The FOURLIS Group is one of the largest trading groups of consumer goods in Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, and Romania.
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The FOURLIS Group is one of the largest trading groups of consumer goods in Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, and Romania.
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Fourlis Group Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility Department organizes actions aimed at promoting volunteerism, strengthening the culture of employee awareness οn the importance of giving back to fellow human beings and protecting the environment, as well as strengthening relationships between them.
All Group employees, in all countries of operation.
Throughout 2023.
In 2023, 11 volunteer actions were organized. Most of the actions were chosen and implemented by Group.
Some of the actions implemented are:
Greece, Bulgaria and Cyprus.
Various collaborations with organizations/institutions, in the context of carrying out each action.
More than 110 volunteer Group employees.
Strengthening the culture of employee awareness οn the importance of giving back to fellow human beings and protecting the environment, as well as strengthening relationships between them.