Actions to Cope with Covid-19

Our core at Allianz is to protect people and businesses from risks. In this way, we contribute to the long-term financial well-being of our customers and to the stabilization of local economies. Insurance is one of the key ways in which we limit the impact of climate risks and offset climate-related losses. The higher the level of insurance coverage a country, the more resilient it is to extreme natural events. In addition, after an extreme weather event such as a flood or hurricane, insurance claims are often a quick and reliable solution to enable those affected to recover quickly.
In addition to contributing to sustainable economic growth through our business activity, we also focus on overcoming barriers to social inclusion that will lead our society to a better, more productive future. That's why empowering young people and supporting vulnerable social groups are key pillars of Allianz's Corporate Responsibility program.
The European Reliance SA implemented measures against Covid-19 in our country, having as a target the enhancement of Greek society and the provision of support to those target group which are in need.
The European Reliance SA, all these years, has proved the support of society through actions of Corporate and Social Responsibility. For that reason, Company contribute to such a crucial situation as that we are facing the recent months.
The main objectives of this initiative are to ensure the health of our people, their continuous support, the uninterrupted provision of services to our insured as well as the support of the State and Society.
The actions which are implemented against Covid-19 affect the Greek society and the Greek State
The Company started the implementation of actions from the first moment of the appearance of the pandemic in our country and will continue until its elimination.
European Reliance SA choose the actions that are implemented in order to effectively support those who are most affected by effects of Covid-19.
Specifically, Company implemented measures for the prevention and protection of the employees and the insured, applying teleworking for over 90% of its employees and supporting the personnel with special virtual seminars and extraordinary remuneration of € 1 mil. The Company also performs on a regular basis disinfections in all of its building facilities and created an on-line P.O. Box for the secure receipt and dispatch of documents to facilitate all insurance agents and the insured.
The Company, aiming to contribute to the national efforts for the treatment of the Covid-19 pandemic, donated 10 high-tech ventilators and other healthcare equipment to the Ministry of Health, provided freely three-month insurance coverage to 250 vehicles of the Mobile Health Units donated by AVIS to the Hellenic National Public Health Organization (EODY) and participated in the scheme “Special Purpose Mobile Health Units” of EODY.
At the same time, the Company made a donation to the Association of Insurance Companies of Greece and the amount that raised was given to the Ministry of Health.
Last but not least, European Reliance SA provided laptops to support e-learning in schools.
The actions which are taken place have as an outcome the support of Greek Health System and Educational System. Furthermore, the extraordinary remuneration received by the employees, the financial discounts for the insured as well as the implementation of all health measures resulted in the reduction of the effects of the pandemic.
The European Reliance collaborates with Avis Hellas, the Association of Insurance Companies of Greece and the Greek Ministry of Health.
Company’s employees participated in the planning of the actions, presenting their ideas and proposals.
Social solidarity is a key feature of the ideology and corporate philosophy that governs the Company. The benefits that the Company derives from the implementation of these actions is the strengthening of the trust that it receives all these years from the society as a whole.