Human Rights

Hygeia Group has a portfolio of 4 Hospitals in Greece and Albania, 2 Diagnostic Centers, 1 Molecule Biology & Cytogenetics Center and a company trading in special materials and consumables.
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Human Rights
At HYGEIA, human rights are a cornerstone and govern all human resource management policies, procedures and practices.
Guided by the principle of equal opportunities, we treat our staff fairly, while rejecting any discrimination (based on race, religion, colour, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, political views, gender or family status), unequal treatment and violation of human rights.
HYGEIA, defending the principles and values of human rights, prohibits all recruitment and employment of people who have not reached the legally prescribed age for work, making sure that all our partner companies adopt the same policies.
The basic salary level for men and women at HYGEIA is determined based on local legislation and collective labor agreements. There is no differentiation between men and women for the same job. Finally, HYGEIA employs Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), when this is possible. These people are employed in suitable positions according to their capabilities.
The HYGEIA Code of Ethics and Ethics and the work regulations of the Group's clinics and companies underline our commitment to the Protection of Human Rights and the provision of equal opportunities to all employees. Specifically:
✓ We support equal employment.
✓ We encourage our colleagues to develop their skills and abilities.
✓ We promote attendance at educational and training programs available to develop our capabilities.
✓ We treat each other with fairness and respect.
✓ We do not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, national origin, religion, color, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or disability, unless the disability renders the individual incapable and hiring decisions reflect this commitment.
✓ Defending the principles and values of human rights, we do not allow the recruitment and employment of people who have not reached the legal age for work, making sure that all our partner companies adopt the same policies.
✓ We do not allow sexual or other type of harassment.
✓ Through actions and words, we create an atmosphere of which we are proud and admired by patients, relatives, employees and the public.
✓ We work to build an environment of understanding and respect in which anyone can raise and openly discuss concerns about ethical behavior, particularly with their supervisor, without fear of punishment or other retaliation.
✓ We recognize diversity in our staff and partners as a source of strength and advantage in providing quality care.
✓ We recognize the importance of family and other obligations and help each other resolve any issues that arise between them and work.
The HYGEIA Code of Ethics and Ethics and the work regulations of the Group's clinics and companies underline our commitment to the Protection of Human Rights and the provision of equal opportunities to all employees. Specifically:
✓ We support equal employment.
✓ We encourage our colleagues to develop their skills and abilities.
✓ We promote attendance at educational and training programs available to develop our capabilities.
✓ We treat each other with fairness and respect.
✓ We do not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, national origin, religion, color, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or disability, unless the disability renders the individual incapable and hiring decisions reflect this commitment.
✓ Defending the principles and values of human rights, we do not allow the recruitment and employment of people who have not reached the legal age for work, making sure that all our partner companies adopt the same policies.
✓ We do not allow sexual or other type of harassment.
✓ Through actions and words, we create an atmosphere of which we are proud and admired by patients, relatives, employees and the public.
✓ We work to build an environment of understanding and respect in which anyone can raise and openly discuss concerns about ethical behavior, particularly with their supervisor, without fear of punishment or other retaliation.
✓ We recognize diversity in our staff and partners as a source of strength and advantage in providing quality care.
✓ We recognize the importance of family and other obligations and help each other resolve any issues that arise between them and work.