
Hope genesis project – “Milk needs children”

Hope genesis project – “Milk needs children”




At OLYMPUS , we are dedicated to offering high quality products that contribute to a healthy and modern balanced lifestyle.  The main pillars of our philosophy are the pure and high quality products, the strengthen of employment in Greece, the development of Greek economy and the creation of a modern perception of primary production based on Greek values.


Meanwhile, an important pillar of our strategy for sustainable development is the protection of the environment seeking to develop according to sustainability criteria, minimizing our impacts.Values that are perfectly aligned with the sustainable development issues and motivate us to always act "Caring for the future".


Objective Action

Our company stands by the side of all these people who encourage maternity and believe that supporting the Greek family is the key to national survival. More kids mean more hugs. Our country needs it more than ever. We believe so. And that’s why we do not stop stressing that milk needs children at every opportunity.


Target Audience

In general: To the society and the population of isolated far away and border areas in mainland Greece and the islands, in order to address the subfertility, ensuring medical care during pregnancy and childbirth who live permanently in these areas.

In particular: OLYMPUS has also proceeded to the «Adoption» of the following municipal communities of Elassona region:

  • Municipal Community of Antichasia
  • Municipal Community of Sarantoporos
  • Municipal Community of Karyes


Started on 01/01/2020 and it continues until today.


Our company chose to support Hope genesis project as to reverse the trend of declining birth in Greece. Hope genesis is a Greek, non-profit company founded in 2015 and active in the field of health and social welfare.  The organisation is working and focusing on solutions to reverse the birth deficit, both on the level of local communities – so as to provide the necessary security to women who are or wish to become pregnant – and on the level of the wider social fabric, through information, awareness raising and in-depth study of the issue.

Its aim is to reveal, analyse and study the causes behind the issue of low birth rates so as to develop actions and movements that will reverse the negative birth-death ratio.

HOPE genesis realizes its goals moving in the following pillars of action:

  1. Adopting remote area and islands
  2. Providing Infertility Treatment Services (IVF)
  3. Remote medical monitoring to pregnant women
  4. Activity centers for preschoolers and nurseries
  5. Conducting investigations
  6. Planning of the project «The nanny of the neighborhood»
  7. Organization of seminars and conferences
  8. Participation in the «Regeneration» program in areas of national importance
  9. Program Fertility Awareness Campaign for Greece


HOPE genesis currently operates in nearly 450 remote areas, 401 local communities and 42 islands of Aegean and Ionian Sea. It collaborates with 24 medical centers in Athens and the province (public and private ones) and its medical team consisted of more than 50 doctors, midwives and other health professionals who are located in 15 different places all over Greece.

Nowadays more than 650 families have taken benefits from the program in areas where for more than 3 to 5 years there have been either zero births, or a large negative birth-death balance. In this way, both financial and social living are supported.

OLYMPUS through the program «Milk needs children» supports and cares for pregnant women of Karyes, Sarantaporos and Antichasia of Elassona region. Three mountainous areas where people are farmers.


Impact on Society

To date, through the collaboration between HOPEgenesis and OLYMPUS 5 families have benefited, as 4 babies have been born and another is expected to be born in the coming months. At the same time OLUMPUS has undertaken to provide products to each family for 2 years from the birth of each child.

Initiative Location

OLYMPUS has adopted the municipal communities of Elassona (Antichasia, Sarantoporos & Karyes

Working with Organization


Workers Participation


Benefits for Οrganization

According to a survey of the Center for Sustainability and Excellence regarding the actions of HOPEgenesis for 2021:

For every 1€ that HOPEgenesis receives as a sponsorship-donation a value of €5.69 is created and returned to society with additional financial-social benefits for the local societies.
The financial footprint of the overall activity of HOPEgenesis for society amounts to 2.660.000€.

Connection with Global Goals

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The Sustainable Greece Ιnitiative launched by QualityNet Foundation