

Chiesi Hellas

In January 1998, twelve people with vision, courage and enthusiasm founded in Greece the subsidiary of Chiesi, an Italian pharmaceutical company based in Parma with an enviable research work to show, especially in the field of respiratory diseases. A series of interesting products complement and strengthen the doctor's arsenal in recent years and provide reliable solutions to serious conditions, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and respiratory distress in newborns.

Today, Chiesi Hellas having already increased its staff and sales, is a properly organized company, with a dynamic presence in the Greek Pharmaceutical market, with high growth rates that are a serious legacy for an even better future.


Objective Action

2018 is a milestone year for the company as it decides to actively support UN's Agenda 2030 and the Sustainability Development Goals that have been set to strengthen society and protect the planet.

Our main objective was to focus and 'change' the way we govern to strengthen Transparency, Accountability, Ethics and Reliability while evaluating our Performance. And this is because at Chiesi we believe that "there is always a better way to do things and now, more than ever. The social and environmental challenges of our times require a new role and a new commitment from all companies. Chiesi declared itself ready to take on this responsibility/role, continuing its history and renewing its ambition to have a positive impact on people, on society, on the planet."


Target Audience

Through the changes made they benefit

a) employees in terms of the benefits they receive,

b) customers in terms of the product they use,

c) the (local) suppliers strengthening the domestic business,

d) the society through voluntary actions, the offer of work and strengthening of minorities and

e) the environment (reducing impact on the environment and strengthening circular economy models).



Start July 2018 - May 2019 (when we were certified as a B Corp Company).

Our commitment continues and is strengthened every day in the way we manage and make decisions, as our goal is to re-certify our company in 3 years!


The company's decision was to participate in a movement of change, in a global movement of Leaders who take substantial and long-term commitment and action in the way of doing business. An important part of this was the existence of an independent company that really sets the bar high for the business and ensures meritocracy and trust in the certification it provides ( Certified B Corporations focus on a new way of doing business that balances purpose with profit. They are obliged in every decision they make to have analyzed the effect of their decisions on their employees, their customers, their suppliers, society and the environment. These 3,038 companies (worldwide) form a Community of Leaders who use business as a Force for Common Good, inspiring other companies to do the same (

In this context, in 2018 we started and measured our impact through 5 pillars and 246 detailed answers to the questions included in the BIA model. The B Impact Assessment Model is the most reliable and complete model that a company can use to assess its impact on its employees, society, the environment and customers).

1) Governance: Mission & Commitment, Management Responsibility, Ethics, Transparency

2) Employees: Remuneration, Benefits, Education & Training, Employee Responsibility, Management and communication with employees, Flexibility at work, Company culture, Occupational Health & Safety

3) Society: Job Creation, Diversity & Inclusion, Social Engagement & Supply, Local Community Involvement, Suppliers/Distributors & Products

4) Environment: Land Ownership/Offices/Factory, Environmental Offering, Environmental Impact Points, Transportation/Distribution & Suppliers

5) Customers: Product and Service

After a journey of 1 year, 3 assessments and the change of 51 policies/modes of operation and decisions, Chiesi Hellas was certified in May 2019 as a Benefit Corporation! And we are now sure that we are on the right path for a better future. From now on we act and operate under the banner of "Let's make the world feel better!"


Impact on Society

Action Results:


1. Training was offered to all Chiesi employees on the company's commitment to environmental and social contribution (We Act Educational)

2.Added training to new colleagues about our Environmental & Social Mission as Chiesi

3. Added KPIs to measure our footprint on the environment, our contribution to society and the investment the company makes in training its employees

4. The company's financial information was posted (intranet) for the knowledge and information of all colleagues

5. The company communicates its environmental and social footprint annually (through a sustainability report) which is also posted on the company website

6. Added responsibilities/expectations regarding the company's environmental and social impact to the job descriptions and annual goals of all colleagues

7. Created a corporate Mission for Sustainability and a 3-year Sustainability Plan

8. No. 12 SDG was adopted with the aim of:

-Responsible consumption (reduction of energy, reduction of pollutants, reduction of water waste while at the same time making use of surplus portions of food (in collaboration with the NGO BOROUME)

-Choosing suppliers who use environmentally friendly practices and inspire others to do the same

-Safety of workers in the workplace

-Promotion of healthy practices and behaviors (check up during work hours)

9. All SOPs (Standard Operating Procedure- Corporate Regulation/Procedure), benefits, financial data were posted on the intranet with the aim of enhancing transparency

10. The CVs of the Board of Directors were posted on the intranet with the aim of knowledge and transparency



1. Increased the difference percentage of the lowest paid colleague in relation to the basic salary

2. All employees (fixed-term, part-time, hired through another company) were included for participation in the corporate reward program (bonus)

3. A corporate Pension Plan was designed, which is also combined with a Savings Plan

4. The Insurance Policy has been adjusted and includes a maternity benefit and free preventive checks

5. In 2019, 83% of open positions were filled internally giving priority to colleagues

6. Scheduled training hours for all colleagues

7. Training was carried out to FF/RMs in the Management of Performance and Feedback (feedback) with the aim of developing these skills

8. Coaching training for managers was planned in order to create a coaching culture within the company

9. Office workers are offered flexibility in attendance time (due to distance or gym)

10. Office workers were trained in safety and handling of unusual incidents

11. An email was created for the management to be informed by the employees about possible accidents ([email protected])

12. Reinforced the SOP (Internal Regulation 2018-2019) with a policy against Harassment & Discrimination and Bullying ([email protected], [email protected]). Possibility of anonymous information to the Administration in case of detection of misuse.

13. A 'finance for finance people' training is offered once a year with the aim of familiarizing employees with finance

14. Subsidized MBA education (year program abroad) for colleagues

15. Not only technical training of colleagues was planned but also development of life skills)

16. A procedure for the departure of partners with reduced performance was established in the SOP, which provides for specific mandatory actions to inform the employee

17. There was planning in terms of ergonomics in the new workplace. Training and information was offered to office colleagues.

18. Particular emphasis is placed on the development of colleagues and a personal development plan is created for everyone.

19. FF colleagues are freed from using laptops, focusing on easier forms of information (ipad)

20. Office colleagues are offered laptop use, focusing on more flexible forms of employment



1. Created and offered Diversity & Inclusion training to new colleagues

2. Increased the % of women in the mgm committee

3. Adopted a corporate social giving program that allows employees to choose where donations will be made

4.Employees can offer up to 20 hours (within their working time) of volunteering per year

5. A monetary prize was announced, enhancing the action of We Act

6. Reduced executive travel and enhanced communication with the parent company via VC/skype calls

7. Subsidized the improvement of the Laboratory of the Faculty of Pharmacy Chemistry of EKPA

8. Communicated best practices for office heating

9.Updated the SOP to emphasize preference for local suppliers or entrepreneurs from deprived areas

10. We offered a Scholarship (pharmacy school) to strengthen science and society

11. Strengthened the SOP of the corporate regulation by incorporating a paragraph on Diversity & Inclusion

12. The company's preference to staff with people from the local area that opens a job position is communicated in the advertisement 13. A Code of Conduct for suppliers is created that focuses on the responsibility Chiesi expects its suppliers to have towards the environment and society

14. External partners are given the opportunity not to deal exclusively with Chiesi's account (but also with other clients), thus strengthening their viability

15. 770 of our pharmaceutical products were donated to society

16. A fund was invested in social information programs

17. Hours of voluntary work used (during working hours)


1. A paperless policy was announced and 43% less paper was consumed in 2018 compared to 2017

2. A policy is being drawn up to reduce our environmental footprint as a company (recycling, power supply for electric cars, natural light, bike racks, pollution reduction, highlighting technology as a means of communication, etc.)

3. The new building has environmentally friendly technology (automations for less energy and water consumption)

4. A 'plastic free' company policy was adopted


Initiative Location

The decisions taken concern the company's footprint throughout Greece, in the regions where it operates (Thessaloniki, Alexandroupoli, Ioannina, Larissa, Volos, Patras, Kozani, Heraklion Crete, Chania, Kalamata, Athens).


Working with Organization

B Lab (Global NGO)

Workers Participation

4 people (from the departments of Finance, Procurement, Legal and Human Resources)


Benefits for Οrganization

The results of the action coincide exactly with the benefits for the Organization. In addition, Chiesi's profile as a responsible Corporate Citizen was particularly strengthened.

Connection with Global Goals

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The Sustainable Greece Ιnitiative launched by QualityNet Foundation