Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) for all types of cement

Heracles Group is Greece's largest cement producer and has been serving the market for more than 100 years. The Group is operating in the industry of cement production and marketing, aggregates and concrete in Greece and in more than 20 countries.
Read more: www.lafarge.gr
The aim of the initiative was to obtain Environmental Product Declarations for all types of cement it produces in its Factories in Volos and Milaki of Euboea.
Cement production with Environmental Declarations (EPD) are mainly aimed at manufacturers who choose environmentally friendly products to create sustainable constructions with an improved environmental footprint. Also, cement with an Environmental Declaration (EPD) is a raw material for projects with bioclimatic design that aim for certifications from the most important international building ecosystems. Therefore, the main recipient of products with Environmental Statements is the construction industry as well as the local community and citizens who are interested in environmentally friendly constructions.
The acquisition of the Environmental Declarations by the HERACLIS Group took place in 2021.
Taking the lead in addressing the challenges from the effects of climate change and with absolute consistency in the sustainability goals of the European Green Deal, the HERACLIS Group leads the way once again, issuing Environmental Product Declarations in accordance with ISO 14025 and EN 15804, verified by an independent accredited body and published in the most widely used EPD Program, the International EPD System.
For the drafting of the Environmental Product Declaration, a life cycle assessment study (LCA: Life Cycle Assessment) is prepared which includes not only the footprint of the Factory's production process, but also the production and transportation of raw materials and fuel to the Factory. The results of the analysis are expressed in specific indicators that are measurable, valid and objective and relate to environmental performance, resource consumption, waste production and reuse. In particular, environmental indicators are related to various phenomena that concern the modern world, such as climate change, stratospheric ozone depletion, acid rain, eutrophication and photochemical smog.
Environmental Declarations (EPDs) prove that HERACLIS Group cement products are optimal solutions for sustainable constructions with an improved environmental footprint, especially for projects with bioclimatic design aiming for certifications from the most important international building ecosystems (e.g. LEED, BREEAM) .
The advantages of materials with Environmental Declarations (EPD) over conventional materials for the customers of HERACLIS Group are as follows:
Possibility of creating sustainable constructions with a reduced environmental footprint Creation of projects with bioclimatic design aimed at certifications from the most important international building ecosystems (e.g. LEED, BREEAM)
Acquisition of materials with measurable, valid and objective indicators concerning environmental performance, resource consumption, waste production and reuse, for more sustainable constructions.
The environmentally friendly materials of the HERAKLIS Group, with improved sustainability performance, are available for all customers of the Group in Greece or abroad.
For the compilation of Environmental Product Declarations (EPD), the HERACLIS Group collaborated with an independent accredited body to verify that the Environmental Product Declarations are made in accordance with ISO 14025 and EN 15804.
At the same time, the results are published in the most widespread EPD Program, the International EPD System.
The receipt of the Environmental Declarations was the result of the systematic efforts of the executives of the HERACLIS Group to produce more environmentally friendly products, meeting the needs of customers and facing the challenges of the effects of climate change.
The HERACLIS Group becomes the first cement industry in Greece to obtain an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), facing the challenges of the effects of climate change and with absolute consistency in the sustainability goals of the European Green Deal.
Environmental Declarations (EPDs) prove that HERACLIS Group cement products are optimal solutions for sustainable constructions with an improved environmental footprint, especially for projects with bioclimatic design aiming for certifications from the most important international building ecosystems (e.g. LEED, BREEAM).
By issuing EPDs for its entire production activity in more than 120 concrete products in total strength class C16/20 and above, but also for all categories of environmental exposure according to the Concrete Technology Regulation 2016, it opened new paths of sustainability both in the industry cement as well as concrete.
In addition, the HERAKLIS Group now has EPDs per geographical area of operation, which lends further precision and transparency to its measurements. Included are the new "green" range of ECOPact concretes, Specialty Concretes as well as specialized products such as CBGM cement-bound fluid sand aggregate, trench filling concretes and concretes with a lower carbon footprint.