Local communities, Schools and traditions support program of European Reliance

Our core at Allianz is to protect people and businesses from risks. In this way, we contribute to the long-term financial well-being of our customers and to the stabilization of local economies. Insurance is one of the key ways in which we limit the impact of climate risks and offset climate-related losses. The higher the level of insurance coverage a country, the more resilient it is to extreme natural events. In addition, after an extreme weather event such as a flood or hurricane, insurance claims are often a quick and reliable solution to enable those affected to recover quickly.
In addition to contributing to sustainable economic growth through our business activity, we also focus on overcoming barriers to social inclusion that will lead our society to a better, more productive future. That's why empowering young people and supporting vulnerable social groups are key pillars of Allianz's Corporate Responsibility program.
As a responsible corporate citizen, the company’s goal is to expand and enforce its social role through actions that contribute to the empowerment of the social network. The need to strengthen the institutions and the collective actions, especially today that citizens are tested, is a primary concern of all of us.
Any company that understands its structural role in tomorrow’s society should seek collaboration with MGO’s and Social Entrepreneurship Institutions maximizing its participation to the solution of problems of socially vulnerable groups. Our goal is to expand and enforce the social role of the company by actions that contribute to the enforcement of social network.
We aim to the social development along with our basic corporate activity. To be more precise, we set the foundation of corporate social action while collaborating with local carriers by improving their living standards and reducing social exclusion.
3 years
Unfortunately, the last years’, crisis has directly influenced our society. Many of our fellow citizens deprive essential items for survival like roof, food, clothes, etc.. In many municipalities, local administrations have understood that serious problem and proceeded to the immediate foundation – support of social infrastructures aiming to confront the humanitarian crisis in local communities. To be more precise, in Halandri where our headquarters are located, social structures of the Municipality of Halandri have achieved a huge project in dealing with the humanitarian crisis of the local society. In this difficult task of social structures, we are helping with all our efforts. From 2014, we assumed to support both financially but also by providing food to this important task of structures while we committed to help even more for the next years. Also, we significantly strengthened the Group for Unesco of Piraeus and Islands with food supply, as well as monetarily thanks to the assistance of the employees of our company.
Regarding the reinforcement of schools with urgent needs, for many years, European Reliance supports actions and activities for education and culture. From 2014 with the help of the IT department, we helped modernize 22 schools and associations with the donation of computer equipment. Some of the schools are: 1st High School of Halandri, 3rd Elementary School of Serres, 1st Secondary School of Kifisia, Boxing Athletics Club of Peristeri, 6th Elementary School of Halandri, 2nd Elementary School of Nea Smirni, Association “Smile of the Child”.
Vocational Training School for people with disabilities.
An innovation for our activities from 2014 was the support of local traditions, habits and customs. In particular, it has been noticed that over the years, we forget our traditions, particularly from the new generation.
In this speculation, in 2014 and 2015 our company decided to support local traditional events.
Precisely, we sponsored “Yakinthia 2014 and 2015” organized for the 17th and 18th consecutive year. 2014, was the year of El Greco the great Cretan painter of the Renaissance (Spain - Greece). However, Yakinthia honored the memory of another great representative of the Renaissance, Vincenzo Cornaro, and his work Erotocritos, who died in 1614 – the same year as El Greco.
Moreover, we supported the annual four-day festival of Plataea of the Cultural Association “Oeroi” that was held in August 2014 and 2015. This festival had as a goal to revive customs and traditions, with theatrical performances for the young audience and sports activities.
We commit for 2016, to continue to support actions and activities that have as a direct goal to revive traditions in local societies.
The results of the support program of local communities, schools and traditions of European Reliance make us proud for our actions. Specifically, we supported in three years 22 public schools with latest computer technology equipment, two social structures with direct response to the issue of poverty and decent life as also supported four clubs and organizations for the preservation of traditions. Support for local communities is our backbone to the actions of Corporate and Social Responsibility.
Ιn all the activities of local communities support program, schools and traditions of European Reliance General Insurance SA, the participation of our company's staff was crucial. Specifically, searches were made from our staff in order to find institutions and schools with immediate need for help. Furthermore, through the assistance of servants we gathered every year a large amount of food and funds for disposal.
We have developed mechanisms and procedures based on which we record and put in priority issues of Corporate Social Responsibility, concerning their meaning to the interested parties, external environment, and the company. Through constant evaluation and revision, we define our responsible action that results from the dialogue and the effort of creation a common understanding base.
Our guide for the corporate action of social contribution consists the statement of United Nations (Millennium Declaration) concerning the 8 goals of the Millennium (Millenium Development Goals) (as presented in chapter 6.3 about human rights).
The way to achieve the above goals requires particular tactics, and the decision to collaborate with the respective social carrier depends on the milestone of values she carries, along with the unique knowledge’s, special competencies and sources of the Company. Human pain and ensuring to avoid the consequences of it is a big part of the up to now actions and goals for the future.
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