Consumption Measuring System of CO2 Emissions -Carbon Neutralization - Recycling - Rewarding Employees

Our core at Allianz is to protect people and businesses from risks. In this way, we contribute to the long-term financial well-being of our customers and to the stabilization of local economies. Insurance is one of the key ways in which we limit the impact of climate risks and offset climate-related losses. The higher the level of insurance coverage a country, the more resilient it is to extreme natural events. In addition, after an extreme weather event such as a flood or hurricane, insurance claims are often a quick and reliable solution to enable those affected to recover quickly.
In addition to contributing to sustainable economic growth through our business activity, we also focus on overcoming barriers to social inclusion that will lead our society to a better, more productive future. That's why empowering young people and supporting vulnerable social groups are key pillars of Allianz's Corporate Responsibility program.
European Reliance, as a responsible corporate citizen, understands sustainable development as an effort to further adapt its practices for the protection of the environment to the consequences of climate change, analysing the relevant risks and taking advantage of the corresponding opportunities.
Preventing biodiversity loss is ensured through further reducing our environmental footprint through proper management and the use of new sustainable green technologies and control methods to limit air pollutant emissions and the sustainable use of our resources.
In particular, the Group embraces the concept of sustainable development, as developed in September 2002 in the United Nations Declaration on Africa: the Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development and on Development and Environmental Sensitivity, as developed in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992: the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. The initiative to adapt to new standards of corporate behaviour is a strategic rather than a communicative step.
Greek Society and the employees of the Company.
2015 - 2021
For the eighth consecutive year, our Group has fulfilled its obligation to the community to measure the company's emissions produced by its activities. This measurement helps the Group to improve by targeting targeted actions to reduce these pollutants. The total emissions of our three Group companies in 2021 are shown below:
Emissions t CO2 eq 2021
Total 2021: 1,484 t CO2 eq
European Reliance's total pollutants appear to be reduced by 165.6 t CO2, compared to the previous period, i.e. - 10.0%. Overall, a reduction in pollutants was observed in all controlled categories, influenced by several factors, such as the fact that most of the staff worked remotely in 2021, resulting in a significant reduction in travel to and from work.
It was also influenced by the increased eco-consciousness of European Reliance employees, who are using more modern technology vehicles (electric & hybrid), and that a large part of the staff has switched to using greener means of transport (bicycles, electric scooters, public transport, etc.).
European Reliance, as a responsible corporate citizen, understands sustainable development as an effort to build a more competitive low-emission economy that makes efficient and sustainable use of its resources, taking into account the protection of the environment.
European Reliance is continuously investing in green growth. This is confirmed on the one hand by the ISO 50001:2011 standard certification of the energy management system, whereby companies are encouraged to act in a sustainable manner and save resources, and on the other hand by the investments European Reliance is making in the energy upgrade of its buildings, as well as by its activities aimed at reducing its carbon footprint.
True to its principles of supporting and developing renewable energy as a means of sustainable development, in October 2012 European Reliance proceeded with the acquisition of a Photovoltaic Power Plant investing in the renewable energy sector.
For the employees of European Reliance General Insurance Co. SA, the importance of recycling is presented in the following sections:
European Reliance, since the beginning of its effort to fully manage its waste in 2012, has managed to recycle around 1,725 kg of materials (paper, aluminium, plastic) every month. Specifically, for 2021 the Group recycled 11.67 tonnes, while destroying 0.84 tonnes of confidential documents.
In the environmental sector the environmental sector, our main objectives are the continuous reduction of environmental burdens, the continuous strengthening of our environmentally friendly operation through actions such as rewarding employees who improve their ecological footprint, the completion of the energy upgrade of our buildings in order to optimize energy savings, as well as the continuous compliance with relevant standards and protocols, such as the successful monitoring of the ISO: 50001 system for Energy Efficiency.
Therefore, in our next non-financial report, all of the aforementioned measurements will refer to all of the Company's real estate (owned and leased properties). The Company's total pollutants decreased by 165.6 t CO2 compared to the same period of the previous measurement, mainly due to the fact that most of the staff worked remotely in 2021, resulting in a significant reduction in travel to and from work.
The result was very satisfying, but European Reliance is not stopping there, as there is more room for improvement and environmental awareness. This system is modified every year and is based on the Group's needs for lower energy consumption and higher efficiency.
Employee participation is crucial. Every time, they actively participate in our voluntary actions for the environment. Also, with the encouragement of the company (awards to "green" staff, financial incentives, etc.), employees are slowly starting to leave or minimize the use of cars, cycling, walking, etc. Also an important step was the activation of the HR department for communication among staff about car pooling.
Furthermore, European Reliance, having incorporated in its Corporate Social Responsibility plan and in its actions, the concern for social and environmental issues, proceeded with the redevelopment of the Kokkino Limanaki beach in Rafina, Attica. This voluntary action was organized by European Reliance, in cooperation with the "Kokkino Limanaki" Committee of Victims and the Municipality of Rafina-Pikermio, with the aim of relieving the environment of the area and was warmly embraced by the Company's human resources, as more than 80 employees participated in the action.
The company's activities have no significant impact on the climate and the environment. However, the Company is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and other air emissions in order to minimise the impact on air quality and to address the causes and consequences of climate change in general.
European Reliance embraces the idea of Sustainable Development and the environmental awareness of the Company's employees and their awareness of the environment is an important contribution to the work of its Corporate Responsibility.
The Company sets targets, which it naturally makes public, regarding its ecological footprint through the responsible and systematic management of energy, water and waste at its facilities, as well as emissions resulting from the daily travel of employees and necessary business trips.
By continuously improving its operations and reducing its environmental and carbon footprint, European Reliance is moving ever closer to its targets for: