Procurement Policy at HYGEIA Group

Hygeia Group has a portfolio of 4 Hospitals in Greece and Albania, 2 Diagnostic Centers, 1 Molecule Biology & Cytogenetics Center and a company trading in special materials and consumables.
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Responsible Procurement Management
The priority of HYGEIA is the effective application of both cutting-edge technologies and medical practices applied worldwide. In this context, the largest percentage of procurement in HYGEIA is linked to the application of technological developments, the acquisition of innovative machinery and modern equipment.
For the more efficient and transparent management of its supplies, HYGEIA has set up a Central Procurement Committee. The Committee has three members and the term of office of its members is annual with the possibility of re-appointment. The work of the Procurement Committee is carried out within a specific framework of competences in accordance with the applicable regulation. On an annual basis, the President of the Committee presents the year's events to the Board of Directors and the minutes of the meetings of the Central Procurement Committee are communicated to the Internal Audit Department.
The implementation of procurement procedures is an important tool for their more effective supervision and management. Applying a set of procedures for the supply of assets, materials and services to all companies, HYGEIA aims at their unified management and better control. The best practices applied concern all stages of procurement from need identification, market research, evaluation to procurement completion.
HYGEIA, through the Supply Chain Division and the Biomedical & Fixed Assets Division, has succeeded in supplying materials that meet the necessary conditions in accordance with the European directives that define the regulatory framework. The above Directorates direct and train the supply office and the hospital's warehouse in terms of the requirements of the European Legislation in order to ensure the health of the patients as well as the quality of the Hospital's own services.
Supplier selection procedures
HYGEIA, in accordance with the principles of Corporate Governance, observes the principles of transparency, treatment and avoidance of discrimination in procurement procedures. The supplier selection process is based on objective criteria, such as the quality and safety of the materials and services provided, compliance with legislative frameworks, the credit policy of the candidate suppliers as well as their reliability and integrity. In addition to the strict quality criteria and the outcome of cooperation with suppliers, HYGEIA chooses to cooperate with suppliers who respect human rights, the environment, as well as transparency in transactions.
‣ Human Rights - Working Conditions
Respect for human rights and free labor is considered a fundamental principle for HEALTH. Having established practices and policies based on legislation and international standards for its personnel, it expects from its suppliers similar treatment and adherence to the above principles. Complying with legislation, respecting and treating human resources fairly, without discrimination, creating a work environment governed by values such as occupational health and safety, trust and free from any form of forced and child labour, are requirements of HYGEIA to its suppliers.
‣ Environmental Protection
In the context of corporate responsibility, one of the most important goals set by HYGEIA is the protection of the environment and the reduction of its environmental footprint. In this direction, HYGEIA selects suppliers who embrace the same values, comply with the applicable environmental legislation and present actions to raise awareness and protect the environment.
‣ Merit & Transparency – Anti-Corruption
The meritocracy in the decision-making process, the transparency of transactions as well as the treatment of corruption and any form of bribery, are for HYGEIA non-negotiable criteria for selection and cooperation with the respective suppliers.
Guided by ethics in making business decisions, an important element for entering into cooperation with HYGEIA is the identification of opinions, the agreement on the above principles and their observance by all suppliers.
The evaluation and selection process of HYGEIA suppliers is determined by the following factors:
• Evaluation by the executives of the nursing departments of the candidate materials for inclusion according to its procedures.
• Checking the local market for available materials of superior or equivalent quality to those used in Greek hospitals.
• Requirement of quality certificates (CE, Declaration of Conformity, Design Examination) for all products entering the Hospital in accordance with European Directives.
• Requirement of quality certificates of suppliers where provided for by applicable legislation.
• Selection of the most economically acceptable offers of the suppliers from the Hospital.
The distribution of costs between local and Greek suppliers is determined by a series of criteria, crucial for the final supply of the materials that will end up with the patients. In summary we mention:
- By requiring quality certificates (CE, Declaration of Conformity) for all products entering the Hospital as well as the quality certificates of suppliers where required by local legislation, the final quality of the materials is determined.
- With the evaluation and trial use where this is possible by the staff of the Nursing Departments of the candidate materials for inclusion in accordance with the procedures of HYGEIA, the quality in question is ensured.
- By choosing the most economical suppliers' offers accepted by the Hospital, as well as the inclusion of transport costs in the formation of the final price of the codes, the best final price for the patient is ensured.
Empowering local suppliers
Priority is given to the selection of suppliers from the Greek market, with the result that their percentage exceeds 80% of all approved suppliers. HYGEIA practically supports the Greek economy, giving priority to Greek suppliers, during the selection process, as long as they meet all the required criteria.
Y-LOGIMED supplies
Particular attention has been paid to the supplies of sanitary materials, which are based on the logic of Just in Time (JIT) with the main supplier being the subsidiary Company Y-LOGIMED. Y-LOGIMED ensures the satisfaction of requests regarding the purchase of fixed assets, which are mainly medical devices.
Y-LOGIMED's goal when conducting purchases is to ensure reliable sources of supplies. Honest dealings with suppliers are essential to stable, long-term relationships. Thus, it manages suppliers as partners and expects them to make reasonable profits from such transactions. It provides all prospective suppliers with fair and equal opportunities. Decisions are based on objective criteria such as price and quality, as well as the reliability and integrity of a supplier.
Company employees are charged with commercial and proprietary information. Employee confidentiality is the basis of corporate communications, either in the company's internal ranks and partnerships, or in external relations with customers, partners and suppliers. Y-LOGIMED's policy in this area is strict and non-negotiable.
Supplier evaluation by Y-LOGIMED
On an annual basis, Y-LOGIMED's Quality Department, in collaboration with the company's respective procurement departments, evaluates its suppliers, with the aim of finding the best mix of quality and efficiency in terms of cooperation. The Company developed a special Procurement & Supply Chain Code of Conduct, which sets the framework for cooperation and the necessary conditions that must be met by all suppliers, without exception.
Empowering local suppliers
Priority is given to the selection of suppliers from the Greek market, with the result that their percentage exceeds 80% of all approved suppliers. HYGEIA practically supports the Greek economy, giving priority to Greek suppliers, during the selection process, as long as they meet all the required criteria.
The effective and efficient management of the supply chain of HYGEIA has a catalytic effect on its development course, and on the methodical approach to risk management, thus increasing the probability of success and its healthy development.