The Regional Observatory for Social Inclusion of the Region of Crete ( undertook the initiative of development of the action entitled, "Mechanism of mapping social services, needs and local deprivation pockets for social inclusion policy making in the Region of Crete". The initiative is part of the broader responsibilities of the Observatory which are related to strengthening the governance of the national and regional strategy for social inclusion (ESKE, PESKE). It also follows broader values adopted at global, European, and national institutional levels (European Social Charter, Charter of Fundamental Rights, Global Sustainable Development Goals, European Charter for Gender Equality) defending individual and social rights and gender equality, combating social exclusion and all forms of discrimination.
The aim of the initiative is to capture the degree of policy response to the needs of individual social groups and regions in the Region of Crete through the formation of a stable mechanism for locating pockets of local deprivation and needs assessment. Its ultimate goal is the formulation of social inclusion policies that will contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants of the Region of Crete, taking special care of the vulnerable groups of the population. Vulnerable groups include households and individuals with very low incomes, the long-term unemployed, the elderly, migrants and refugees, the disabled, children - families living in poverty and deprivation, the homeless and Roma population.
The initiative transfers innovative practices in the process of social policy formulation, as it is adapting new technologies (Geoinformation System / GIS Crete) for the diagnosis and coverage of social needs at the local level.
The mechanism processing to:
A. the mapping, through indicators and interactive maps of:
i. The local deprivation of the population in terms of income, employment, welfare / care, housing, education.
ii. The social services provided locally to address the problems of poverty and deprivation experienced by individuals and households in Crete.
B. the identification of local needs paying attention to most vulnerable groups of the population
It is noted that the survey covers 786 "small areas" in the Region of Crete (small communities throughout the island of Crete and smaller urban units in Heraklion and Chania), providing the opportunity to formulate social inclusion policies with a wide range of areas and population groups in the Region of Crete.
Sub-objectives of the initiative:
1. Prioritization of needs through the identification of multiple deprivation areas in the region [multiple deprivation ranking], and the identification of the most vulnerable groups that are exposed to deprivation and high risk of exclusion. This hierarchy of prioritization considers the need to respond to ‘emergencies / emergencies’ posed by the current situation, in combination with long-term goals for comprehensive and multifaceted interventions.
2. Through this mechanism, the Region of Crete can proceed to the planning of socially effective interventions and the spatially fair distribution of resources, by capturing the correspondence between the conditions of deprivation and the interventions to meet the needs of citizens in very large range and degree of focus on areas and population groups.
3. Strengthening the coordinating role of the Region of Crete with pilot applications and collaborations with the local government and all social actors and civil society bodies at the local level to achieve the goals of social development on the island.