Social Support Structures - Eliminating Poverty-children's human rights

Our core at Allianz is to protect people and businesses from risks. In this way, we contribute to the long-term financial well-being of our customers and to the stabilization of local economies. Insurance is one of the key ways in which we limit the impact of climate risks and offset climate-related losses. The higher the level of insurance coverage a country, the more resilient it is to extreme natural events. In addition, after an extreme weather event such as a flood or hurricane, insurance claims are often a quick and reliable solution to enable those affected to recover quickly.
In addition to contributing to sustainable economic growth through our business activity, we also focus on overcoming barriers to social inclusion that will lead our society to a better, more productive future. That's why empowering young people and supporting vulnerable social groups are key pillars of Allianz's Corporate Responsibility program.
One of the biggest consequences of the economic crisis in our country, was to increase the percentage of people living below the poverty line. Specifically, 2015 is the year with the largest negative changes in all indicators related to poverty. According to the report of the BoG, the relative poverty (the percentage of people living in households where disposable income is below the poverty threshold) increased by 8% in 2015.
Within these conditions, the new design for the actions of CSR Our Group in 2015 and the conduct of the operations budget, taken very seriously, all proposals - actions having a direct impact on poverty reduction.
Moreover, the difficult economic climate that finds these years our country has unfortunately a huge impact on the future of our generations, children. In this difficult time, it is essential that businesses and organizations to help with whatever means can the situation, recognizing that no country has no future without care of her children.
Since early 2015, our Group has planned specific actions on a budget and focusing on childcare and the human rights of children.
2 years
Specifically, our Group is working since the beginning of 2014, the social structures of Municipality of Halandri and the social grocery. The cooperation fully fund 215 citizens food needs.
We also offered emergency food, the Unesco Piraeus and Islands Group and the Group's staff collected our money to support the actions of the Social Structures Instant Anti Poverty. This funding and offered food and basic necessities that ensured our complete feeding 80 fellow for two months.
About the rights of children, our Group has worked both through support actions and by providing grants by NGOs Noah Noah and the World of Children, which have accomplished a great work.
Also, in mid-2015, our Group in collaboration with the NGO Tandem started the educational program rehabilitation and recovery of children with disabilities in PIKPA The program was fully cover the costs of specialized scientific staff for one year.
Moreover, for the needs of kindergarten, Psychomotor Development Group (for children with severe cerebral palsy and other attendant problems, aged 6-12 years) and the seven-seat Special Public Elementary School, our Group has allocated significant amount of funding operating costs .
Special mention should be made in the strategic plan and corporate social responsibility for the welfare and human rights of children, of our subsidiary company Alter Ego S.A.
Specifically, the Alter Ego: He collaborated with the Smile of the Child, providing free services in the homes of the Agency. Some of the services are:
He collaborated and supported the National Association "Heart of the Child", by the villi placing the Christmas season.
Build free metal ramp for the convenience of disabled children in the 1st Lyceum of Halandri.
In cooperation with the Special Parents bodies and private initiative, plans in person or via skype book readings for children with special "abilities." The Special Parents website,, not only parents but also any individual living on a "special" family, along with "cerebral palsy". The main purpose and goal is to help each other in everyday matters, thoughts and unite forces, to exchange views and
Another important action was the cooperation of our Group with Prolepsis Institute and specific support food program. Specifically, they secured 1,250 meals to students of the Program schools.
The Prolepsis Institute implements since 2012 the Program food, a Food Program and Promotion of healthy eating in schools socioeconomic vulnerable areas of our country. The program is under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and implemented for the fifth consecutive school year, having allocated a total of more than 11 million meals in approximately 450 schools and 75,000 students across Greece.
The results of this action can not be measured. Relying on our society and on children's rights comes at a difficult time for our country. The result of this axis meets the objective of our Group for the broadest possible support in the local community and children's human rights. Our only commitment is even greater support to three years from 2017 to 2019.
Social Structures of Municipality of Halandri, Group for Unesco of Piraeus and Islands, Prolepsis Institute, Ark of the World, Ark of the Children, Tandem.
Our staff organized a special bargain and raised money that is directly submitted to the Group for Unesco Piraeus and Islands and was actively involved in all the actions of this axis.
Support for Greek society, this difficult period is a must. Since governments have the will to strengthen and contribute to the support of Greek society, need and enlisting business. Businesses can adopt one hand to support practices and to promote actions in support of society. Our society is the intended recipient.