
"No source of pollution is insignificant": awareness and education program against marine pollution, in collaboration with Aegean Rebreath and the Blue Municipalities Network

"No source of pollution is insignificant": awareness and education program against marine pollution, in collaboration with Aegean Rebreath and the Blue Municipalities Network


Objective Action

Empowering local communities with the necessary tools to become effective stewards and protectors of the marine environment, preserving its beauty and resources for future generations.


Target Audience

Local communities (port funds and professional fishermen) of the Blue Municipalities Network islands. 




The action started in 2023 and this year is in its second cycle of implementation.


In 2023 elin collaborated with Aegean Rebreath and the Blue Municipalities Network, in the framework of its Corporate Responsibility program, "othisi", for the creation and implementation of a program to raise awareness and educate local communities against fuel and lubricant pollution in the marine environment.

With the key message that "No source of pollution is insignificant", this action stands out for its innovative approach, but also for its complexity and the high requirements for its implementation. More specifically, the program consists of two pillars:

  • 1st Pillar : The company's employees, experts in pollution management, visited along with representatives of Aegean Rebreath 4 islands of the Blue Municipalities Network (Santorini, Alonissos, Lefkada, Poros) and shared with representatives of port funds and professional fishermen valuable knowledge in order to actively contribute to the conservation and protection of the marine environment. The presence of the island mayors in the informative and training program implemented on each island was substantial, as they embraced the initiative and contributed to the awareness and direct involvement of local communities, recognizing the value of the program and the positive impact it can bring.
  • 2nd Pillar : At the same time, in conjunction with the training sessions of the local communities during the islands' visit, the program included the donation of anti-pollution equipment on behalf of elin to each of the municipalities concerned. Each anti-fouling equipment kit included: anti-fouling towels and barriers, necessary personal protection equipment, and materials suitable for storing the used equipment in case of pollution.

This equipment contributed to ensuring that local authorities and professional fishermen had at their disposal all the necessary tools to deal effectively with island'spollution, ensuring the protection of the islands' marine ecosystem.

The innovation of the program lies both in its content and in the cooperation that the company has formed with Aegean Rebreath and the Blue Municipalities Network. In fact, the initiative is not just a theory-based transfer of knowledge to fishermen and port funds, but a substantial and complete training divided into two parts, the theoretical (information on how to prevent and deal with a pollution incident and its consequences for the marine ecosystem) and the practical (training on how to use the tools of the anti-pollution equipment).               


Impact on Society

elin's cooperation with Aegean Rebreath and the Blue Municipalities Network has a great impact on the environmental footprint of the fuel and lubricants sector and a great benefit for the protection of the marine ecosystem. By educating local communities on the critical issue of pollution prevention and giving them the tools to deal with such an incident, if needed, we are turning fishermen and port funds into stewards and active protectors of the marine environment.

The great benefit of the program was seen in practice a few months ago when a pollution incident occurred in the fishing shelter of Santorini and the local community had to put into practice the knowledge gained in the training as well as the tools of the equipment. 

The knowledge and the equipment available to the fishermen proved to be crucial for the timely containment of the pollution before the coastguard arrived at the site and to avoid further damage to the marine ecosystem.        

In total, in the first year of the project, 4 port funds/12 port fund officials, 50 professional fishermen were trained, and 4 kits of anti-fouling equipment were provided.                      

Initiative Location

The action is carried out in Greek islands of the Blue Municipalities Network. In its first year, the action was implemented in Santorini, Alonissos, Lefkada, and Poros.               


Working with Organization

In the context of the operation of its multidimensional Corporate Responsibility program "othisi", elin has developed synergies with specialized Organizations. More specifically, the program "No source of pollution is insignificant" is implemented by the company in cooperation with Aegean Rebreath, a multi-purpose organization working for the protection and upgrading of the marine environment, as well as with the Blue Municipalities Network, a network of municipalities working together to perform coordinated actions and interventions at local and national level for the marine environment. Thus, the forces of the company, the Organization, and the Network of Blue Municipalities have joined forces, creating a multi-level cooperation for a good cause, combining their dynamics and expertise.                     


Workers Participation

In the framework of the project, employees, specially trained in marine pollution management issues from fuels and lubricants, participated in the project, who, together with the people of Aegean Rebreath, shared their valuable knowledge in the islands of the Blue Municipalities Network, contributing to the protection of the marine ecosystem and ultimately to the well-being of local communities. In addition, they demonstrated how to effectively use the anti-fouling equipment donated by elin to the local communities they visited.                     

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Benefits for Οrganization

For 70 years, elin's activity has been linked inextricably to the sea, supporting marine tourism and marine shipping with fuel and lubricants. Recognizing the intense problem that the marine ecosystem near port shelters faces from fuel and lubricant pollution, the company wanted to contribute to the prevention and proper management of such incidents on the Greek islands.

Thus, in full alignment with Sustainable Development Goals 11, 14 and 17, elin is making substantial efforts to reduce the environmental impact of fuels and lubricants as products. It is therefore an action that benefits not only the company itself but also the industry as a whole, while contributing to the protection of the country's marine waters and the broader environment as well. Through this groundbreaking initiative, elin continues to move forward with a focus on building a better future for all, as it has been doing for 70 years.             

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