Voluntary road sign cleaning action

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Implementation of a voluntary road sign cleaning action, in the framework of the Health, Safety & Environment Days with the support of the Road Safety Institute (R.S.I.) "Panos Mylonas".
The public to whom this practice is addressed includes the residents of the Municipality of Lykovrysi-Pefkis and the wider social group that circulates in this Municipality as well as the local authorities, while it was carried out with the participation of the employees of the HERAKLIS Group.
The actions of the HERAKLIS Group to support the work of the Road Safety Institute "Panos Mylonas", in the Lykovrysi - Pefki area and vigilance on road safety issues took place in October 2021.
The HERACLES Group, true to its vision of creating a more sustainable world for all, supports "One more feat for all of us" focusing this time on cultivating an exemplary road culture. As part of the Health, Safety & Environment Days, he proceeded in 2021 to record and restore 110 vandalized road signs in the Municipality of Lykovrysi - Pefki, remaining consistent in his commitment to make Health and Safety a non-negotiable priority.
In particular, the HERACLIS Group joined forces with the Road Safety Institute (R.S.I.) "Panos Mylonas", with the aim of raising the awareness of both employees and citizens about the role of road markings as well as strengthening safety at the streets.
In particular, the HERAKLIS Group with the motto "Clean signs - Safer roads" and under the guidance of the R.S.I., dozens of volunteers of the Group undertook to restore the road signs on central axes and side streets around its headquarters in Lykovrysi.
Damaged - with colors, slogans and stickers - signs are a widespread problem in many areas of the country. This results in the information on the signs being hard to see by drivers and pedestrians and very often creating problems in movement, even causing traffic incidents.
The aim of this action is for the HERAKLIS Group to stand with responsibility and accountability towards the citizens of the area, which hosts the Group's headquarters, but also towards every citizen, ensuring safer roads and contributing to the prevention of traffic incidents. For the Heraklis Group, the restoration of road signs is an action of respect for human life and the environment, but also a sample of culture.
The R.S.I. is an NGO with the main purpose of supporting and promoting activities in matters that promote road safety, traffic education, study, research, information and education aiming at the prevention and reduction of traffic accidents.
Cultivating traffic literacy and safe behavior on the road is the mission of the Institute, which works tirelessly to reduce traffic accidents. Volunteering is the Union's driving force, contributing decisively to the promotion of its goals and the implementation of its actions. The R.S.I. has been honored with the "European Citizen's Award" by the European Parliament.
The HERAKLIS Group, recognizing the importance of strengthening road safety and the awareness of citizens and agencies for such issues, supported the work of R.S.I., confirming that the joining forces of the private sector and society can achieve a lot.
There were several challenges in the implementation of this project, both at an organizational level, (such as the coordination of the Group's volunteers with the guidance team from the R.S.I.) and at a practical level (such as, for example, the recording and restoration 110 vandalized signs in the Municipality of Lykovrysi - Pefki). However, the appropriate planning, combined with the commitment of the management of the HERACLIS Group for social contribution and the framing of the executives of the coordination group, resulted in the successful implementation of the initiative with significant and multifaceted benefits, for all involved and especially for the residents of the area as well as the wider social group that circulates in the specific Municipality.
The results of this action of the HERAKLIS Group were important for the residents of the local area and the users of the road network, as a total of 110 vandalized road signs were restored in the Municipality of Lykovrysi-Pefki.
At the same time, in order to inform and raise public awareness as much as possible both internally and externally, HERACLIS Group carried out a communication campaign. In particular, to raise awareness and mobilize for issues of road safety and the reduction of road accidents, he proceeded with the following:
PR, contacts with Mass Media & media kits
Publications in Mass Media
The impact is significant, as every day, thousands of our fellow citizens become users of the road system in the Lykovrysi - Pefki area and understand the importance of Road Safety.
The action of cleaning road signs was implemented in the Municipality of Lykovrysi - Pefki, specifically on the main roads and the side streets around the headquarters of the HERACLIS Group.
The HERACLIS Group, consistent in its commitment to create value for local communities, joined forces with the "Panos Mylonas" Road Safety Institute and contributed substantially to its social work.
This initiative of the HERACLIS Group was a major project and an important investment in terms of the company's human resources. This is a good practice of excellent cooperation both with the "Panos Mylonas" Road Safety Institute and between the group of volunteers of the Heraklis Group.
The benefits from the restoration of 110 road signs are obvious and important for the residents of the local area in the Municipality of Lykovrysi-Pefki, as well as for passing drivers.
Cleaning road signs helps to reduce traffic accidents in the area and improve the quality of use of the area's road system.
For the Heraklis Group, the restoration of road signs is an action of respect for human life and the environment, but also a sample of culture.