Program for medical equipment offering in Pediatric Hospitals: TOGETHER FOR THEIR HEALTH

MEGA Disposables is 100% Greek company and one of the largest European manufacturers in personal hygiene.With trusted brands(Babylino, EveryDay, Sani etc) holds strong position in the Greek Market while exporting in 4 continents.
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Always having as a priority, the physical and mental health of children, Babylino offer since 2016 modern medical equipment in pediatric hospital wards in collaboration with the Organization for the Pediatric Trauma Care.
More specifically the objectives of the Program are the following:
The response to one of the most important needs, Health, to a particularly vulnerable group: infants and children.
The shielding of the pediatric health structures of the public health system. Specifically, the following medical equipment was donated:
1. Children Hospital of Penteli
2. Children Hospital «Agia Sofia»
3. Thessaloniki General Hospital «G. Genimatas- Agios Dimitrios»
4. Thessaloniki General Hospital «Ippokratio»
5. Heraklion University Hospital
7. National Emergency Aid Centre (EKAB)
The action covers the needs of medical equipment which is necessary for the children who are hospitalized or visit the pediatric units of the above Hospitals.
For 7 years, MEGA has been actively contributing to the donation of modern medical equipment, with the aim of the functional and technical upgrade of pediatric units of pediatric hospitals in Greece, in collaboration with the non-profit, non-governamental Organization for the Pediatric Trauma Care.
MEGA is actively contributing to the donation of modern medical equipment with the aim of functional and technical upgrading of pediatric departments of pediatric hospitals in Greece, in collaboration with the the non-profit, non-governamental Organization for the Pediatric Trauma Care.
Specifically, every year, the needs of the public Children Hospitals are communicated to MEGA and as a result we decide to cover the most urgent and important ones, in order to offer the children, the necessary health services.
Through the implementation of this social action, based on the annual statistics, 25,653 children have benefited in total. MEGA actively supports the society and offers medical equipment that upgrades the health services of the pediatric clinics and Public Hospitals of our country. At the same time, MEGA proves practically that it is a Greek industry with an increased sense of social responsibility, which supports Health, with high priority to vulnerable age groups (e.g. infants and children).
For the Hospitals and the pediatric clinics, this donation is an important support, as it contributes to the timely and valid diagnosis, to the most immediate treatment of medical issues with upgraded equipment of the latest technology, thus saving more children’s lives.
This Program took place in Attica, Thessaloniki and Crete.
The action concerns the donation of material and equipment to cover the immediate needs of critical equipment of the pediatric clinics of the Public Hospitals.
The action is carried out in collaboration with the Organization for the Pediatric Trauma Care. “The Pediatric Trauma Care” aims to reduce child accidents, to treat immediately the children’s injuries and to upgrade the hospitalization process of children in our country.
For the successful implementation of this action, the Corporate Social Responsibility team collaborated with the Organization for the Pediatric Trauma Care.
MEGA’s Program gives an important assistance, as it strengthens the action of Preventive Medicine, early diagnosis and support of Public Health.
It characterized as a substantive action, focusing on the detection of medical problems as well as serious incidents/cases which need immediate intervention and care for the benefit of children.
The benefits of this donation concern a) the Hospitals’ employees, whose daily work is becoming easier grace to the modern equipment that ensures the timely diagnosis of diseases and b) the patients, who are benefited from the early diagnosis, faster and more comprehensive treatment of medical issues that faced, ultimately upgrading the quality of care during their hospitalization.