Innovation in waste management

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Reduction of municipal waste and adoption of rational management policies.
Residents of the Municipality of Agioi Anargyro - Kamaterou.
The action started in 2019 and is ongoing.
In recent years, in the context of the increased initiatives for the protection of the environment and the utilization of renewable forms of energy, the issue of urban waste management has come to the fore, which is an unpleasant but inevitable consequence of the production process and consumption, as it has be formed in modern societies. The great challenge of the 21st century, to which the local government is called to respond, is how the issue of waste can be transformed from a problem to an opportunity.
In the foreground, therefore, in addition to the long-term goal of reducing the amount of urban waste produced, the goal is the adoption of rational management policies. Until today, Greece is at the tail end of the European Union in terms of municipal waste management, lagging far behind in the matter of recycling, sending around 80% of what is produced to landfills or landfills, instead of aiming at prevention, extensive recycling and in recovery. At the same time in the European Union on average only 22.6% of waste ends up in landfills.
The Municipality of Agios Anargyro Kamaterou, prioritizing the harmonization of good practices, based on European standards, in November 2019 launched an initiative to improve the management of recyclable waste. The study and gradual implementation of an integrated strategic plan for the reduction of waste that ends up in landfills has led to the creation of a comprehensive action that overcomes the scopes, which for years have been an obstacle to the desired vision of sustainable development.
This project is divided into 2 implementation axes:
1. Direct sorting at the source into separate - gradually increasing - streams
2. The further utilization of the residue from the blue recycling bins.
The Municipality of Agios Anargyro - Kamaterou produces approximately 23,000 tons of waste annually, which ends up in the green and blue bins. The collection process with regular routes involves 2 separate collection mechanisms depending on the respective stream.
Of the 23,000 tons, 20,500 end up in the green collection bins, while 2,500 end up in recycling.
With a first reading of the numbers we could claim that the Municipality of Agios Anargyro-Kamaterou recycles approximately 10.8% annually.
The implementation of the first axis of action aims to further sort the 20,500 tons in order to limit the volume of waste intended for burial and to create new recycling streams both as a process of the Municipality and in the consciousness of the citizen.
Thus, new currents are gradually included and a simultaneous effort to inform and raise awareness of the local society. To date, we have already started separate sorting into used frying oils, paper-cardboard, batteries, electrical appliances, lamps, etc.
Awaiting is the official start of the separate sorting of organic bio-waste (brown bin) and the separate collection of used clothes & shoes.
In addition to these, however, the Municipality of Agios Anargyro Kamaterou in specially designed areas of the Municipality separates into
branches, wood, other bulky materials such as mattresses etc. and inert materials such as rubble, cement, tiles etc. which are promoted as follows:
a) The branches, wood for the production of biofuels (pellets) for sawdust and compost.
b) Inert materials for site restoration and building materials.
c) The rest in the corresponding directions.
The volume of these materials is estimated on an annual basis at:
a) 1,000 tons of branches
b) 2,200 tons of bulky waste
c) 600 tons of aggregates.
The Municipality with the above management contributes to the further separation of recyclable materials, creating an increasing current of recycling, limiting the environmental footprint, gas emissions into the atmosphere and the further development of the circular economy in general with multiple benefits for society as a whole.
In addition, the Municipality saves resources by actively reducing collection and burial costs, since more than 15% does not go to landfill but is diverted.
Still we must not overlook the improvement in the image of the city. Running coordinated routes to collect these materials increases the response speed of the service while at the same time reshaping the urban environment into a more humane and cleaner city.
The second axis of action concerns exclusively the management of recycling (blue bins) by developing good practices and moving forward with an innovation to reduce the waste of recycling to zero.
Until today, the operation of recycling in the Municipality of Agioi Anargyro - Kamaterou was as follows. After the collection of the bins, the recycling materials are taken to the KDAY (Recyclable Materials Sorting Center) where the percentage of actual recyclable materials and the remainder is determined. As a rule, the separation is 53% recyclable materials and 47% residue which is sent for burial. The Municipality, therefore, on the one hand is burdened financially for the remainder, on the other environmentally.
The action focuses on the creative exploitation of the residue in 2 stages. The first stage concerns the further separation of the residue into recyclable and non-recyclable materials, displacing the recyclables to the appropriate areas for utilization. The second stage concerns the promotion of non-recyclable materials for processing and the creation of RDF secondary fuel.
With these operations, the residue is separated in order to transform it into a mixed solid material of high energy value. Consequently, the Municipality produces raw materials for the production of alternative secondary fuels. Thus, the prevention of burial is achieved. From this innovative way of management, it is estimated that approximately 1300 tons of landfill will be prevented on an annual basis, which are fully utilized.
The benefit is also determined in financial terms as approximately €70,000 is saved per year with the calculation of the €54 burial fee per ton, which currently applies, an amount that will increase in the coming years.
Reflecting the management model as a whole, the recycling indicators are multiplied in relation to the initial consideration as the doubling of the recycling rate from 10.8% to 22% is distinct.
Along with the reduction of the environmental footprint of the Municipality, the limitation of burial, the lower burden on the landfill as well as the consideration in financial terms, the success of the action is self-evident.
In the next stage, the activation of the local community and the implementation of a pay as you throw system is foreseen, so that the separation is done even better at the source, informing the citizens both about the ways of separation and about the multiple possibilities presented to the society through the systematic operation of recycling and providing incentives.
The new waste management model highlights recycling as a dominant option for sound financial management and relief for citizens through a reduction in municipal fees, as well as sustainable financial management of budgets, contributing to the preservation of natural resources necessary for sustainable development and the sustainable future of future generations.
It is the only way for local communities to take action today, following the European acquis, with a view to inventing fruitful and friendly solutions for people and the environment in the long term, which will satisfy local communities and which will be put in consultation with local bodies . The next day in local government requires us to contribute to the environment, the economy, but also culture, respecting the right to health, cleanliness and the aesthetics of the environment.
- The reduction of municipal fees that will be achieved through the correct economic management of waste
- The improvement in the quality of life of the residents through ensuring the health, cleanliness and aesthetics of the environment
- The activation of the local community in the field of recycling
- Informing residents about the principles of the circular economy and providing incentives for participation in the relevant procedures of the Municipality.
The action is implemented through the Environment Agency of the Municipality of AAK.
- The development of an increasing recycling stream
- The limitation of the environmental footprint, of gas emissions into the atmosphere
- The general development of the circular economy with multiple benefits for the operator and for society as a whole
- The saving of financial resources by approximately 70,000.00 euros, annually
- The improvement in the aesthetics of the city
- The achievement of the objectives set in the Operational
Planning of the Municipality regarding recycling, environmental protection and the utilization of alternative forms of energy
- The achievement of the goals set in the Action Plan for Sustainable Energy and Climate (SDAEK) regarding the reduction of the environmental footprint
- The adaptation of the Municipality to the new national and European institutional framework which gives priority to the protection of the environment