Public Consultation regarding the Pilot Action on behalf of the South Aegean Region, in the framework of the ALTER ECO project

The Region of South Aegean is one of the thirteen regions of Greece. It consists of the Cyclades and Dodecanese island groups in the central and south-eastern Aegean Sea. The capital of the region is situated in Ermoupoli on the island of Syros.
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The aim of this action was to consult with the elected local authorities, the institutions and the civil society organizations on the island of Rhodes in order to collect suggestions and opinions on the diversification of the tourist product and the promotion of alternative forms of tourism in areas with a high tourist attraction potential that have not been exploited to date.
-Region of South Aegean
-Municipality of Rhodes
- Municipal Communities of the areas of the island where the pilot action will be implemented
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Dodecanese
- Cultural and environmental clubs in the areas of the island where the pilot action will be implemented
The first consultation took place on 9 May 2017 and more sessions will follow until the end of the ALTER ECO project on 30 April 2019.
ALTER ECO is a project co-funded by the EU under the European INTERREG MED Programme and its main objective is to support alternative forms of tourism such as hiking tourism in order to identify areas with a high tourist attraction potential that have not been exploited to date. In particular, the Region of South Aegean will implement an alternative tourism pilot action for the marking, mapping and promotion of walking paths in the center of the island of Rhodes, in areas of natural beauty and places of ecological and cultural interest, which to date have not been capitalized nor been promoted to the extent that it is appropriate.
The recording and enrichment of the pilot action according to the various proposals, the reinforcing views and suggestions of the local stakeholders who took part in the consultation for the promotion of alternative forms of tourism and the tourist development of the selected areas of the island.
Areas in the center of the island of Rhodes which are not so popular tourist destinations.
The creation of a communication channel with the local authorities and institutions, the promotion of alternative forms of tourism in Rhodes as well as the promotion, through mild tourist interventions, of areas of the island that have not been touristically exploited to date.