
Certificate ISO 14064-1:2012 for carbon footptint

Certificate ISO 14064-1:2012 for carbon footptint


Halyps Building Materials SA, Italcementi Group subsidiary in Greece, is activated in cement activity under the brand name “Halyps Cement”, in aggregates activity under "Halyps Quarries" and in the concrete activity under "Et Beton".


Read more:  www.halyps.gr


Objective Action

In June 2014, Halyps Building Materials S.A. was awarded with ISO 14064 certificate, which sets standards for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) quantifying, monitoring, verification and validation.


Target Audience

All stakeholders



Certification on an annual basis


Pursuing the certification mirrors the subsidiary's concern about climate change, which has been identified as one of the major challenges to be faced by countries, governments, companies and citizens in future decades. Halyps believes the standard will make its actions more reliable. The verified report covers all emission sources of CO2 emitted at Halyps plant and related facilities and transferred to the production of cement, aggregates and ready mix concrete operation. The activity report aims to give reliable background information of the carbon footprint of the company and further steps for improvements.


Impact on Society

Based on the summary of emissions outcomes of the inventory process in accordance with ISO 14064 covering the Green House Gas emissions in 2013 at organizational level are divided into the following percentages:

- Direct emissions from clinker production: 70,44 %
- Indirect emissions from purchased electricity: 10,08 %
- Indirect emissions from purchased and sold products: 19,48 %

Initiative Location

Halyps Building Materials S.A. activities in Aspropyrgos and Mandra, Attica.

Working with Organization

Certification body "Eurocert"

Workers Participation

All employees’ effort and contribution to reduce carbon dioxide emissions is highly appreciated.


Benefits for Οrganization

ISO 14064 will guide Halyps' policy on climate change, give technical support to carbon offset processes and develop a performance indicator on sustainability reports. Benefits arising from the certification are: having precise information on the emissions of the activities carried out by the subsidiary, identifying opportunities for gas reduction, helping quantify future emissions derived from new investments and organic growth, as well as guiding eco-efficiency projects. As a result, Halyps consolidates its innovation concerning climate change. In the future, Halyps intends to improve on the current methodology adopted for data collection, enhance information management, and develop and monitor emission reduction projects.

Connection with Global Goals

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