Energy saving program in Olympia Odos Tunnels

The Olympic Odos is an important national project of strategic importance for the development of the Peloponnese, Western Greece and Epirus. Olympia Odos S.A. was established in 2008 by six construction companies as a special purpose company to implement the Concession Contract of the Elefsina - Corinth - Patras - Patras - Pyrgos - Tsakona Motorway. As Concessionaire of the Project, it is responsible for the design, construction, financing, maintenance and operation of the motorway for a period of 30 years. The companies participating in the joint stock company have extensive experience in the design and implementation of similar large-scale projects, both in Greece and abroad. Translated with (free version)
Olympia Odos contributes to a European objective for the protection of the environment by implementing an extensive energy saving and carbon footprint reduction program in the older tunnels of the motorway. In particular, in 17 out of the 29 tunnels of Olympia Odos, five in the area of Kakia Skala and 12 along Patras Bypass, the conventional lighting has been replaced by a more environmental-friendly LED one.
Moreover, the program aims also at improving the drivers’ visibility thanks to the overall upgrading of the tunnels.
General public, drivers and travelers, local communities.
The lighting replacement program started in 2017 and was completed by the end of 2018. The benefit from the use of the new technology are permanent and in any case will exist for as long as the LED Technology will be the most environmental-friendly one.
Olympia Odos took the initiative to replace the conventional luminaires with LED ones that are more environmental-friendly in the tunnels of the existing sections of the Motorway, namely Elefsina - Korinthos section and Patras Bypass, beyond its contractual obligations in an effort to contribute to a more rational use of energy and to become part of the solution to prevent climate change.
Within the context of the program, the tunnel walls were cleaned and coated, thus upgrading the overall driving environment presenting uniform features and improving visibility.
* The energy and carbon footprint has been reduced by 60%,
* In total, more than 8 million kWh are saved every year,
* Almost 4,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent less will be emitted,
* Improved drivers’ visibility thanks to the uniform features of the driving environment.
Kakia Skala & Patras Bypass Tunnels
The design has been elaborated by Vinci Construction Grand Projects Hellas.
Technical Direction of OLYMPIA ODOS CONCESSION COMPANY S.A.: 6 persons: 5 engineers and 1 environmental engineer
reduced overall environmental footprint and energy cost thanks to:
* The cutting of power consumption, by 60%, since more than 8 million kWh are saved every year;
* The reduction of the carbon footprint by 4,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year;
The improved drivers’ visibility thanks to the uniform features of the driving environment;
The arrangement of a safer motorway thus resulting in the minimization of road accidents in the tunnels.