
Crystal Next: Eco-friendly and human-health friendly fuels

Crystal Next: Eco-friendly and human-health friendly fuels


Objective Action

The action’s objective is the development of next generation environmentally friendly fuels. 


Target Audience

B2B and B2C market



The development of the environmentally friendly Crystal fuels started in 2014. Their composition became even more environmentally friendly in 2021, with the introduction of Crystal Next.


Having researched green forms of energy since the end of last century, ELINOIL has incorporated in its business strategy the principles of Sustainable Development and manages the environmental impact of its activities with the utmost care. In this context, the company has developed the advanced Crystal Next fuels, which are products are specially designed to protect the environment and human health.

More specifically, the Crystal Next fuels line incorporates innovative formulas that ensure the reduction of the environmental impact and the increase of engine efficiency combined with fuels savings and the better maintenance of the mechanical equipment. The series consists of Diesel Crystal Next and Unleaded Crystal Next, Thermo Crystal Next heating fuel and Crystal Marine Gasoil marine fuel.

Diesel Crystal Next works against the problems caused by bacterial contamination, without using biocides, improving combustion, and emitting less ethyl, taking even more care of the environment. The biocides normally used to fight bacterial infection do not dissolve the bacterial colony, so in the event of sludge detachment, they tend to clog the filters. This is because they act like antibiotics, making bacteria more resistant, so that their effects diminish over time, while being highly toxic poisons, dangerous to humans and the environment. Simultaneously, Diesel Crystal Next performs better with fuel savings of up to 10%**.

Unleaded Crystal Next is up to 32 times cleaner fuel, 4 times the average according to ISO 4406, while it has strong anti-pollution activity, up to 93% better than ordinary petrol. The laboratory tests, but also tests run under real conditions, document fuel savings of up to 8%*, increase of engine power by up to 12%* and improved protection against wear and tear by up to 54%*.

Thermo Crystal Next, thanks to its unique amide combination formula, protects the oil burner and the tank from sediment and corrosion, contributing significantly to fuel savings and maintenance costs. It also contains an antifoaming agent for quick and accurate refilling.

The Crystal Next line also offers an innovative solution for the yachting industry. The tax-free marine oil Crystal Marine Gasoil, protects the marine ecosystem, due to better combustion and reduced soot emissions saving fuel, reducing maintenance costs, and increasing the life of the engine, while due to its reduced smoke emissions, it protects the yacht’s color.


*Results may differ depending on the type of vehicle and its state of repair, driving conditions, the selected route, etc.

**Report 220/20 (26.3.2020) of the Applied Thermodynamics Laboratory of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Results may differ depending on the type of vehicle and its state of repair, driving conditions, the selected route, etc.


Impact on Society

The innovative Crystal Next fuels line help protect the environment and human health, because of the absence of biocides and the significant fuel savings. As an extra benefit, the better maintenance of the mechanical equipment serves the essential needs of the company’s customers. Diesel Crystal Next protects the engine from bacterial contamination, performs better with fuel savings of up to 10%* while emitting less ethyl, improving combustion. Unleaded Crystal Next has up to 93% better anti-pollution activity than ordinary petrol, leading to fuel savings of up to 8%*, increase of engine power by up to 12%* and improved protection against wear and tear by up to 54%*. In the yachting industry, Crystal Marine Gasoil, protects the marine ecosystem, due to better combustion and reduced ethyl emissions.


*Results may differ depending on the type of vehicle and its state of repair, driving conditions, the selected route, etc.

Initiative Location

The action is implemented throughout Greece.

Working with Organization

As part of its fuel tests, ELINOIL has developed synergies with Greek universities, including the National Technical University of Athens, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the University of Western Macedonia, as well as with Bureau Veritas - Inspectorate.


Workers Participation

With their scientific excellence and accumulated experience and know-how, ELINOIL’s employees, to the extent of their professional capacity, participate in the development of innovation of green products and services.


Benefits for Οrganization

The inclusion of Sustainable Development in ELINOIL’s business strategy, which is also reflected in the company’s Crystal Next fuels line, is undeniably positive in aspects of the company, its profitability, operational efficiency, and innovation, as well as of its stakeholders and the management of the company’s operational impact on them. With the new generation fuels Crystal Next, ELINOIL operates with responsibility and sensitivity towards the society and the environment.

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