Materiality Analysis

Hygeia Group has a portfolio of 4 Hospitals in Greece and Albania, 2 Diagnostic Centers, 1 Molecule Biology & Cytogenetics Center and a company trading in special materials and consumables.
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HYGEIA has evaluated the most important issues related to the axes of corporate responsibility and has recorded the different characteristics associated with these issues, and which are important for its operation. The Corporate Responsibility Group of HYGEIA has carried out a detailed recording and prioritization of the most important issues and recently this year proceeded to connect them with the Goals for Sustainable Development.
During the process of recording and evaluating the most important issues of HYGEIA, both the impact of the potential risk embedded in each issue and the pressure exerted by the stakeholders for each of them were taken into account. Only those that could cause large-scale changes in his performance were characterized as important issues.
The process of evaluating the most important issues was enriched in 2017 by incorporating the opinions of the Group's stakeholders. In particular, a survey/questionnaire was sent with the most important issues to be evaluated to representatives of all the Group's stakeholder groups, so that they could state their own opinions regarding them. Through this research, the essential issues for the operation of the Group were also validated by the stakeholders.
Stakeholder groups
Vulnerable social groups and NGOs
Medical and scientific community
Private insurance companies
State / regulatory authorities and insurance bodies
Patients' families and visitors
Associate physicians
Subcontracted services
The trust of our stakeholders is an essential ingredient for our long-term success. That is why we are committed to cultivating open dialogue with customers, patients, employees, shareholders and all stakeholder groups, so that there is frequent and transparent communication, through which their needs and expectations are recorded and monitored. More specifically, the framework for cooperation and interaction with stakeholders includes the following:
• the communication channels per stakeholder group
• the main issues that concern each group
• the way the Group responds to the issues that concern them.
We believe that we can effectively contribute to the achievement of the above goals, through the framework of corporate responsibility that we apply.
Process for evaluating the most important issues
Gathering of recorded issues that concern each group of HYGEIA participants
Evaluation of the risks associated with each issue based on the activity of HYGEIA
Evaluation of the pressure exerted on each important issue in HYGEIA by each stakeholder group
Aggregate assessment and recording of important issues
Verification of the substantive issues of HYGEIA by the stakeholder groups
For HYGEIA, the gathering and recording of the important issues contributes to:
• To identify the most important issues related to the long-term strategic goals of HYGEIA and the Global Goals for Sustainable Development.
• In the evaluation of potential risks related to the essential issues of HEALTH
• In the recognition of advantages, weaknesses, as well as opportunities.
Process for evaluating the most important issues
Gathering of recorded issues that concern each group of HYGEIA participants
Evaluation of the risks associated with each issue based on the activity of HYGEIA
Evaluation of the pressure exerted on each important issue in HYGEIA by each stakeholder group
Aggregate assessment and recording of important issues
Verification of the substantive issues of HYGEIA by the stakeholder groups
For HYGEIA, the gathering and recording of the important issues contributes to:
• To identify the most important issues related to the long-term strategic goals of the HYGEIA Group and the Global Goals for Sustainable Development.
• In the assessment of potential risks related to the essential issues.
• In the recognition of advantages, weaknesses, as well as opportunities.