4 secondary schools of Western Thessaloniki.

The most recent and major project was completed in 2020 and concerns the use of the hospital roof in the Asylum for the Infirm in Kypseli, Attica, where a modern photovoltaic system of 100kW capacity was installed. This project is a successful example of  implementing of decentralized power production and to a large extent self-consumption of the energy produced. Its operation is expected to save over 12,000 euros per year, which can be allocated to finance the institution’s other large operational needs.

Also, in 2020, a photovoltaic system was installed on the Children Support Center of Elefsis “Kentro Agapis Elefsinas” roof. Although it was a smaller scale project, it was of greater value as a social accomplishment for the organization and the city of Elefsina, which being the 2021Cultural Capital of Europe, is increasingly implementing "smart city" actions.

The monitoring the performance of the systems as well as their maintenance is carried out regularly and is completely covered by the HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group, in order to ensure the continuous operation of the facilities and their maximum efficiency.


Impact on Society

Until today, this action has brought significant economic and environmental benefits that have led to avoiding and reducing the carbon footprint by improving the inhabitants’ living standards.

** (See in attached table, the column on Average Annual Environmental Benefit of avoided CO2 emissions.

Also, the educational dimension of this specific action is particularly important, since photovoltaic systems contribute to the students and citizens’ familiarization with Renewable Energy Sources and the positive effects of using natural resources for the environment, the quality of life and the economy.

Specifically, the 2019 program concerning the installation of PV on the roofs of Donoussa and Iraklia High Schools brought overall financial, environmental and educational benefits, both for the school and for the Municipality of Naxos & Small Cyclades;  the power consumption was reduced, since the photovoltaic systems produce a total of about 13,000kWh per year, while the release of about 15 tons of carbon dioxide per year is avoided.

Finally, the installation of the photovoltaic in Children Support Center of Elefsis “Kentro Agapis Elefsinas”, in the beginning of the new school year 2020-2021, will be covered by an educational workshop on energy saving and circular economy with the participation of about 200 children, educators and volunteers in order to develop environmental awareness through the theoretical and realistic performance of the project.

It is worth mentioning that in all PV systems after 2018, a smart meter is installed, which provides the possibility of 24-hour monitoring of the building's energy consumption and is a useful tool for interventions in order to achieve energy savings.


Initiative Location

Both in local communities adjacent to the Group's facilities:

- 4 school units of Elefsina including the Special School of Elefsina,

- 4 secondary schools in Western Thessaloniki,

- Children Support Center of Elefsis “Kentro Agapis Elefsinas”,

as well as in the wider society:

- school units in remote island areas of the country and more specifically on the roofs of Donoussa and Iraklia High Schools,

- Asylum for the Infirm in Attica.

* (A detailed table with PV installations is attached).


Working with Organization

Cooperation with local bodies where the projects are installed (Municipalities, Institutions, Schools, local government, competent authorities).

Workers Participation

The action is an initiative of the Corporate Social Responsibility Department. All project developments and licensing are carried out with the available technical know-how of HELLENIC PETROLEUM RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES , a subsidiary of the HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group, in a timely and consistent manner following the Group’s high safety and quality standards. Each case is treated differently, a survey of the area is designed, the conditions and needs are studied in order to complement the architectural characteristics of the building, optimally use available spaces, confront difficulties such as specific island weather conditions and ensure maximum possible efficiency.

In all stages of project design and implementation, cooperation with competent authorities, local government and stakeholders was excellent, since everyone focused on maximizing the benefits by establishing commitment for further expansion of the program in the future.

The employees of the HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group are informed about all action initiatives, and depending on the case, participate in their implementation.

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Benefits for Οrganization

The HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group’s actions, in addition to their high social impact and promotion of Sustainable Development, contribute and strengthen the goal of energy transition that is part of its Strategy.

The concept of sustainability is inextricably linked to the HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group’s principles, activities and strategy, which in recent years in the context of energy transformation has been investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources (in both small and large scale projects) with the aim of reducing climate change impacts.

Connection with Global Goals

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