Olympia Odos Traffic Prediction Service

The Olympic Odos is an important national project of strategic importance for the development of the Peloponnese, Western Greece and Epirus. Olympia Odos S.A. was established in 2008 by six construction companies as a special purpose company to implement the Concession Contract of the Elefsina - Corinth - Patras - Patras - Pyrgos - Tsakona Motorway. As Concessionaire of the Project, it is responsible for the design, construction, financing, maintenance and operation of the motorway for a period of 30 years. The companies participating in the joint stock company have extensive experience in the design and implementation of similar large-scale projects, both in Greece and abroad. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Olympia Odos is one of the major gateways to and from the urban areas of the Attica basin. This results into sharp fluctuations of the traffic throughout the year and in particular during holiday periods and the summer weekends.
Sticking to its commitment in providing high quality services, in 2018 Olympia Odos put into operation an innovative road traffic prediction service accessible through its website https://www.olympiaodos.gr/en/operation/Stathmoi-Diodion-Provlepsi-Kykloforias
The service was created to help the drivers plan their trips, particularly in periods of mass exodus from the Greek capital, thus improving the travel conditions in terms of comfort and time.
It also aims at contributing to the decrease of traffic jams and increase of road safety.
General public, drivers and travelers, employees of the motorway, local communities
The Traffic Prediction Service was put in operation in Spring 2018.
The benefits from the use of the new application are perpetual or at least for as long as the Concession Agreement of this specific infrastructure project is in force.
The Traffic Prediction Service offers access to two types of information:
• Actual traffic at two specific locations of the motorway, namely at Elefsina and Isthmos Toll Stations on the specified day and time. In particular, the application presents the density of the traffic over the last 15 minutes of the specific hour. Following a recent upgrading, the users are now able to also monitor the traffic density on the lanes depending on the method of payment (toll collectors, automatic toll machines, transponder).
• Traffic prediction for the next 72 hours, every 15 min., at the above toll stations (Elefsina and Isthmos).
It’s a graphic presentation pertaining to both traffic directions (to Patras and Athens) marked with different colors depending on the traffic density (green - low, orange - medium, red - high). On a PC, the user may also see the number of vehicles that are foreseen every 15 min.
This “smart” application uses machine learning algorithms and predictive analytics to generate important information and data for both the users and Olympia Odos. The service is based on a statistical model using large range of information and big data, such as:
* Data on the passages from the two specific toll stations;
* Traffic statistics from the said two toll stations;
* Calendar data (fixed and movable feast days and holidays) in order to compare the respective days (e.g. Holy Thursday last year and this year and not a specific date);
* Weather forecasts, since it has been observed that traffic varies depending on the weather conditions.
The model continuously “learns” and becomes more accurate as the system is fed with new data, thus resulting in enhanced safety and experience for both the travelers and Olympia Odos.
The Traffic Prediction Service, accessible through the website www.olympiaodos.gr is an innovation at European level. Olympia Odos is the only European motorway offering this free of charge service to its customers, in addition to its key and contractual obligations.
According to the results of the last surveys (December 2018) on subscribers and travelers, about 1/3 of our customers are aware of this service and regularly consult it before their trips.
In particular, as regards the traffic prediction service, the users are now able to:
a) improve their driving experience by avoiding peak traffic periods;
b) better plan their trips since they understand the various parameters of their road trips;
c) reduce the fuel costs for their trips;
d) have direct access to information that concerns them;
e) contribute to reducing the environmental impacts.
In particular:
* Travelers are able to make informed and timely decisions about their trip, better manage their time, 24 hours a day, and enjoy more independence and autonomy in general.
* Professional drivers may better manage their trip and enjoy significant cost and time savings.
* All users may effectively plan their excursions, enjoy a comfortable and costless trip and an upgraded driving experience.
The new service presents many benefits for the adjacent communities and the environment:
A) local communities close to the motorway: Improves the quality of life of the residents close to the motorway thanks to reduced pollution and better inclusion of the road into the natural environment;
B) Environment: This initiative reduces the travel time, the air pollutants emissions due to traffic jams, thus reducing the environmental impacts and making road transports more sustainable.
The predictive models have been developed by the Dutch company HAL24K, while the IT support is ensured by our external associate Logicube (Greek company) and IBI Group Hellas (Canadian company).
Technical Direction Service development/management - 2 employees
The benefits of the Service mainly concern the following:
* The planning of the motorway operation: Olympia Odos is in a position to plan and offer the drivers high level services 24 hours a day, either by employing additional personnel or organizing increased patrols when increased traffic volumes are expected.
* The national goals for “smart cities”: Key urban challenges require the adoption of modern technologies and offer the Company the possibility to support with its actions various international standards, including the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Goal 11).