
YOU@S&B: Your career starts here!

YOU@S&B: Your career starts here!

IMERYS Industrial Minerals Greece Single-Member Société Anonyme

IMERYS Group is the world leader in mineral-based industrial solutions, offering specialized solutions necessary for its customers. IMERYS INDUSTRIAL MINERALS GREECE SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME mines and processes industrial minerals, mainly bentonite and perlite.


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Objective Action

S&B designed and carries out this program to contribute in tackling youth unemployment in Greece, one of the most serious socio-economic problems reaching rates of around 60%. In addition, Greece is experiencing a brain drain, resulting in the loss of a large part of its active workforce.

Early in 2013, the company launched YOU@S&B aiming to create long-term value for the Greek society. Program participants acquire professional experience and skills, familiarize themselves with the business environment, and improve their professional prospects.


Target Audience

YOU@S&B is addressed to high school or higher education graduates with little or no professional experience.



The program was first launched in May 2013. The first round lasted from September 2013 to May 2014. The second round was launched in October 2014 for nine months employment (January to September 2015).


YOU@S&B has successfully concluded its 1st round, during which 25 young people were recruited for 9 months (September 2013 - May 2014). Job positions covered the whole spectrum of S&B’s activity and operation locations in Greece. The 2nd round was launched in October 2014 for the recruitment of 15 young people for 9 months (January - September 2015).

The program’s Implementation Phases. 
Selection of the young people was carried out with a rigorous and objective process. A series of preliminary stages were completed, as follows:

1. Program design, budgeting, approval (January 2013): Upon decision of implementing the program a needs assessment mapped all necessary stages to fulfill standards set.

2. Design/Implementation of Branding, Tools & Communication Planning (January - June 2013): The program’s brand and identity were determined bearing in mind the Company’s Values, the program’s philosophy and the audience to which it is addressed. A Communication Plan was drafted and necessary tools were designed: Official website (, Facebook page (, and promotional video.

3. Job positions design (January - February 2013): The YOU@S&B job positions were designed to cover the entire range of the company’s activities, at all operations in Greece.

4. Recruitment & Selection process (January - April 2013): The following activities were carried out during this stage:
• Creation of a dedicated website and electronic application form.
• Selection of qualifications test and personality questionnaire.
• Selection of S&B executives for the interviews process.

5. Recruitment & Selection (May - July 2013): R&S followed systematic, e-based procedures to secure integrity, objectivity, and transparency. Only during the final selection phase are candidates interviewed in panels.

6. New colleagues’ induction (September 2013): In September 2013, the new colleagues attended an intensive 5-day induction training in Business Management, developed and implemented in cooperation of distinguished ALBA professors with S&B executives. All participants who completed successfully the training program received an ALBA certificate.

7. Nine months in S&B (September - May 2013): After the training week, a detailed job deion was given to each new colleague who was introduced to his/her supervisor as well as his/her “buddy” (an S&B colleague entrusted with the role to help him/her adapt faster). During the 9 months participants received a quarterly evaluation.

8. Program closing (May 2014): On May 31st, 2014, the new employees "graduated" better equipped to face the professional world. They were asked to evaluate the program via an on-line questionnaire, through which valuable feedback was obtained for improvements for the next round of the program.

Second round launched In October 2014: The second round was launched with the aim to recruit 15 new colleagues for S&B’s operations in Greece. Based on the evaluation from the first round certain improvements were applied in the program’s assessment process and the training week. The 2nd round’s duration is from 15 January to 15 September 2015.


Impact on Society

Main result of the program’s 1st round was the recruitment of 25 young unemployed people who were employed in the program’s positions for 9 months. They held a specific function integrated into each Department’s daily work, often undertaking projects from scratch, in line with their interests and studies. Participants received formal training from experienced S&B executives and faculty from one of Greece’s top business schools (ALBA) and acquired a certificate.

First round “statistics”: 3,197 applications, 25 recruits, 14 men (50%) - 11 women (50%), 9-month work experience, employed in Athens, Milos, Fokis, and Ritsona, 28 years average age, 1.6 years average work experience, 65% candidates with university degree, 36% candidates with postgraduate studies.

The participants' remuneration stood above the minimum salary (as defined by law) based on their education level (University graduates’ gross salary amounted to €1,000, higher education graduates’ to €900, and high-school graduates’ to €700). An additional medical plan was offered to all recruits, along with transportation costs for those that worked in locations far from their place of residence.

The program increased total headcount of S&B in Greece by 4.5%. The company invested over €0.4 million. The initiative falls under S&B’s Sustainable Development Strategy, and it increased the company’s social contribution budget by 35% in one calendar year.

Initiative Location

YOU@S&B runs at all S&B sites of operation in Greece.

Working with Organization

S&B collaborated with external partners, designer, communications consultant and web developer, in the design and selection process and in the training of participants.


Workers Participation

Three departments were actively involved in the program: HR, Group Sustainable Development and IT Departments. During the candidates’ final selection process, Managers that would welcome a program participant in their department actively participated in the interview panels. Another 5 S&B executives participated in the 5-day initial training implemented in collaboration with ALBA. Finally, the involvement of S&B Managers - supervisors of participants was very important.


Benefits for Οrganization

The YOU@S&B colleagues provided very positive feedback about their experience stating that the program met their expectations. The 25 S&B Supervisors also benefited from the program. They were actively involved in helping the young colleagues acquire experience and skills and participated in the demanding program with full commitment towards making it a success. This not only contributed to their own development as Managers but also enhanced their sense of pride that S&B and themselves were actively involved in helping to tackle unemployment in Greece. The 25 S&B “buddies” were also proud participants in the program benefitting from the same positive feeling of contribution. You@S&B received the "Contribution to Society" Award at the KPMG Human Resources Awards 2014.

Connection with Global Goals

No Connection with Global Goals found

More Initiatives from Organization

Caring for Our Planet: Imerys Biodiversity Strategy

Contribution to biodiversity through the rehabilitation of Milos mines

Cooperation of companies and groups for the rescue of an employee in Milos – Power through Unity

Creation of a new economic, environmentally friendly activity

Diversity and Inclusion

Endemic, rare, and endangered plant species of Milos – Saving the lost treasure of the island

Eradication of invasive alien plant species from restoration areas

IMERYS’ MILOS PLANT NURSERY as educational destination

Innovative Training of employees in programs that reduce physical strain and improve mental health.

Milos Mining Museum 20th anniversary: an educational center on Milos island

Milos nursery as an educational destination



Pancratium maritimum – An ancient plant returns to the beaches of Milos

Pandemic response plan - Protection of Workers and the Local Community

Relocation of an ancient structure in Milos - Mining goes hand in hand with cultural heritage.

Safe Residents – Tourists and Workers: The traffic management system at the Imerys mines in Milos.

Safer Together: Building a Stronger Health & Safety Culture

Scents and Colors from the Rehabilitated Mines of Milos

Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility

Take Safety Home: R.S.I. Educational Programs for Imerys Greece SA employees and their children with the collaboration of the Road Safety Institute (R.S.I.) “Panos Mylonas”

"Let's talk about Fire Safety at Home". Imerys Greece – ELINYAE – Myrtillo cooperation


Εxploit Milos island climate conditions for bentonite drying


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The Sustainable Greece Ιnitiative launched by QualityNet Foundation