Τhe Rhodes Co-Lab Sustainable Destination

The Region of South Aegean is one of the thirteen regions of Greece. It consists of the Cyclades and Dodecanese island groups in the central and south-eastern Aegean Sea. The capital of the region is situated in Ermoupoli on the island of Syros.
Read more: www.pnai.gov.gr
Rhodes is transformed into a Model World Tourist Destination and established as an International Center of a holistic model of Sustainable Development & Entrepreneurship for tourist destinations all over the world.
It addresses the entire tourism value chain of Rhodes, entrepreneurship and the entire local community, for the holistic transformation of infrastructure, services and entrepreneurship, in the areas of:
Co-Lab Rhodes will have a total duration of 5 years, from its official launch in January 2022.
In the first half of 2023, the International Center for Sustainable Tourism Development will be established, which will remain in permanent operation indefinitely.
The Co-Lab is a creative and innovative collaboration between the South Aegean Region and the TUI Group, which with the support of the Municipality of Rhodes and the participation of the destination's stakeholders, will co-shape a Holistic Model for the transformation of a mature tourist destination into a sustainable tourist model destination.
The strategic planning and implementation of Co-Lab's actions is based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN and the European Green Agreement of the EU, and concerns the following 4 axes:
In the axis of green economic development, the objective is:
In the axis of green transformation and circular economy, priorities are:
In the axis of strengthening the positive social and economic footprint of tourism, the following will be pursued:
In the axis of restoring biodiversity and protecting the natural environment, the actions will concern, among others:
The Co-Lab Rhodes project will be governed by a business plan/master plan, which is currently in preparation and will be completed in June 2022.
In addition, the Co-Lab innovates with the establishment in Rhodes, in the first half of 2023, of the International Center for Sustainable Tourism Development, which:
The business plan under preparation sets specific goals for the environment, the economy and society. In the environmental sector, the central aim is for Rhodes to become a climate-neutral destination by 2040, according to measurable goals and results that will be defined by specific key performance indicators (KPIs) and will concern, among other things, the reduction of pollutant emissions from maritime transport , the energy upgrade of buildings, the widespread use of electric vehicles in road transport, the protection of biodiversity, etc.
Accordingly, key performance indicators are defined in achieving the objectives for society and specifically for social cohesion, accessibility and mobility, as well as in the economic sector, with the aim of a sustainable blue economy and the adoption of circular economy best practices.
Rhodes Island - South Aegean Region, Greece
Co-Lab Rhodes Sustainable Destination created jointly by the South Aegean Region, the TUI Group and the TUI Care Foundation, with the support of the Municipality of Rhodes, includes collaborations with local, regional, national and international agencies with the aim of successfully implementing holistic model.
The Co-Lab and its implementation is under the umbrella of the prime minister and includes cooperation with the government, at national, regional and local level, with administrative authorities and public services, with public infrastructure companies (especially in the areas of waste management, of energy, water management, etc.).
Specifically, in Greece, collaborations will be developed with all local stakeholders, as well as scientific and development bodies at local and national level, business bodies and non-profit organizations. Indicatively, businesses in the areas of accommodation, excursions and activities, catering, suppliers in the tourism and food-beverage sectors, airports and airlines, tour operators, ports and cruise companies will be cooperating. associations and entrepreneurship bodies, local producers and farmers, etc.
It will collaborate with universities and other academic and educational institutions in Greece and abroad, with public and private schools and organizations, as well as youth organizations.
It will also collaborate with international and European tourism and sustainability agencies, such as the United Nations World Tourism Organization UNWTO, the World Travel and Tourism Council WTTC, the World Sustainable Tourism Council GSTC, etc.
According to the schedule, in the summer of 2022 a special campaign (engagement campaign) will start for the participation of the local community, local businesses, workers and tourists. Depending on the individual projects that will be selected for each year, the need for volunteers will also be determined.
The South Aegean Region will deliver measurable results in the framework of the implementation of the action plan for Rhodes, which, among other things, includes