Support of the Program: «MOTHER & CHILD» of Doctors of the World

MEGA Disposables is 100% Greek company and one of the largest European manufacturers in personal hygiene.With trusted brands(Babylino, EveryDay, Sani etc) holds strong position in the Greek Market while exporting in 4 continents.
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The Program objective is to provide health care for pregnant and newborns belonging to vulnerable population groups living in Athens region, through the Open Polyclinic of Doctors of the World. More specifically, the program includes the provision of pediatric services to infants and children, coverage of pharmaceutical / health material as well as distribution of baby kits.
The action took place in collaboration with the supermarket company Sklavenitis, by allowing the active participation of consumers.
The collaboration between MEGA and Doctors of the World concerns the Program “Mother & Child”, which focuses on the protection and care of pregnant women and infants in Athens, before, during and after childbirth. It concerns indigent mothers all over Greece who are not able to meet both their own medical expenses before and after childbirth and the expenses of newborns.
The Program duration is 3 years.
Greece has faced a situation of unprecedented humanitarian crisis in recent decades. All the indicators suggest that immediate social action is needed to support the most vulnerable and vulnerable social groups, such as mothers and children.
The company, unable to remain as an observer in these unprecedented challenges faced by society, supported the indigent families, by providing them with medical care and material assistance.
In the context of the inability to find resources, it is important to mention that the pediatric unit of the Doctors of the World’s Polyclinic could not work without a sponsor. In fact, it was necessary to fully cover all the required costs (e.g. doctors’ salaries/nurses, vaccinations /medicines, sanitary material etc.), as they all form links in a chain of basic needs for the full operation of the Polyclinic. Without the operation of the Polyclinic, hundreds of pregnant women, midwives and infants living in extreme poverty would be left without medical care.
MEGA, in the context of its Corporate Responsibility, could not be stand in such a basic need, especially since it concerns the mother and the baby. So, it decided to join forces with Doctors of the World. In collaboration with the supermarket chain SKLAVENITIS, it stands responsibly next to children and young mothers in need. The partnership concerns the “Mother & Child” program, which focuses on the protection and care of pregnant women and infants in Greece, before, during and after childbirth.
MEGA undertook to cover the full cost for the operation of the pediatric department of the polyclinic for 3 consecutive years. More analytically, the coverage concerns the following:
During the implementation of “Mother & Child” Program, for the time period 01.05.2019 until 15.06.21 in the pediatric department were made 6,761 visits in a total of 4,881 children, while in the gynecological department 522 gynecological visits were made. At the same time, 2,389 children were vaccinated, while a total of 2010 baby kits were distributed.
The vaccines used were TETRAVAC (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio), PREVENAR (pneumococcus), MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), VARIVAX (chickenpox), HEXYON (diphtheria, polythema type B), VARILRIX (chickenpox), ENGERIX (hepatitis B), INFANRIX (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio), VAQTA (hepatitis A), PRIORIX (measles, mumps, rubella) (anti) BEXERO (miningitis) and TETANA (tetanus).
The action concerns the indigent mothers with their newborns who live in the Municipality of Athens.
MEGA carried out this specific Program in direct collaboration with Doctors of the World as well as in cooperation with the Supermarket chain: Sklavenitis.
For the implementation of the program, MEGA’S Corporate Social Responsibility Team has collaborated with Doctors of the World.
The Doctors of the World of Greece was founded in 1990 and are a medical, humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization, member of the International Network of Doctors of the World which consists of 15 delegations.
Since the beginning of their action, Doctors of the World of Greece have created several programs both within the country and abroad, with the aim of providing medical and other services to marginalized population groups, who have no access to health services and need medical care. The long-term goal of Doctors of the World is to make health a basic human right.
The social benefit added by the implementation of this action was quite high, if we consider how many new vulnerable groups the economic crisis has created in Greece, while pushing into extreme poverty single-parent families, immigrants, children and young people, the elderly, long-term unemployed and people living in poor housing conditions.
The data figures are constantly confirmed by the structures of Doctors of the World, in which there is an increase of 50% of Greeks who seek the support services of Doctors of the World. There is an interaction between poverty and nutrition that is documented by numerous studies and studies. Poverty leads to poor food supply and malnutrition, which can lead to disease as it forces people to live in a degraded environment, eat poorly and inadequately, and work in precarious conditions. At the same time, the disease is having a negative effect on education, employment and income.
The benefit deriving from “Mother & Child” Program is especially important for needy mothers, who during their pregnancy do not have the financial means to be examined. Moreover, after childbirth they are unable to provide the necessary medical care to their babies. Both newborns and new mothers have the opportunity to be examined, to have pharmaceutical / healthcare coverage, gynecological and pediatric care, ongoing monitoring and vaccination.
MEGA provides assistance once again to vulnerable groups, it actively supports the lives of babies and young mothers who find themselves in great need.