
Lidl Hellas and UNICEF together against violence against children

Lidl Hellas and UNICEF together against violence against children

Lidl Hellas

Lidl Hellas has been active in Greece since 1999. Today the company employs more than 6700 workers, while its network includes 230 stores and 5 state-of-the-art supply centers. It is included for the 6th consecutive year in "The Most Sustainable Companies in Greece", while for the 7th consecutive year it receives the distinction of "Top Employer" in Greece and Europe.
At Lidl Greece we are proud because we build perspective for all our stakeholders, on solid, sustainable foundations. Business ethics are a source of inspiration for our values and the chain of responsibility becomes an act of sustainable empowerment for our own people, consumers, partners.
Sustainability for us is not a simple wording, but shapes our business profile and runs horizontally through our daily life.

We are moving on the trajectory of a new sustainability strategy, which develops in three dynamic axes: "Good for the planet", "Good for people" and "Good for you" with the individual actions spread over six strategic pillars: climate protection, respect for biodiversity, conservation of resources, business law, health protection and participation in dialogue. It is a functional as well as an innovative approach that allows us to respond with best practices, at the right time, to a variety of challenges. We adapt quickly, build efficiency and remain sustainable, extroverted and beneficial to the whole.


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Objective Action

According to the Council of Europe and UNICEF, 1 in 8 children worldwide have been sexually abused or exploited at some point in their lives. In Europe, around 1 in 5 children are estimated to have experienced some form of sexual violence and between 70 and 85% of children know their abuser. A third of abused children never tell anyone about their abuse.

Regarding the online dimension of the phenomenon in Greece, the Directorate of Cybercrime in the period 2017-2021 investigated 1,044 cases of pornography of minors (article 348A of the Criminal Code) and 319 cases of sexual exploitation of minors (articles 337, 348B, 348C of the Criminal Code).

Violence against children is a multidimensional phenomenon with profound implications affecting millions of children around the world. It is a fundamental violation of their rights and its prevention, response and eradication is the responsibility of all of us. The need to protect children's rights calls for immediate action to end the cycle of violence.

The "Together against violence against children" initiative in the first phase of cooperation had 3 dimensions with corresponding objectives:


Mapping of administrative data on violence against children in Greece and development of a national monitoring framework.
Disseminate a mobile phone application on various forms of violence against children, including gender-based violence and cyber violence. 2,000 adolescents familiarised with evidence-based strategies to protect themselves from online violence.
Development of a media training package on protecting children from all forms of violence. 70 media professionals with increased knowledge and skills to appropriately and ethically report cases of VAC and understand the child protection system.

The second phase of the initiative is to model a functioning child protection system for Greece from which 93,000 children and 2,000 professionals, such as teachers, school psychologists and parents, are expected to benefit from being sensitised and informed.


Target Audience

The first dimension of the programme is addressed to the State and to services that are the recipients of incidents of violence against children. The second dimension of the programme is addressed to all adolescents aged 14-17, their families and teachers. The third dimension of the programme is aimed at journalists and all communication professionals for proper management, in terms of publicity and media coverage of child abuse incidents. Finally, as the support of the programme was linked to Lidl Hellas' easter loyalty campaigns, the communication of the programme and the awareness raising activities on the issue of violence against children were directed towards all our consumers and customers.


The second phase of the initiative is addressed to the Municipalities of Greece, with the Municipality of Athens as the pilot, while a communication plan will be developed to address all stakeholders.



In April 2023, Lidl Hellas launched its cooperation with UNICEF against violence against children. In April 2024, it extended this multidimensional cooperation with a new action that will aim (a) to develop an operational framework in the Municipalities and to pilot a uniform methodology in the short, medium and long term (b) to support the social workers who will constitute the relevant department (c) to extend the social service of the Municipalities to the wider community in order to intervene in cases of neglect/abuse of children in a timely manner.


In April 2023, Lidl Hellas launched its cooperation with UNICEF in order to prevent and combat all forms of violence against children in the country. This cooperation was sealed by the delivery of a cheque for €100,000 to support the "Together against violence against children" programme, which includes a series of innovative initiatives in the field of child protection.

The multidimensional cooperation between the two organisations covers a wide range of initiatives in the field of child protection, supporting, inter alia, the mapping of data on violence against children in Greece and the development of a monitoring framework at national level, the preparation of a series of training seminars for journalists and communication professionals on the proper management of the reporting and media coverage of child abuse incidents, as well as the creation and dissemination of an interactive digital.

http://Φέτος το Πάσχα η Lidl Ελλάς ενώνει δυνάμεις με τη UNICEF ενάντια στη βία κατά των παιδιών - Lidl Ελλάς (

http://Η Lidl Ελλάς προσφέρει 100.000€ στη UNICEF και συμβάλλει στην καταπολέμηση της βίας κατά των παιδιών - Lidl Ελλάς (

http://Lidl Ελλάς και UNICEF μαζί ενάντια στη βία κατά των παιδιών στον δρόμο για ένα καλύτερο αύριο - Lidl Ελλάς (

http://Για 2η συνεχή χρονιά η Lidl Ελλάς ενισχύει το έργο της UNICEF για την προστασία των παιδιών - Lidl Ελλάς (

http://Η Lidl Ελλάς προσφέρει 160.000€ στη UNICEF για την καθολική ενίσχυση του συστήματος παιδικής προστασίας στην Ελλάδα - Lidl Ελλάς (



Impact on Society

The multidimensional cooperation between the two institutions covers a wide range of initiatives in the field of child protection, supporting, among others, the mapping of data on violence against children in Greece and the development of a monitoring framework at national level, the preparation of a series of training seminars for journalists and communication professionals on the proper management of journalism and media coverage of child abuse incidents, as well as the creation of the interactive digital application PlaySaf Play Safe is a cyberbullying educational game that aims to educate and raise awareness among young people (14+) about cyberbullying harassment and violence, addressing issues such as consent, healthy interpersonal relationships and personal boundaries. It is available in Greek, English and Farsi. The app offers information material and useful guidance to people who experience online violence and need support. The app was created by Diotima, with the support of UNICEF and Lidl Hellas. Currently the Play Safe app is only available for Android.

The amount was allocated and collected through the company's Easter promotion through the Lidl Plus loyalty programme and specifically with every scan of the Lidl Plus digital card from 3 to 15 April 2023, where Lidl Hellas had committed to offer 0,10€ to UNICEF.During this period 881.148 scans were made, from which a total amount of 88.114,80€ was collected, however the company proceeded to donate the amount of 100.000€.

The app has been communicated to 5,570 teenagers aged 14-17 through social media, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tik Tok (as teenagers and young people use these platforms the most). The PlaySafe App - An educational game about gender-based violence online listed 359,318 unique users by the end of January 2024.

Initiative Location

In recent years, there has been increasing interest at the international level among child rights organisations and governments in finding ways to make better use of existing data for monitoring and reporting on violence against children.
Particular emphasis has been placed on the need to improve data on violence against children, i.e. data on the number of incidents reported and recorded at relevant entry points (e.g. hospitals, police, prosecutors, schools) and services. Given the importance of data to inform policy and service planning, UNICEF seeks to map and assess relevant data in Greece.
These data were provided by various protection, support services, etc. within a specific time period in municipalities and regions of Greece.
As such, the data provides the necessary insights to inform appropriate state planning and to assess preventive and administrative practices of violence against children that adequately address the gaps that children and families need.


Working with Organization

This is a cooperation between Lidl Hellas and the UNICEF Office in Greece (United Nations Children's Fund). Lidl Hellas' contribution to the promotion of children's rights in Greece has strengthened efforts to address violence against children through direct cooperation with youth and the media, as well as through supporting the collection of valuable data on the situation and root causes of violence against children in the country.


Workers Participation

For the implementation of the project, employees of the Corporate Responsibility department of Lidl Hellas and the UNICEF Office in Greece (United Nations Children's Fund) are collaborating, while from the beginning of the action and in all individual actions, the Paralympic Swimming Champion and joint ambassador of the two organizations, Antonis Tsapatakis, is participating. Within the framework of the programme, an inspiring speech of the diplomatic representative of Unicef in Greece was held, with content around the defence of human rights and children's rights, and how this defence is promoted through this cooperation, which was addressed to all Lidl Hellas executives, in an online way. Finally, as the support of the programme was linked to Lidl Hellas' easter loyalty campaigns, the communication of the programme and the awareness raising activities on the issue of violence against children were addressed to all our consumers and customers, who supported the programme by participating by scanning their Lidl Plus card.


Benefits for Οrganization

The main pillars of the "Together on Violence against Children" programme are the joint initiatives of Lidl Hellas and UNICEF aimed at tackling violence against children and gender-based violence in the country.

The above target is also reflected in the company's new responsibility model, which is based on the triptych "Good for the Planet", "Good for People" and "Good for You", which encompasses six strategic pillars. Three individual strategic pillars are developed under the "Good for people" aspect, which form the overall objectives and actions of the company in relation to society. This action falls under the pillars 'Fair Business' and 'Engaging in Dialogue', under which the company's actions are divided according to their subject matter.

With the launch of Lidl Hellas' strategic cooperation with the UNICEF Office in Greece, the company actively contributes to the strengthening of child protection systems through multi-level actions, while filling the gap in the field of collecting and mapping data on violence against children.

This cooperation is part of the broader programme to prevent and combat violence against children agreed between UNICEF and the Greek government.

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