Responsibility for our Patients

Hygeia Group has a portfolio of 4 Hospitals in Greece and Albania, 2 Diagnostic Centers, 1 Molecule Biology & Cytogenetics Center and a company trading in special materials and consumables.
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At HYGEIA, all the procedures and practices implemented demonstrate our commitment to providing high-level health services and care to our patients.
The purpose of HYGEIA is to provide high quality services to protect the health of patients, with respect to their special needs and wishes. HYGEIA recognizes the importance of the services it provides and is committed to continuous effort, in order to respond responsibly and efficiently to the demands not only of patients, but also of all recipients of its services. The commitment to providing high quality services covers the entire range of its activities and operations.
Quality Management and Patient Safety Policy
HYGEIA's commitment to quality and safety, towards patients and all those who enjoy its services, is reflected in the relevant policy it has developed and is faithfully followed in all clinics.
Quality Management Systems HEALTH
The Quality Management Systems of HYGEIA were developed in order to implement the Quality Policy that has been established, taking into account the needs and requirements of the patients themselves, the attendants/visitors, the attending physicians, as well as the applicable legislative and regulatory requirements. For this purpose, the Management has identified the processes performed during its operation, aiming at the development of all the necessary documentation for the implementation of the Quality Management System.
Patient & Family Satisfaction
Responding to patients' needs, complaints and observations is part of the daily operation of HYGEIA. Observations can be sent via letters, e-mail, but also by filling in the relevant proposal and observation forms located in various parts of each Clinic. In this context, HYGEIA has adopted and implements a Complaints Management Policy, which is based on the following principles:
‣ Direct and simple way to submit a comment or suggestion
‣ Impartial investigation, fair to the person submitting their observation, but also to the Hospital staff involved
‣ Ensuring and maintaining confidentiality
‣ Provision of appropriate information, with the aim of improving services to patients.
The Complaints Management Policy is summarized as follows:
‣ All staff can inform - if asked - patients and/or their companions that they have the right to express their observations and suggestions. This information is also included in the Patient Guide, which they receive upon admission.
‣ All written observations of patients (internal or external) attendants and visitors, are managed with absolute confidentiality and responsibility.
‣ Supervisors and Managers are responsible for the immediate handling of complaints of patients, attendants and visitors of their jurisdiction. In the event that immediate resolution is not possible, they urge those concerned to record their observation or record it themselves and place the form in the appropriate box.
‣ All written observations of patient (internal or external) attendants and visitors are received by the Quality Department and forwarded to the Administration, as well as to the relevant executives for investigation and corrective actions.
The increase in the satisfaction of patients and their relatives is for us a priority and an important motivation, so that we can improve the experience of those who trust us every day. In this context, the patient satisfaction survey is carried out on a continuous basis, through the Suggestion & Observation Forms, which are placed in special cases per clinic and accessible to all patients, attendants and visitors.
Indicatively, the Corporate Responsibility Report 2017 presents some of the questions of the inpatient satisfaction survey, as well as the percentages of responses given for the previous three years.