
Asfalistikos Goneas

Asfalistikos Goneas


EUROPEAN RELIANCE GENERAL INSURANCE CO. S.A. is a comprehensive insurance company which is active in all modern insurance sectors. It provides full insurance coverage to individuals as well as to companies.


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Objective Action

Allianz actively integrates Corporate Social Responsibility at the heart of its business operations, through an innovative insurance policy that is offered free of charge to the entire Greek society. The company, beyond its sponsorships and solidarity actions, demonstrates in practice its support to the needs of society, by also utilizing its skills and knowledge capital for the benefit of the general population and its customers alike.

The Asfalistikos Goneas Program was created with the aim of supporting society as a whole, anticipating the fixed and constant needs of society, regardless of whether they are the Company's customers.

The Asfalistikos Goneas is offered exclusively by Allianz and is a free insurance Program that stands by the side of the insured, both by covering their basic expenses in the event of an accident and by helping to reduce their premiums.


Target Audience

The entire Greek society



The Program is open-ended. It was launched in 2012 and continues to operate until today.                    


Asfalistikos Goneas is an innovative insurance Program that can be obtained free of charge by any natural person aged 18-70 years old. Through the Program, Allianz provides:

1.            1. The policyholder pays up to €1 in premiums, essentially setting the amount of his/her premiums himself/herself depending on his/her purchases.

2.            Free purchases in case of hospitalization due to an accident and for a period equal to the hospitalization time up to twelve months.

3.            Free purchases to the family of the insured in the event of loss of life due to an accident.

The above benefits are secured by purchases made by the insured and/or his/her family from companies affiliated with the Plan.


How does it work in practice?


1. The person applies either through the Asfalistikos Goneas app, or at one of the 7,500+ Allianz partners, through the customer portal, or from the websites and and obtains the card.

2. He makes purchases at partner companies (Sklavenitis, Masoutis, Market In, Plaisio, EKO, BP, Revoil, Moustakas,, Sephora, Notos, Avis, Pet City, etc.).

3. Gives the immaterial or physical card Asfalistikos Goneas at the cashier.

4. The purchase is registered and the holder can be informed of the amount collected as a refund of his/her purchases, either through the Asfalistikos Goneas app or through the website and the customer portal. Asfalistikos Goneas app.                   


Impact on Society

Thanks to this pioneering action, the entire Greek society is given the opportunity for free insurance, by making only the necessary monthly purchases. (supermarket, petrol, shopping, electricity, etc.) with the Asfalistikos Goneas card. Allianz has rewarded the holders of the Asfalistikos Goneas Program with an amount of 1,500,000 € for 2023.                

Initiative Location

The entire Greek society

Working with Organization

Sklavenitis, Masoutis, Market In, Plaisio, EKO, BP, Revoil, Moustakas,, Sephora, Notos, Avis, Pet City, Biomedical and many more companies.     


Workers Participation

The Asfalistikos Goneas Program is linked to all Allianz divisions, as the benefits are available across the company's entire current portfolio. All employees actively participate in the Asfalistikos Goneas Program.          


Benefits for Οrganization

In Allianz, Corporate Social Responsibility is a core business element, as it is an effective tool for achieving sustainable development. Sustainability requires strong economic results and social solidarity towards all stakeholders, especially in these days of struggle for everyone. The Asfalistikos Goneas is tangible proof that at Allianz social contribution is not limited to sponsorships, but is part of our business plan.

As part of its corporate responsibility, Allianz offers the entire Greek society the innovative Asfalistikos Goneas Program. A Program free of charge, directly linked to our most common habit, our daily purchases.

The holders of the Asfalistikos Goneas card may already be holders of an Allianz insurance policy, for which they can collect premium refunds, but they may also be potential customers, since the benefits they collect have no time limit for use, thus having the possibility to collect premium refunds and afterwards they can acquire a policy, reducing their premiums as much as they wish. This enables Allianz to reach out to a larger audience, increasing its customer base. In 2023 alone, Program holders collected €1,500,000 for their premiums, skyrocketing the benefit for themselves and further strengthening the loyalty to Allianz.

In addition, through the partnerships formed with the largest retailers in Greece, as well as smaller retailers, Allianz is putting into practice the biggest trend in business, the creation of synergies.                    

Connection with Global Goals

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