The health service: Performs medical checks to employees according to the medical monitoring protocol (ECG, audiometry, otoscopy, spirometry, chest X-Ray, microbiological tests). Issues in regular basis information material (First Aid Handbook, newsletters, informative posters for vaccination, protection from flue, proper way to wash the hands, protection from viruses, diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc.). Organizes with cooperation of non-profit organizations various informative sessions such as Prevention of breast cancer and cervical cancer. Organizes student visits from the Health Care and Social Units departments of Educational Institutes of the city. Realize many training sessions each year, by internal personnel or external companies, e.g. musculoskeletal disorders, first aid, defibrillators use, etc. Realize flu vaccination every year and blood donation twice per year. The company has a Blood Bank at Local Hospital.
The company applies the Annual Safety Roadmap which includes projects to be enforced in every site, related to operational and organizational standards. Uses communication tools that promote safety within the organization, such as dedicated safety corners with posters and information material, H&S Vision (newsletter), boards with No of days without LTI, information sources (safety alerts, best practices, lessons learned) communicated to all employees through dedicated safety talks, celebration of World Safety Day, group annual recognition program for acknowledging the achievements of each site, “I Take 5” program with 24 risks introduced and discussed through dedicated talks each month and posters displayed in several areas of the plants, notification cards to report unsafe situations noticed. Perform investigation and root causes analysis on accidents and incidents, in order to decide corrective and preventive actions to avoid similar cases in the future. Organize monthly safety meetings, which enable management to get involved in safety issues and ensure a consistent Safety management system. Practical field visits (inspections, checks, audits) are performed in all activities, in order to detect safety failures before accidents and incidents happen. All unsafe situations noticed during the field visits are reported in a safety database and managed accordingly during dedicated safety meetings. Provide practical and theoretical trainings that give to employees the necessary knowledge and skills in order to carry out their work in the safest way, according to applicable work procedures. Apply the “Safety Champion” recognition program for motivating all employees and contractors to notice and encourage the positive safe behavior at the workplace.