IMERYS Group is the world leader in mineral-based industrial solutions, offering specialized solutions necessary for its customers. IMERYS INDUSTRIAL MINERALS GREECE SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME mines and processes industrial minerals, mainly bentonite and perlite.
The aim of the initiative was to inform and raise awareness among students about the importance of recycling and respecting the environment (on the occasion of a new project taking place on the island of Milos regarding the recycling of plastic bottles, in collaboration with the Municipality of Milos and Imerys Greece S.A.) through informative and interactive events that will educate, raise awareness and motivate children and teenagers to actively participate in the process of recycling through the formation of a healthy environmental consciousness.
It was important for this initiative to involve the local community, especially from the perspective of its children and young people. Its purpose was to cultivate a healthy mindset in future citizens regarding respect for the environment and taking action on environmental issues.
For this reason, a series of events and activities were organized with presentations and games for the students of the Primary Schools of Milos and presentations of educational and interactive content for the students of the High School, General and Vocational High Schools of Milos, on the occasion of the new project that takes place in island of Milos regarding the recycling of plastic bottles in collaboration with the Municipality of Milos, Imerys Greece S.A. and EHSQ Development.
Students: Elementary (classes: A, B, C, D, E, F), Secondary School (classes: A, B, C), General High School (classes: A, B, C), and Vocational High School (classes: A,B,C) of Milos.
750 kids in total!
Two-day Training 30/11/2023-1/12/2023, but the bottle recycling project is ongoing.
IMERYS Greece S.A. in collaboration with the Municipality of Milos and EHSQ Development, on the occasion of the European Minerals Days, held a series of informative and interactive events with the title: "MILOS-RECYCLE" The event was attended by 750 children from all school levels of Milos.
The purpose of the event was to present to the public the new action titled "MILOS-RECYCLE '', innitiating the new project of collecting and recycling of plastic bottles on the island. The presentations displayed on the events, touched on the environmental problems arising from the reckless use and the poor management of plastic, and put effort into raising awareness of environmental concerns through educational content and recreational activities suitable to the children's age.
At the end of the events, the students of all school grades were given a gift which was symbolic and matched the "MILOS-RECYCLE" theme since the PILOT B2P (=bottle to pen) Ecoball pen from Matalon S.A. comes from 86% recycled plastic with 2.5% from marine collection.
As a continuation of the program, special bins for the exclusive collection of plastic bottles will be placed in the school and sports facilities of Milos and later throughout the rest of the island.
This initiative proves the company's commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility and to the local community, contributing to the awareness of young and old people, through cultural actions that promote information and the cultivation of a healthy attitude concerning the environment, as well as promoting the responsible actions of the future citizens in regard to protecting the planet.
This initiative was also recorded at the 2nd FORUM OF CIRCULAR CITIES on the management of waste as resources with the theme "Formulation of a framework-proposal policy for the creation of appropriate incentives / disincentives to accelerate the transition to a circular economy"
This initiative is aiming at the school environment and has a positive effect on both young children and the wider society as it promotes:
This initiative creates a positive impact for Imerys Greece SA as it demonstrates its commitment to social contribution with actions that promote information, awareness and the cultivation of a healthy mindset regarding the environment and social action.