Sustainable mobility and energy innovation on Olympia Odos

The Olympic Odos is an important national project of strategic importance for the development of the Peloponnese, Western Greece and Epirus. Olympia Odos S.A. was established in 2008 by six construction companies as a special purpose company to implement the Concession Contract of the Elefsina - Corinth - Patras - Patras - Pyrgos - Tsakona Motorway. As Concessionaire of the Project, it is responsible for the design, construction, financing, maintenance and operation of the motorway for a period of 30 years. The companies participating in the joint stock company have extensive experience in the design and implementation of similar large-scale projects, both in Greece and abroad. Translated with (free version)
Promotion of sustainable road transport
Internal and external stakeholders
Our strategy has no expiry date, but is regularly updated in accordance with internal procedures.
Olympia Odos is one of the most important national strategic projects in Greece, and operates over and beyond its contractual obligations in all business activity sectors. In OLYMPIA ODOS S.A. we believe that the environmentally sustainable road infrastructures are an investment in the long-term prosperity of both the society and our planet. Sustainability being an extremely important aspect of all our activities, the principles of Green Growth are becoming the core of our approach.
Olympia Odos aims at operating the Motorway in an innovative and environmentally-friendly manner. The use of modern technologies to protect the environment and to help preventing climate change is part of our strategy towards environmentally sustainable road infrastructures. Implementing this strategy, the company is investing in electro-mobility and is upgrading its services at its Motorist Service Stations (MSS). Psathopyrgos MSSs were the first sites along a motorway offering all types of fuels available on the market. The Olympia Odos initiatives contribute to the protection of the environment, the mitigation of climate change and ultimately the improvement of the quality of life for all of us.
Psathopyrgos MSS
Psathopyrgos MSSs are model MSSs and are the first ones in Greece to offer all types of fuel –petrol, diesel, autogas (LPG) natural gas (CNG), EV charge- available on the market.
Psathopyrgos MSSs are the first two Energy Performance B+ class rated Motorists Service Stations in Greece. Their energy performing design has specific positive results:
Especially for Psathopyrgos MSSs, the introduction of natural gas in Achaia is an important part of the new National Plan for Energy and Climate. Both gas and electric mobility have a central role to play, as they are a catalyst for the transition to low environmental footprint transport. The first natural gas presence in the region thanks to the operation of FYSIKON gas stations at Psathopyrgos MSS remains firmly committed to the rapid creation of local LNG networks. Natura gas-fueled engines produce 25% less carbon dioxide while natural gas is considered the safest fuel due to its physical and chemical properties.
Psathopyrgos MSSs are the first two MSSs in Greece where TESLA's 250kW DC fast charging stations were installed.
Megara MSS
Megara MSSs are also becoming model MSSs and are the next MSSs of Olympia Odos to offer all types of fuel –petrol, diesel, autogas (LPG) natural gas (CNG), EV charge- available on the market.
Megara MSSs are upgraded in terms of buildings and energy efficiency to become Energy Performance B+ class rated. Their energy performing design presents also the relevant positive results mentioned above.
Fast EV charging stations at Velo MSSs
Two 50kW max. CCS2 / Combo & CHAdeMO direct current fast charging stations have been installed at the Velo MSSs, one per traffic direction. Access, activation and payment of the charging service is easy and flexible and is offered through the CHARGING (FORTIZO) Network in various ways offering the possibility to both registered and ad hoc users to use the infrastructure 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Both charging stations are 100% powered by “clean” energy produced in its entirety by renewable sources, with relevant certificates of origin, thus contributing to the sustainability of the trips made by those charging their EV at Velo MSSs.
The installation of a credit card payment terminal has already been approved; it will facilitate users who do not have or do not want to use the prepaid cards of FORTIZO Network or the Smartphones application. A machine will be initially installed at the charging station in the direction to Patras and later at the charging station in the direction to Athens.
Electric vehicles (EV) added to our fleet
In 2021, Olympia Odos enriched its fleet by adding two new maintenance electric vehicles, and fulfilled its commitment to sustainable development and protection of the environment.
The action is part of a pilot program to turn the fleet into a “green” fleet aiming at highlighting the capacities of electric vehicles in real operation conditions and in particular as regards the driving behavior of the personnel, the weather conditions and the requirements of the maintenance works. This procedure will help collect valuable data on the performance of the vehicles and better understand the economic benefits, while meeting the operational needs, as first priority, and reducing the emission of pollutants at the same time.
This initiative has a significant environmental value and positive impacts on the climate and health, since it helps reducing the air pollutants and the noise levels. Aiming at ensuring the success of the program, in association with the advanced technology of professional electric vehicles expected in the near future, Olympia Odos aspires to further extend its fleet of electric vehicles.
According to the plan, they will be used on a daily basis mainly for scheduled daily maintenance works along the motorway and will be charged during the night, with a slow charging of 4.5 hours with a charger rated at 22 kW.
Greece, in the key geographical areas covered by and crossed by the concession project.
Employee involvement in the design, implementation and communication of the various projects is crucial. From the start of the concession project, the orientation has been to adopt innovative solutions. This strategy is supported by all Olympia Odos employees without exception, who, in all aspects of their daily lives, seek modern and innovative ways to upgrade the operation, service and customer experience.
Olympia Odos approach is based on the belief that there can be development and growth without wasting natural resources and polluting the atmosphere. The initiatives it adopts confirm that the use of advanced technologies may drastically reduce energy consumption and pollutant emissions, thus improving the quality of life.
Olympia Odos is fully committed to its plan to reduce its carbon footprint by taking key initiatives, such as the investment in EV charging infrastructure at the MSSs of Velo and Psathopyrgos. The fact that vehicles of zero emissions join its fleet is another excellent example illustrating its long-term strategy in this direction.
Thanks to these initiatives, Olympia Odos highlights its dynamics and is at the forefront of green energy, strengthening the green economy and green growth. At the same time, it enhances its reputation, provides integrated services that meet modern needs and ensures good relations with stakeholders.