
Expirience Sience

Expirience Sience


Our core at Allianz is to protect people and businesses from risks. In this way, we contribute to the long-term financial well-being of our customers and to the stabilization of local economies. Insurance is one of the key ways in which we limit the impact of climate risks and offset climate-related losses. The higher the level of insurance coverage a country, the more resilient it is to extreme natural events. In addition, after an extreme weather event such as a flood or hurricane, insurance claims are often a quick and reliable solution to enable those affected to recover quickly.

In addition to contributing to sustainable economic growth through our business activity, we also focus on overcoming barriers to social inclusion that will lead our society to a better, more productive future. That's why empowering young people and supporting vulnerable social groups are key pillars of Allianz's Corporate Responsibility program.

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Objective Action

With a firm commitment to empowering young people, Allianz's main goal is to help create equal opportunities for all young people to grow confidently and become bearers of positive social change.


The creation of equal conditions for education & access to scientific knowledge has emerged as an urgent need, as a significant shortage has been identified in the country’s secondary schools: in many of them there is no science laboratory at all, and even if there is one, it either does not have even the minimum necessary equipment or has equipment dating back to the 80s and 90s.


Allianz has chosen to strengthen the country's educational structures by setting up science laboratories for Chemistry, Physics and Biology in secondary schools of public-school structures in the country, through the Bodossaki Foundation's "Experience Science" program.


Opting to focus on the crucial role of the stimuli that students at this level are exposed to, as the key to the development of a healthy relationship with the natural sciences, the program aims to:

  • Create equal conditions for education in and access to scientific knowledge.
  • Promote experiential learning.
  • Familiarise students with the natural sciences.
  • Foster scientific thinking.
  • Enrich the learning process by making it more interactive.
  • Support the Greek regions.



Target Audience

1,327 students each year (number of students in the beneficiary schools during the school year of the program’s implementation). The equipment provided is used each year by a corresponding number of pupils.



Starting from the school year 2023-2024 however, the equipment provided is used every year by a corresponding number of students.


In the context of supporting the proper operation of school units throughout Greece, in cooperation with the Bodossaki Foundation, an action was created for the supply and delivery to public high schools of the country of the necessary laboratory equipment (electronic, scientific and storage) for the operation of the Natural Sciences Laboratories (Biology, Physics and Chemistry). With a firm commitment to the empowerment of young people, Allianz's main objective is to contribute to the creation of equal opportunities for all young people to develop with confidence and become agents of positive social change. With the ultimate goal of improving science teaching and enhancing experiential learning in the country's schools, in collaboration with the Bodossaki Foundation, we implemented a public benefit action to create science laboratories for Chemistry, Physics and Biology in high schools of public school structures across the country.                     


Impact on Society

With Allianz's contribution, it was possible to equip and create science laboratories in 6 public high schools in Greece, ensuring the right conditions to enhance experiential learning for a total of 1,327 students in various regions of Greece, starting from the school year 2023-2024. This intervention is expected to support a corresponding number of students each year, multiplying the positive impact of the donation over time.       

Initiative Location

In various regions of Greece.

Working with Organization

Allianz Greece has collaborated with the Bodossaki Foundation, an organization with a recognized social work that contributes substantially both to the relief of Greek society from problems that affect it and need immediate solution, but also to the building of a sustainable future for its young people.

The Bodossaki Foundation is one of the country's most important charitable foundations with a long history of responsibility and multifaceted action. With a deep understanding of social needs throughout Greece, it is currently also acting as a catalyst for creating a framework of broader giving to Greek society, managing the resources of third parties - companies, legatees, international bodies and other major donors - who wish to fund programmes of significant social impact for critical education, health and environmental protection needs.         


Workers Participation

Through a series of internal communications, the Allianz staff had the opportunity to learn more about the action from the company's own management, to be informed about the objectives of the program and its positive impact. Through the social awakening and sensitization of its human resources, Allianz also aims to plan voluntary actions of its employees in the near future.                      


Benefits for Οrganization

Allianz has had the pleasure of providing young people with the necessary skills and through targeted actions, Allianz contributes to creating equal opportunities for all young people to develop with confidence and become bearers of positive social change. While at the same time it enabled the equipment/creation of science laboratories in 6 public high schools in the country, ensuring the right conditions to enhance experiential learning for a total of 1,327 students in different regions of Greece.

Consequently, it implemented an action with a substantial social impact that contributed to enhancing its profile as a Responsible Corporate Citizen and increased its contribution to the country community in which it operates.

Connection with Global Goals

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The Sustainable Greece Ιnitiative launched by QualityNet Foundation