
Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance


J&P-AVAX Group is one of the largest construction Groups in Greece with adhesion to its basic principles, which revolve around human needs, the environment, and combines aesthetics and efficiency.


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Objective Action

Corporate Governance is a set of rules governing the relationship between the Board of Directors, senior executives dealing with day-to-day operations and stockholders. Some corporate governance rules are laid out in relevant legislation, including the Greek Capital Market Committee’s Corporate Code of Conduct, Laws 3016/2002, 3693/2008, 3884/2010 and 2190/1920, but are largely based on the code of corporate ethics and plain administration rationale. Corporate Governance aims at ensuring the productivity of Company assets and invested capital to maximize long term shareholder value.


Target Audience

Staff and associates of our Group of Companies



Since 2011


J&P-AVAX applies strict procedure control on all levels of operations and administration across the entire Group to enhance overall transparency and efficiency. The Internal Auditing Division is an independent operation which is assigned to maintain all operations in accordance with strategic goals and procedures issued by the Board of Directors. It has set specific Corporate Governance ground rules and checks on their application by various divisions and group subsidiaries, followed up by reports on their performance to maintain streamlined operations and avoid unnecessary risks.

The Company has compiled and complies with its own Code of Corporate Governance that are published at the following link:


Impact on Society

Annual General Assemblies and presentation of the results to the shareholders and the public.
The annual Financial Reports of the company are published on the following link:
Income Statement (in € m) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Sales 469.7 357.5 360.3 683.3 991.1 945.7 790.6 694.8 473.7 410.7

Initiative Location

Greece and all the countries that the company has projects.

Working with Organization

Greek Capital Market Committee

Workers Participation

Regulations and procedures are accessible on the company’s INTRANET by all staff members and engineers working with J&P Avax. Given that the Code is aimed at prudent Governance as a means to ensure the long-term viability of the Company, its application need to be treated by all parties involved as an act of added value to the Company and its constituent parts.

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The Sustainable Greece Ιnitiative launched by QualityNet Foundation